Movie Master

Chapter 768 Trust and Entrustment

"So, what about the sky you see today?"

The voice came, and then I saw Emma's head poking out, the long wine-red hair hanging down, and a playful smile on the upside-down face, and the flashing light hidden in the eyes, like the sky Like the two stars on the sky.

Emma wrinkled her nose, made a grimace, stood up straight and walked around to Lance's side, then lay down directly, put her hands on her stomach, and sighed, "Wow, I never knew that the starry sky can be so spectacular." Emma turned her head to look at Lance, and asked seriously, "Do you see the same scene as me?"

Lance couldn't help thinking of the last sunrise. The early morning in New York and Los Angeles spanned the entire United States, but it connected the two people together, and the beating of the heart paused slightly. However, Lance didn't respond, nor did he turn his head, as if he didn't remember that incident at all.

Emma looked at Lance's side face quietly, and waited for a while, but she didn't wait for Lance to turn his head. She didn't mind, she looked at the sky again, and carefully looked at the faint but bright sky. "Can you look at constellations? I know Orion, Ursa Minor, Andromeda... However, the perspectives of the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere seem to be a little different..."

Emma's cheerful voice chirped in her ears, chattering non-stop. Lance just wanted a moment of peace so that his thoughts could settle down, but now it seemed that this wish was destined to be impossible to realize. Lance couldn't help being a little irritable, but the panic in his chest calmed down inexplicably. His emotions, as if migrating sardines, gradually returned to calm. His eyelids were even a little heavy, and fatigue hit his heart, making him want to take a good rest.

"...You said, is that a Sagittarius?" Lance only felt his right arm was shaken slightly, and the drowsiness was swept away, and then he saw Emma raised her right hand high, stretched out her index finger to describe Looking at the stars in the sky, with joy on his face, a warm light bloomed in the dark night. The faint fragrance lingered under the nostrils, and there was an indescribable freshness that made people want to close their eyes and take a slow breath of air.

Emma didn't notice Lance's abnormality, but shook Lance's arm excitedly, "I think it should be, but... I'm not sure." Emma drew it again with her fingers, and then turned her head to look To Lance, "Do you think so?" Accidentally, Emma ran into Lance's deep blue eyes, a dark and mysterious light shone deep in the pupils, and Emma's heart couldn't help but She just missed a beat, and then she realized that in order to draw the constellations for Lance to see, she leaned against Lance, the temperature from her fingertips made her heart miss another beat, and the refreshing breath under her nose The woody aroma and the smell of sweat made the heart skip a beat again.

Emma felt as if she had been electrocuted, she quickly let go of her left hand, moved a step to the right, and opened the distance between the two of them again. A gust of cold wind poured down, causing Emma to shiver, and the hot cheeks made her avoid Lance's sight, "Uh...I...I'm not know, the southern hemisphere and the northern hemisphere... ...It's should be different..." Emma's voice became fragmented, especially the beating heart, which hit her chest hard, making it impossible to organize her thoughts at all.

In the dark night, Emma's face became blurred, he could only outline an outline with the help of the halo in the room behind him, but Lance seemed to be able to see the blush on that cheek, which made him hang down He closed his eyes, then avoided, and looked at the sky again, "You don't need to be sure. You just need to feel it, just like the last time you described the magnificence of the sunrise." The rhythm of the heartbeat seemed to be a little disordered, but Lance He controlled it well, and his calm tone showed no flaws.

A smile suddenly bloomed at the corner of Emma's mouth, and Lance still remembered that morning. This small detail made joy fly like a butterfly. Emma bit her lower lip, raised her head again, and looked at the sky quietly. Neither of them spoke, and there was a silence around them, but Emma could feel that Lance was beside her, as if the two were connected through this sky.

Walk the road he walked, see the scenery he saw, sit on the bench he sat on, feel the place he stayed in, and feel him beside you with your heart... In this way, the two of you can get closer and closer. Come closer.

"So, what happened to the crew? Can everyone bear it?" Lance's voice was like silk, slipping across the surface of the skin, tearing the silence that permeated the air.

Emma thought about it seriously, "Panic, but... the pressure has turned into motivation." Emma raised her head and looked at the brightly lit rooms behind, "I think you will find a way in the end, Get everyone together and finish the shoot smoothly, and the problems will be solved."

Lance smiled absurdly, "I'm not omnipotent."

"But you are the best." Emma answered directly without any hesitation at all. This made Lance a little dazed. He couldn't think of an answer for a while, but turned his head and looked at Emma intently. Emma seemed to have noticed Lance's eyes, and turned her head to meet Lance's eyes, and asked, "What's wrong?"

The natural and upright posture made Lance laugh dumbly, and his brows slightly moved together, "How can you be sure?"

Emma shrugged, "I don't know about others, but I'm sure." Emma met Lance's eyes and said frankly, "If you want to ask me why, I can give many reasons, no one Being able to capture the soul of a character as keenly as you, I still remember Apao's dazed and firm eyes in 'City of God'; no one can make countless attempts as boldly as you, just The use of color in 'Sin City' is incredible in order to give the film such unconventional depth and depth; no one can combine performance and script like you can in 'City of God' , I still prefer 'Fruit Candy', Jeff and Hailey are two characters who make people hate but feel sympathetic, not to mention your performance..."

Having said that, Emma paused for a moment and raised her eyebrows, "I must admit that when I was in the 'Hard Candy' crew, your performance shocked me. That was the first time I knew that the performance could be like this Charismatic, so charismatic. More importantly, you have successfully combined acting and directing, and really made the plot and performance perfectly integrated." Emma's eyes sparkled with excitement, and the eloquent words did not There is no need to stop, no need to think, everything is hidden in the mind, and the flow is endless.

"If you want me to continue talking, I can talk for a long, long time." Emma noticed the smile in Lance's eyes, and couldn't help chuckling, a little shy, but more calm, "But , I think these reasons are... not accurate enough." Emma pursed her lips and thought about it seriously, and said solemnly, "I can be sure, because I just want to believe you."

The weight of this simple sentence weighed heavily on Lance's heart. Trust, what a simple and complicated thing, but Emma said it so easily and easily. The light in her eyes was unconditional trust. This weight made Lance a little flustered, and his eyes flickered slightly .

"You can't be that sure," Lance said decisively. "No one can be sure until the work is being done."

"Then what about yourself?" Emma's rhetorical question made Lance's rebuttal stuck in his throat, and the unwavering light in his eyes made Lance a little annoyed.

Once upon a time, he thought he could find this trust in Ryan Kavanaugh, Jason Berkley, but he failed; he thought he could find this trust in George Clooney, but he still failed up. Now, the firm belief in Emma's eyes has not wavered in any way, everything seems to be too simple, mocking Lance's past, making him subconsciously start to resist.

"You should know how bad the box office of the original series of this work is, and you should also know how many difficulties we are facing now, not to mention the unpredictable weather in the desert, how many people in the United States are waiting to see We failed. Not only Warner Brothers, Sony Pictures, Disney, but also the news media, they are all gearing up to make things worse, even the netizens, as long as the work fails, they are definitely the first to gloat people. Nothing is certain, and nothing is 100 percent.”

Lance's words were a little excited, even a little angry. After venting out heartily, Lance realized that these emotions were not aimed at Emma, ​​but at himself. A sense of powerlessness emerged deep in his heart, dragging Lance's feet, trying to fall towards the depths of the bottomless abyss.

"So what? Which of your previous works was not like this?" Emma's rhetorical question was so simple.

Lance raised his head suddenly and looked at Emma's bright and firm eyes. Words of rebuttal had come to his lips, but then he realized that those words were so weak, they were just an excuse to escape from reality. As a result, all the words turned into a wry smile, which slightly spread from the corner of his mouth.

"I don't know how difficult this job is, because I'm not capable at all, and even playing my own role well has already taken up all my time." Emma twitched the corners of her mouth in self-mockery, "Even so, I can also feel the huge pressure, but I know that if someone can finish filming this work and make it a classic, that person is right in front of my eyes at this very moment."

Firm, decisive, resolute, and unshakable, those beautiful big eyes shone with unbelievable light in the desert wind in the middle of the night.

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