My Amazing WeChat is Connected to the Three Realms

Chapter 393 A murder caused by a pack of spicy chips

Biquge, the fastest update of my WeChat connection with three realms!

Lin Hai looked at the notification message in Xiao Nezha's WeChat, and his scalp felt numb.

"Nezha sent you a dragon corpse."

"Damn it, are you kidding?" Lin Hai looked like he was about to cry without tears.

Although he had long known that Xiao Nezha was a master who would slay the dragon whenever he disagreed, he never expected that after slaying the dragon, he would actually send it directly to him.

Nezha: Great Immortal, the dragon I just killed is still fresh. I’ll give you the meat. Can you exchange it for a pack of spicy strips?

Lin Hai looked at Nezha's message, and suddenly felt a surge of sadness in his heart.

Creatures like dragons are the totem of the Chinese people in the mortal world. Unexpectedly, to a god like Xiao Nezha, a dragon's life is only worth a pack of spicy sticks.

It seems that the value of life is completely related to your position.

Little Nezha had already sent the dragon over, and Lin Hai couldn't return it, so he had to take a pack of spicy strips and send it to Nezha.

After sending it, Lin Hai opened the Qiankun bag and took a look at the bloody dragon in the small grid, and couldn't help but smile bitterly.

This, damn it, is a murder caused by a pack of spicy strips!

As soon as little Nezha received the spicy strips, he was immediately excited!

Nezha: Thank you, Great Immortal. I will kill all the dragons in the world right now and give them all to you in exchange for spicy sticks! (followed by an excited expression)


Lin Hai looked at Nezha's message and almost fell to the ground.

Little confused fairy: No, please don’t!

Lin Hai quickly stopped him and thought to himself, this little Nezha is so fierce.

If it was because of a few packets of spicy strips that the Dragon of the Four Seas was wiped out, then his evil deeds would be a bit big.

Nezha: Why? Anyway, these little reptiles are useless alive, why not kill them and exchange them for spicy strips, or two for a pack? (followed by a questioning expression)

Lin Hai suddenly had a dark look on his face, Damn, this is not a matter of exchanging a few strips for one pack, okay?

Little confused fairy: I won’t change it anymore, I won’t change it anymore! If you want to eat spicy strips, go to Tianting Weidian to buy them later.

Nezha: Oh, you want to sell spicy strips in Weidian? Well, I'll quickly go kill some dragons and sell the dragon meat in exchange for merit points.


Lin Hai sprayed again, and at the same time sincerely mourned the dragons from all over the world.

Damn, this little Nezha is simply the nemesis of the dragon clan!

Lin Hai didn't expect that just selling spicy noodles could trigger a murder. Life is so helpless sometimes.

He couldn't care about that much. He was a mortal, and Lin Hai didn't bother to worry about the fate of the dragon clan.

Opening the Tianting WeChat store, Lin Hai found a scanning box, opened it and scanned several boxes of spicy strips on the ground. The spicy strips disappeared out of thin air.

At the same time, the leftmost grid in the Tianting WeChat store suddenly turned blue, and all the previous spicy strips entered the grid.

"Please edit product information!" A prompt message appeared on the phone.

Then, symbols similar to mouse cursors appeared in several locations. Flashing, Lin Hai knew where he needed to fill in the information.

Lin Hai clicked, activated the input method, and then filled in the information.

Product name: Spicy strips

Product quantity: 300 packs

Product details: (picture of spicy strips), produced in Secret Place, tastes great! It is a must-have item for you to brag and gossip, chat and spank, and flirt with your sister!

The last item was the price of the product. After filling it in, Lin Hai paused.

"How much should the price be?" Lin Hai couldn't help but hesitate. If he set a higher price, he was afraid that the price would exceed the price that these gods could bear, and no one would buy it. After all, no matter how delicious the spicy strips are, they are just a kind of food, far from being the best. To the point where I have to eat it.

But if the setting is too low, Lin Hai himself would feel unwilling to do so.

After thinking about it, Lin Hai thought it would be better to seek the opinions of these gods.

"Who should I ask?" Lin Hai frowned and thought.

It's naturally impossible to ask in the group. It's good if those funny guys don't cause trouble for you. But for these friends of mine, it's definitely not possible to ask Nezha. This guy is like a rebellious kid. What he thinks is good, I have no objection to selling 10,000 merit points, which is just a matter of slaying a few more dragons, and is not representative.

Ask Sun Wukong? What's more, this monkey is quite loyal when making friends, but in other aspects, Lin Hai always feels a bit unreliable.

Chang'e? Lin Hai refused directly and asked the woman to set the price. She dared to directly set 1 merit point for you, so that it would be easier to buy and eat it later.

Taishang Laojun? No, this guy will definitely crowd himself and set a high price in order to get rid of the Tianting WeChat store after the three-day free period.

Looking through his heavenly friends, Lin Hai smiled bitterly, "Who are you looking for? Why are all my friends so unreliable?"

"Oh, it seems we can only find Tieguai Li!" Among his friends, Tieguai Li was relatively rational, but Lin Hai really didn't want to find him. He was afraid that this guy would give him a series of shocked expressions.

Ever since he met Tieguai Li, Lin Hai has been allergic to this expression. In that case, Lin Hai would have gone crazy!

But now there was really no other choice. Lin Hai could only bite the bullet and opened Tieguai Li's WeChat.

Little Muddleheaded Fairy: I want to ask you something, but tell me in advance, don’t send me a row of shocked expressions!

Lin Hai thought it would be better to give him a special reminder!

Tieguai Li: (two rows of shocked expressions)


"I'll fuck you, uncle!" Lin Hai was so angry that he almost hit the wall!

You are paralyzed, Tieguai Li, my brother asked you not to send a row of shocked expressions, but it's better for you to just send two rows of expressions!


Resisting the urge to pull out Tieguai Li and beat him up, Lin Hai continued.

Little Muddleheaded Fairy: I’m going to sell spicy strips in the Tianting WeChat store. Can you help me advise on how many merit points I should sell for a pack? Again, no shocked expressions, not even one! (Followed by a warning emoticon)

Tieguai Li: Do you want to sell spicy noodles in Weidian? ? ? Shock! ! !

"Oh my God!" Lin Hai almost dropped his phone when he saw it, and his heart collapsed.

Damn, you stopped sending expressions, why did you just send words again? You are so old, you have never seen any big storms, you are so shocked!

Little confused fairy: Don't even say the word "shocked"! ! ! Stop talking nonsense and help me come up with ideas!

Tieguai Li: First of all, it must not be less than 100 merit points, because before Zhu Bajie was in the group, he shouted for 100 merit points for a pack and accepted the spicy sticks that others grabbed. Therefore, 100 merit points is the minimum bottom line.

Lin Hai's eyes lit up. Damn it, Tieguai Li Bufa was quite reliable when he showed a shocked expression, and what he said was clear and logical.

Little confused fairy: Go on!

Tieguai Li: Although the spicy strips taste delicious, they are not a necessity, so the price is too high. No matter how delicious they are, no one will buy them. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the purchasing power of the gods.

Little confused fairy: That makes sense. I have been trapped in the secret realm for too long and I don’t know much about the purchasing power of the gods today. What do you think is appropriate?

Tieguai Li: Let me think about it.

Lin Hai did not reply to the message, but quietly waited for Tieguai Li's message.

About ten minutes later, Tieguai Li's message came back again.

Tieguai Li: After my calculations, the best selling price has been revealed, which will definitely make your spicy strips the best-selling item in Heaven!

Lin Hai's eyes lit up and he hurriedly replied to the message.

Little Muddleheaded Fairy: Tell me quickly, how much!

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