My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Chapter 563 Where can I download that kind of movie?

"Someone wants to see me, who?" Lin Hai asked curiously.

"My second grandfather!" Yun Huier said.

"Your second grandfather?" Lin Hai was stunned. He remembered that Yun Hui'er seemed to have told him that his second grandfather was the commander of the military region. He was a general. Why would such a big official see him?

"My second grandfather heard that our Yun family has made a new bet on you, a young grand master, and he is very happy. He took time out in the evening and wanted to treat you to a meal."

"An invitation to dinner again." Lin Hai was speechless for a while. It was the Yun family who invited him last night. Lin Hai felt a little embarrassed if he was invited again tonight.

"Hey, don't refuse." Seeing Lin Hai's expression, Yun Huier said quickly.

"My second grandfather is very busy, and he rarely invites people to dinner. Even the governor doesn't have the honor to do so. Today he asked to invite you. If you don't go, he will definitely be sad."

Lin Hai has always respected these older generations from the bottom of his heart. They are the backbone of the nation who have truly shed blood for China. What's more, if a high-ranking general invites a nobody like him to have dinner, if Lin Hai really doesn't agree, then he is too ignorant of flattery. .

"Okay, I agree to go, and I can also pay homage to the general's style by the way!" Lin Hai agreed with a smile.

"Okay, then it's settled." Seeing Lin Hai agreed, Yun Hui'er also looked happy, and then called Yun Sheng back, and Yun Sheng would convey the message.

At this time, Lin Hai's phone also rang. He took out his cell phone and saw that it was his uncle calling. Lin Hai quickly picked up the call.

"Uncle." Lin Hai called with a smile.

"Xiao Hai, where are you?" Song Baoyue's voice was full of kindness, which made Lin Hai feel very comfortable.

"My friends and I were playing in the mountains and flowing water." Lin Hai said truthfully.

"Oh, that place is nice. It's a famous scenic spot in Xijing. How about it? Did you have fun?"

"It's okay." Lin Hai agreed, "Is there anything wrong, uncle?"

Song Baoyue was silent for a while before continuing to speak.

"Xiao Hai, if you're done playing, go back to your uncle's house. Since you arrived, we haven't talked much. Today is the weekend and my uncle doesn't go to work. Come over and have a chat with your uncle."

"Okay, I'll go back right away." After Lin Hai finished speaking, he hung up the phone and sighed.

Indeed, after arriving in Xijing, he really didn't sit down with his uncle and chat about home affairs. Mainly because of the attitudes of Qiu Xuehan and Song Feier, Lin Hai couldn't stay at his uncle's house.

But he is a junior after all. When he came to Xijing, it would be a bit impolite not to sit with his uncle for a while and stay outside all day long. Besides, his uncle had already mentioned it. If Lin Hai didn't go, he might be unhappy.

"Hui'er, take me to my uncle's house." Lin Hai ordered towards Yun Hui'er.

"Oh, okay." Yun Hui'er pouted and agreed. She suddenly felt a little reluctant, but she still followed Lin Hai's instructions and drove Lin Hai back.

"Then I'll come and pick you up tonight." When Lin Hai was about to get out of the car, Yun Huier said.

"No need." Lin Hai shook his head. He didn't want to bother Yun Hui'er all the time. "You tell me the time and place, and I will just take a taxi myself."

"The time and place haven't been decided yet. Mainly because I don't know if you will agree. My second grandfather's schedule is quite busy. Now that I know you have agreed, the time and place should be decided soon. I will call then. I'll call you." Yun Huier said.

"Okay, it's settled." Lin Hai nodded, got out of the car and returned to his uncle's house.

After ringing the doorbell, the door opened soon. Lin Hai thought it was his uncle, but when he looked up, he found that it was Song Feier, who had also rushed back.

"It's been less than an hour and we met again." Lin Hai said calmly. At his uncle's house, although he didn't like Song Feier, he tried his best not to show it and kept his tone as gentle as possible.

Song Feier glanced at Lin Hai expressionlessly, said nothing, but pointed toward the door.

Lin Hai was stunned, not knowing what she meant, but Song Feier had already left the room and closed the door.

"Don't forget what you promised me!" Song Feier looked at Lin Hai and said with a warning.

"Haha." Lin Hai sneered, and the good mood he was in before coming suddenly disappeared.

Seeing Song Feier's vigilance as if guarding against thieves, Lin Hai didn't even bother to talk to her, pushed her aside, pushed the door open and walked in.

"Hey, did you hear that? If you don't want my dad to be embarrassed, don't agree." Song Feier stamped her foot angrily, hurriedly whispered another instruction, and followed Lin Hai into the house.

"Uncle, I'm here to chat with you." Lin Hai entered the room and immediately put on a smile. He didn't want his uncle to see that he and Song Feier were unhappy. In that case, his uncle would definitely not be happy either.

"Haha, you kid, you have to call your uncle several times when you come to the house." Song Baoyue smiled happily. Although his words were full of complaints, he didn't feel unhappy at all.

"By the way, what were you two cousins ​​saying mysteriously at the door just now?" Song Baoyue noticed the small movements of Song Feier and Lin Hai and thought they were whispering, so he asked curiously.

"You didn't say anything." Song Feier quickly glanced at Lin Hai with a warning look, hinting to him not to tell anyone.

Lin Hai ignored Song Feier's warning look and pretended to be naive.

"My cousin just asked me a strange question. Maybe because I came from the countryside and have limited knowledge, I don't quite understand my cousin's question." Lin Hai frowned, pretending to be confused.

"Oh?" Song Baoyue smiled, "What did Fei'er ask you? Let's see if uncle knows."

Fei'er Song stayed nearby for a while. When did she ask him a question? What did he mean? Wasn't he trying to make some trouble?

At this time, Lin Hai continued to speak.

"My cousin asked me, where can I download the kind of movies you boys usually watch? I recently got a boyfriend and I really want to watch them every night."


As soon as Lin Hai finished speaking, Song Feier almost fell to the ground, and her face immediately turned the color of pig liver with anger.

Song Baoyue was also stunned for a moment, then frowned tightly and gave Song Feier a strange look.

Lin Hai, on the other hand, looked innocent and confused, and turned his head to Feier Song.

"By the way, cousin, I've never heard of that kind of movie. Is it martial arts? I love watching martial arts the most, but I still recommend you girls to watch Korean dramas. My mother watches them every day."

"Look at your sister!" Song Feier's eyes were like knives, glaring at Lin Hai fiercely, her chest almost bursting with anger.

"This bastard is so good at spreading rumors. He even said in front of his own father that he wanted to see it, wanted to see it..." Feier Song's face immediately turned red with embarrassment, and she was so angry that she could not speak.

Song Baoyue's face turned gloomy at this moment, and he glared at Song Feier with anger.

"Fei'er, when you have nothing to do in the future, read more and read less of those messy things."

"No, dad, I didn't have me..." Song Feier looked aggrieved, but before she finished speaking, Lin Hai spoke again.

"By the way, Fei'er, if you really want to see it, I can help you ask Fatty Wang in our dormitory. Although that guy is old and wretched, he claims to have read countless movies. Maybe he knows what you want to see." Lin Hai's face was sincere, and the way he spoke was like a pure young man.

"This bastard!" Song Feier almost cried with anger. When did she say she wanted to see it? Now she couldn't wash it off even if she jumped into the Yellow River.

"Dad, don't listen to his nonsense, I..."

"Okay." Before Song Feier could speak, Song Baoyue frowned and interrupted her directly.

"You go back to the house first, I'll chat with your cousin." Song Baoyue's face darkened, feeling that it was necessary to have a good communication with his daughter afterwards.

The relationship with Gu Yiming was only confirmed yesterday. Today I am looking for that kind of movie to watch. What do you want to do?

Doesn't she have any girlish reserve and dignity anymore? It's really embarrassing!

"Humph!" Song Feier glared at Lin Hai fiercely, stamped her feet angrily, and entered her room.

"Uncle, my cousin seems to be angry. Do you blame me for saying the wrong thing?" Lin Hai looked honest and honest, but he was already happy in his heart. If you dare to make trouble for your brother, he will kill you!

"Leave her alone!" Song Baoyue waved his hands angrily. His daughter was getting more and more excessive.

After relaxing his mood, Song Baoyue spoke to Lin Hai again.

"Xiao Hai, my uncle is inviting someone to dinner tonight, so you can go with him."

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