Mr. Fu Chased His Wife and Overturned Again

Chapter 374 What are they going to do?

Li Wan obviously knew something, but she didn't want to tell Lu Wanchu that she should be worried about something.

"Girl, even if I tell you, you can't escape. The Ke family is surrounded by mountains, the shape of the mountains is complicated, and there is a cliff. You, a woman, can't escape if you want to escape."

"Stay well, they won't hurt you. If you escape and get caught, you will end up badly."

Li Wan kindly dissuaded her. She had seen the escaped girls being captured with her own eyes. Originally, she could simply sell these girls, but now the captured girls are directly traded at a low price.

These are the things that the previous patriarch did.

The current head of the Ke clan has just taken office. Although he has just taken office, he has great prestige in the hearts of the villagers, because he is very capable. Now the Ke clan is in difficulty. Many people believe that under his leadership, the Ke clan will definitely It will soon be restored to its former glory.

"What are they going to do?"

Lu Wanchu put down the bowl in his hand and spoke softly.

This is what she wants to know and must know, so that she can understand what value she has to this so-called Ke family.

"Girl, don't embarrass me."

Li Wan shook her head, a little embarrassed, and was reluctant to tell Lu Wanchu.

"Even if you and I are Chinese, can you tell me, I can't escape anyway."

Lu Wanchu lowered his head and pretended to be very sad.

Li Wan's heart softened, standing opposite Lu Wanchu and hesitated for a long time before speaking.

"The Ke family is very difficult now. There is a tribe that covets the Ke family called the Nishan people. The Nishan people are stronger than the Ke family. They have bullied the Ke family for many years. The chief of the Nishan people is a womanizer. As long as there is a beauty, the Ke family is required to give him a great beauty every year."

"The patriarch does not want the girls in the clan to fall into the hands of the Nishan patriarch, so...that's why..."

In the last sentence, Li Wan didn't know how to speak. She believed that Lu Wanchu should understand what she was going to say.

"That's why he arrests other girls in order to dedicate them to the so-called Nishan clan chief for the safety of his clan."

Lu Wanchu smiled coldly and spoke indifferently.

Li Wan was in a hurry and immediately said, "These are actually done by the former patriarch and the former patriarch. Muli, the current patriarch of the Ke family, is a very good patriarch, and he doesn't want to do this either, but now the Ke family has no ability to resist Nishan. Clan, I have to be forced to do this.”

The Ke clan had been brilliant before, and the Nishan people and some nearby tribes did not dare to bully them at all. Later, one of the Ke clan chiefs was selfish and absurd and fierce. They bought and sold girls from other countries in order to strengthen the Ke clan.

I don't know if it was retribution. He didn't live long before he died. The patriarch who took office was an incompetent person who only cared about himself. Once again, he continued the absurdity of the previous patriarch, kidnapping girls from other countries to buy and sell, and slowly killing the family. It got worse and worse, started to be bullied by other tribes, and asked to give them a girl every year.

Later, the Ke family became poorer and poorer, so poor that they could only be bullied by others. After the death of the previous selfish and cowardly patriarch, the position of the patriarch was handed over to Muli.

Muli has the ability but can't resist the powerful Nishan clan in a short meeting. Seeing that the time to send the beauty once a year is coming, Muli does not want the girl of his clan to be given to the Nishan clan chief, only Do this.

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