Movie Master

Chapter 758

"John, good luck." The friends next to him waved their fists at John, cheering for John in this way.

All the actors and actresses have returned to the hills, ready to start shooting again, and the entire crew is meticulously preparing from scratch, and the pressure brought by the busy scene is gradually increasing. John clearly knew that if it wasn't for his reasons, the crew would not need to shoot a second time, and everyone wouldn't need to be busy. His single mistake involved everyone in the crew, and the pressure and worry almost overwhelmed everyone. Beat John.

At this time, when he heard everyone's words again, the smile on John's face was extremely bitter, "Guys, stop joking with me." John only felt a dull pain in his temple. Crazy, such an opportunity does not come along very often. Under the envious eyes of other actors, he got the opportunity to rehearse and play with Lance himself. But now, it seems to have become a curse. "I don't know what to do now."

In a word, the smiles on the faces of the actors became bitter.

The status of extra actors is very embarrassing. Any movie needs their presence, which can be said to be indispensable; but they rarely get the chance to show their faces, let alone the chance to play with the leading actors. With such an opportunity, they can't go all out - because they are just a part-timer and must grasp the measure.

For example, now a cameo actor is playing with Tom Cruise, and then slapped Tom hard, trying his best, the crisp sound even startled the director, and the audience was silent. Even if that's what the show demands, Tom is bound to feel uncomfortable. To be precise, anyone would be like this, not to mention that a top superstar like Tom was taught such a lesson by an extra actor, the feeling is hard to describe.

It was the same with John just now, although everything had been explained clearly during the rehearsal stage; but when it came time for the actual shooting, John was still unavoidable. His opponent is Lance! Currently the most topical and attractive Lance in North America! Even giant crocodiles like Warner Brothers and Sony Pictures, Lance launched a confrontation without mercy, but he was just a small player, his heart trembled slightly, not only his hands were soft, but his legs were also soft. Not working hard.

John's eyes fell on his companions, and he turned around one by one, only to find that everyone was avoiding their eyes involuntarily. The same situation is extremely difficult for anyone.

"Why don't you ask Michael?" Someone beside him hesitated to give an opinion.

Not because of Michael Fassbender's prestige, but because Michael is the actor who has worked with Lance the most times on the crew. Compared with Albert, Percy, Emma and others, Michael, who is Lance's queen actor, is also an actor and a man, so he is bound to be able to give better opinions.

John froze for a moment, his eyes lit up. He quickly found Michael in the crowd, "Hey, buddy." Michael saw John first and greeted him, which made John a little relieved, but Michael's next words made John's heart ache. After a while, he said, "Are you okay now? Don't screw up your second chance."

John's smile was extremely bitter, "Michael." Although he didn't say much, his expression said everything. He was not in the mood to joke at all, "I'm so nervous that I'm about to leak urine, tell me, what should I do? ?”

Michael nodded empathetically, even though this is his fourth time working with Lance, his mood has never changed, "If you ask my opinion, I will tell you, complete your shooting tasks with due diligence-I am Let’s just say, hit right and hard, even if it’s a little bit exaggerated. Believe me, Lance is more willing to bear the consequences of your dedication than to fail again. If you make the same mistake a second time..."

Michael didn't finish his sentence, but just shrugged. But John couldn't help shivering, recalling the scene where Lance scolded him bloody through the walkie-talkie just now, he couldn't imagine what would happen to the entire crew if he overthrew and started all over again.

Michael patted John on the shoulder, "Lance is indeed a... demon," Michael said seriously, "but he always knew what he was doing. So, you better know what you are doing too What."

"Attention all units, go back to your post, return to your post..." Albert's shout came over, everyone's pace quickened, and John didn't have time to chew carefully, so he could only bump into the He bumped into Michael's chest, said "Thank you", and then quickly ran towards his position.

Sitting on the motorcycle, John was still a little out of breath, and a bunch of things were stuffed into his mind, which was too messy to sort out. But he understood what Michael meant. Now he should not worry about whether the excessive behavior would anger Lance, but should worry that his job responsibilities were not fulfilled and the entire crew would be doing nothing.

"John." The little friend next to him shouted, turned his head, and John saw that the other party gave him a thumbs up, cheering him on. John pursed the corners of his lips, expressed his thanks with a slight smile, then turned his head quickly, and looked straight ahead again at Lance, who was having the final communication with Ethan.

"You are a scavenger, a ruthless, cruel, violent, greedy and brutal scavenger. In your sight, everything is prey, prey that can be fully utilized, living or inanimate. You are trying to find ways to use these prey. No compromise!"

John had a mental image of Lance's interpretation of the role during rehearsal. This is also the most amazing place. In "Fury Road", there are corresponding settings for each character, including those who do not have a separate lens. Lance also allows the characters to develop their own personalities according to the story frame of the script. Come with features. Lance's deep blue eyes were deeply engraved in his brain, firm and powerful, with an undeniable determination, each word seemed to be deeply imprinted in his bones through his eyes.

Involuntarily, John's eyes burst into a sharp light, looking at Lance's back, like a vulture locking on its prey.

"'Fury Road', November 20th, the first act, the first scene, the second, start shooting!" There was a sound in his ear, and then John's brain fell into a blank, and the sky filled with sky before his eyes The red desert began to become real, and the frenzy and restlessness of the world could be clearly felt on the skin, and that kind of crazy emotion burst forward.

The whole crew once again invested in the second shooting, every link was meticulous, and everyone held their breath until John stepped on Max's back fiercely, picked up the gun in his hand and slammed Max hit his head, and then aimed at Max's neck, pinning him completely on the ground and unable to move. That simple and powerful movement burst out with a fierce and cruel breath, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

"Cut!" Albert's voice echoed over the two filming locations through the walkie-talkie. All crew members looked at each other, unable to hide the shock in their eyes. In fact, the picture shot now is very original, without any post-processing, let alone editing and editing, but the indescribable sense of desolation, ruins, heat, and brutality is presented through every detail of the picture, especially It is Max's sharp eyes hidden behind the thick hair, which is even more sharp and tenacious. People can't help but start to imagine what Max has experienced, what the world Max has experienced, and those who suppressed Max. What happened to the scavengers... A few words outline the tip of the iceberg of the end of the wasteland.

However, after the shock, everyone could find a trace of uneasiness in their eyes, because no one knew whether Lance was satisfied, and no one knew whether the movie screen constructed by Lance had been shot. Everyone stared with bated breath, with Lance at the center, surrounded by monitors.

After watching it the first time, I watched it a second time.

The tension gradually became anxious during the waiting process. It was not until Lance nodded and said "Pass" in a deep voice that he finally let out his held breath. Many people couldn't bear it. Live started cheering.

After the shooting of the first scene, everyone initially realized the difficulty of filming this work. This is a relatively simple scene. The difficulty of the next scene will increase unabated. The huge pressure makes people breathless ; But at this time, more expectations are flowing in the air than pressure. Even as members of the crew, they all began to wonder what kind of work Lance will shoot. Could it be... a masterpiece?

Lance did not interrupt the atmosphere of everyone's celebration. "Fury Road" was officially launched today, and it got off to a good start. This is a good thing, and it is indeed worth celebrating. However, Lance did not join everyone, but pulled Newton and Hayden aside, and replayed the first scene for the third time.

After the playback, both Newton and Hayden were puzzled and looked at Lance. They thought that Lance had already declared it passed, so why did they study it again?

"There is no problem with this scene, but I hope the color can be more saturated. Do you think it can be done with on-site dimming? Or in post-production?" Lance looked serious, still thinking seriously, looking at Newton and Hai Deng was confused, and he pointed to the ground of the desert, "I hope that the effect of the shooting will be that the color of the desert will be more saturated. You see, when the sand and dust in the desert are rendered, the bottom is bright red, and then accompanied by The airflow rises and becomes lighter bit by bit. This kind of picture will occupy a large part in the movie, and I hope to present this change and create a stronger visual effect."

Sure enough, it is Lance, who strives for perfection, and will never let go of every frame and every detail easily.

Newton tilted his head and thought about it carefully, "Can you replay the first shot just now? I think the effects of the two scenes are different." This is one of the characteristics of the desert. The change of light angle will bring different effects of visual experience.

It was the first shot that was a mistake and turned into a waste shot, but now it has played a role, and it is a blessing in disguise.

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