My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Chapter 483 Why don’t you accompany me to a field battle?

When Cai Xiaoya found out that her parents had moved into the city and opened a supermarket, she was naturally very happy, and her gratitude to Lin Hai became even deeper.

However, she and Lin Hai had a tacit understanding and did not tell their family what happened in the steel mill, for fear that they would be afraid after hearing it.

After everything was settled, Lin Hai suddenly remembered that he forgot to ask for photos with Xu Tian.

Lying on the bed in the bedroom, Lin Hai sent Xu Tian a WeChat message.

Little confused fairy: Big policewoman, what are you busy with?

Xu Tian's message came back after a while.

Xu Tian: We have made great achievements this time! (followed by an excited expression)

Little confused fairy: Oh? what's the situation?

Xu Tian: Those fake police officers are actually fugitives wanted across the country. They have been hunted online for many years. I never expected that they would be hiding in a busy city!

"Uh..." Lin Hai was stunned for a moment, and then he felt funny. Damn, these guys are okay. They actually know how to hide in the city. If they hadn't been caught by chance, maybe the police's attention would still be in some remote mountain villages. Woolen cloth.

Little Muddleheaded Fairy: It seems that I am your lucky star. Every time you are with me, you make great achievements.

Xu Tian looked at Lin Hai's message, thought about it carefully, and couldn't help but feel surprised.

Don't tell me, it's really like this. From destroying the evil Hu Lai organization, to rescuing elites from all walks of life in Jiangnan City, to capturing the fugitive criminal in one fell swoop, every time Xu Tian made great achievements, it was always with Lin Hai.

Thinking of this, Xu Tian smiled sweetly and was about to say some words of thanks, but before she could send the message, Lin Hai's message came over again.

Little Muddleheaded Fairy: Do you really want to thank me? It doesn't have to be too grand. Just accompany me to get a room and make a promise.

"Bah, you stinky scoundrel, what a beautiful idea!" The words of thanks I had thought about before suddenly disappeared without a trace.

Xu Tian: Get out! I'm going to work!

Lin Hai: It’s okay if you don’t agree with me personally. Why don’t you send your brother a private photo of yourself?

Xu Tian: Stay where it’s cool! (Followed by a humming expression)

"Uh..." Lin Hai was speechless for a while, Damn, this girl's face changes very quickly.

Lin Hai: No kidding, give me a photo of you, it will be useful.

Xu Tian: Why do you want my photo? (followed by a questioning expression)

Lin Hai: It’s really something. Let’s show a clear face.

Xu Tian hesitated for a moment, then found a photo of herself in police uniform and sent it to Lin Hai.

"I'll go, it's not bad." Lin Hai looked at the photo of Xu Tian in police uniform, and he was filled with admiration. Xu Tian was originally a beauty, but when she put on the police uniform, she looked even more special.

Little confused fairy: Thanks, big policewoman!

Xu Tian: Why do you want my photo?

Little Muddle-headed Fairy: Alas, money has been tight recently, and I wanted to make some money. I just happened to find a pornographic website where I can contribute. Your photos will definitely sell for a high price. The uniform is tempting, it is very popular. (Followed by a smirking expression)

Xu Tian: Ahhhhhh! Go to hell, if you dare to post my photos to that URL, I will kill you! (followed by an angry expression)

"Hahahaha!" After teasing Xu Tian, ​​Lin Hai laughed heartily, and then sent Xu Tian's photo to Fairy Yaochi.

Fairy Yaochi quickly replied to the message.

Fairy Yaochi: (a row of shocked expressions)


Lin Hai almost rolled off the bed. Damn it, is Tieguai Li possessed?

Little Confused Fairy: Fairy, do you recognize the person in the photo?

Fairy Yaochi: Nonsense, this is me! Can you not recognize me? (Followed by a contemptuous expression)

"Uh..." Lin Hai was startled. Why did she admit it directly? You don't play your cards according to the routine at all.

Little confused fairy: Are you sure?

Fairy Yaochi: Is there anything wrong with your mind?

"What the hell is going on?" Lin Hai was a little confused.

Little confused fairy: But this is obviously a friend beside me? We just separated!

Fairy Yaochi: Is that so? He actually looks so much like me? The world is so vast and full of wonders!

Fairy Yaochi: Okay, I have something to do now, let’s talk later.

Little Muddle-headed Fairy: No, please explain clearly before leaving.

Little confused fairy: Fairy, are you talking?

Little Confused Fairy: Fairy, I know you are here, stop pretending.

Little confused fairy: Fairy, do you want to eat the spicy strips?

Little Confused Fairy: Fairy, if you don’t speak anymore, I’ll curse your breasts to grow smaller and smaller!

Little confused fairy: Fairy...

It's a pity that no matter what Lin Hai said to stimulate Fairy Yaochi, he never replied to him.

"Nima, what do you mean?" Lin Hai muttered, feeling that this matter was not that simple.

In the heaven, Fairy Yaochi stared at Xu Tian's photo, but her heart was already in turmoil.

"This day is finally coming." Fairy Yaochi murmured to herself, falling into distant memories.

Lin Hai spent the whole night practicing, and got up early the next day and went out.

Yesterday, he and Liu Xinyue made an appointment to go hiking in Fengming Mountain today.

Fengming Mountain is about a hundred kilometers away from Jiangnan City. It has beautiful scenery and clear waters. Every summer, a large number of tourists come to visit.

Liu Xinyue wore a white tight-fitting T-shirt today, a pair of light blue denim shorts underneath, pink sneakers, and a pair of big sunglasses on her straight nose. She looked extremely youthful and beautiful.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's like a fairy descended to earth." Lin Hai looked at it and marveled.

"Come on." Liu Xinyue smiled and patted Lin Hai, her soft hair was lifted up by the breeze, making her look indescribably charming.

"Xinyue..." Lin Hai directly pressed Liu Xinyue's big white legs, becoming dishonest.

"Oops, disgusting!" Liu Xinyue quickly took Lin Hai's big hand, giggled and ran forward.

"Little girl, don't run away, let's play with the uncle." Lin Hai pretended to be a gangster and chased after him with a strange smile.

The mountain path was suddenly filled with laughter and laughter.

Unknowingly, the two of them ran to a steep mountainside. Liu Xinyue was tired from running, so she sat down, panting continuously, and her chest immediately felt turbulent.

Lin Hai calmly sat down next to Liu Xinyue, and then hugged Liu Xinyue in his arms. Liu Xinyue leaned on Lin Hai's shoulder, with an indescribable sweetness on her face.

"Husband, I'm going to Yanjing in two days. The company has tailor-made a MV for me. I'm going to record it, and I also have to pick up scenes and shoot."

“I’m so excited to think that I’m going to release my own single soon.”

Seeing Liu Xinyue's happy face, Lin Hai also smiled and kissed Liu Xinyue's hair gently.

"My little baby Xinyue is the best, and her song will definitely become popular all over the country."

"Really?" Liu Xinyue felt excited and fell into longing for the future.

"Huh?" Suddenly, Lin Hai noticed something was wrong.

"Xinyue, have you noticed that there are many tourists today? Why is there no one around here except the two of us?"

"It's true." Liu Xinyue hadn't noticed it before. When Lin Hai said this, he immediately noticed the abnormality around him.

"But this is the best." Lin Hai's eyes lit up, and he gently lifted Liu Xinyue's chin, revealing a mischievous smile.

"Little girl, why don't you accompany me to play in the field? What do you think?"

Lin Hai said, turning over and throwing Liu Xinyue down on the grass.

"Ah, no! Uh..." Liu Xinyue exclaimed, but her pink mouth was kissed deeply by Lin Hai.

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