Mr. Yuan’s Dilemma: Can’t Help Falling in Love with You

Chapter 357: She is really nineteen years old, but unfortunately she is not a lord...

The black boy said, "Oh," he covered his forehead, and looked up. Shao Yibai's peerless beauty gradually became clear in the mist.

The white boy was completely dumbfounded. He didn't even dare to blame, just covered his chest with tears.

"Brother, are you soldiers?"

The black boy's eyes lit up, staring at Shao Yibai in a military green camouflage suit and a glowing gun in his waist.

"Well! What are you panicking for?" Shao Yibai asked in a low voice.

"Someone chased us down!" Kuroko suddenly felt saved, and said excitedly.

At this time, there were continued curses from behind, "Let me catch these two little cubs, and I will shoot you down!"

"It seems that I can't be hungry for a day. They are so hungry that they don't even have the strength to walk, depending on how his mother runs..."

Shao Yibai's eyes became impassive, with a chill, he took the two behind him and waved towards several of his hands.

Several people quickly formed an ambush circle.

Kuroko was a little excited. He clutched Bai Juvenile's hand tightly and whimpered softly, "I'm going to fight..."

Shao Yibai's index finger pressed his lips and motioned them not to speak.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer. Shao Yibai gestured a 3 and a 2 which means that there are three people, two of whom have practiced kung fu.

The driver guide was panting after running behind the two snakeskins. He hadn't figured out what was going on. The gunshot suddenly sounded, and the three beards running in front fell down.

"Suffered! There was an ambush!" Erbei realized that he was in an ambush circle and hurriedly hid in the bushes next to it, ready to fight.

The people in Shao Yi's leucorrhea are strong soldiers who have undergone the most professional and complete training. Everyone has a snake skin that sells humans, even if they have three heads and six arms, they will not be their opponents.

Gunshots sounded.

Ten minutes later, the two beards hiding in the bushes were killed on the spot.

The driver also had a gun in his hand, but he was caught almost without resistance.

Pressed on the ground, the driver wailed and wailed, crying with a snot.

"What about other people?" Shao Yibai knew that besides selling drugs, the second was selling drugs. People were the most rampant.

Not only the weak women and children are the objects of their sales, even the young and middle-aged, through the black market, they can seize organs by changing hands...

So once they act, there can be only two people, and the two children should run out separately.

"The others are waiting in front, and haven't left yet..." the driver cried with his head cried.

Shao Yibai Zhao shouted from the shivering white boy hiding behind him, "Come on, let's save others!"

Kuroko took the white boy out of the grass, and the white boy saw that the two beards that had almost violated her had just become a dead fish. The dying man was still holding a submachine gun. The gun was still cold on the body. Shuo's murderous, Bai Jue couldn't help but look scared.

Shao Yibai's actions are extremely precise and quick, his eyes are murderous, the elite equipment, coupled with the beauty of the world, Heizi has already admired the five suits and landed on the ground.

He excitedly followed behind Shao Yibai and moved in the direction they had escaped before.

The remaining few snakeskins thought they were the ones who shot, and the bearded man smiled and said to his companion, "The second son killed the kid, and he could only kill him!"

With that, several people laughed loudly, and the teenagers next to them covered their mouths in fright and did not dare to cry.

At this moment, Shao Yibai's two daggers had flown out...

Half an hour later

Eleven people, including black and white boys, were rescued.

"Send them to a domestic relief station!" After counting the supplies and the number of people, Shao Yibai made arrangements.

Some of the teenagers were happy, and some were crying with joy. The people who followed the army took the food first while waiting for the domestic helicopter to pick them up.

The monologue boy and sunspot did not move.

"Brother, can I not leave?" Heizi asked Shao Yibai suddenly.

The handsome man smiled and asked in a low voice, "What's your name?"

"Tian Qi!" Kuroko sonorously replied, his small face was full of joy, "The field of the field, the seven of the seven days!"

Shao Yibai couldn't help laughing when he heard that, and several special soldiers next to him saw Tian Qi's black little face and couldn't help but also laughed.

"How old are you? What does your family do?" Shao Yibai squeezed Tian Qi's shoulder. In fact, Tian Qi's age is not too small, but he can't eat enough for a long time, and he looks very thin and thin.

"Reporter, I am 18 years old, and I am the only one left in the family. I am an orphan!"

A practising Magu came to the village and said that he could take him to the outside world. Tian Qi was very curious and followed Magu out of the mountain, but was sold to snake skin...

"Why should you follow me?" Shao Yibai asked Tian Qi very seriously and stopped smiling.

"Follow you, you can carry guns to fight wars, and you can eat enough!"

Tian Qi smiled and scratched his head with a smile, his eyes aimed at the glowing guns on Shao Yibai's body, and he wished to drool...

Shao Yibai smiled again, gazing at the young boy with his head hanging down, and asked in a low voice, "What's your name?"

The white boy was stunned for a while and looked around to make sure that the man who came like a god's mansion was asking himself.

He bit his lip and said with a trembling voice, "Su Qing...Su Qingdai!"

He gave a pseudonym!

Even if he is a savior of his own, he has reservations.

It was not that he was ungrateful. With too much experience, he has lost trust in people.

It was none other than his parents who sold him to the traffickers.

There are many sisters in the family, and she is the best one.

She went to work in the field with her parents during the day, and went home to secretly read her brother's book at night. She had a longing in her heart, and her family life was better, she could go back to school...

Until one day, my father led her to the market in the town, bought her food and new clothes, and then gave her to the owner of a store in the market, told her to help her do some work here and earn some money. Pocket money.

She didn't know that she was sold by her father!

She has been busy for a day, and is even satisfied with her job, at least to make some money.

Until the evening, the old man in the shop undressed and rushed at her, she knew that she was the best-looking daughter at home, but it was worth ten thousand dollars...


With the strength she had worked in the field over the past few years, she knocked down the drunk old man to the ground, took some money from the shop, and escaped.

She ran a dozen miles away, cut her hair in another town, and bought the boy's clothes.

Perhaps it was a life born to be sold. She fled to the county town and embarked on a train with a local recruiter, thinking that it was the way to work in the south, and it turned out to be trafficked by snakeskin to the border between Yunnan and Myanmar...


Shao Yibai looked at Su Qingdai. Suddenly, her big hand patted her, and said softly, "How old are you? A man, this body is too thin!"

Su Qingdai was almost photographed by him into the pit. She was stunned and looked at the man, just to see his **** throat and thick big hands. The man’s Mandarin was so nice, with Kyoto’s noble accent This made Su Qingdai shyly dare not look up.

"I am 19 years old..."

She is really nineteen years old, but it’s a pity that she is not a man...

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