Movie Master

Chapter 748 Dislocated Jaw

The next day, the headlines on the sports page were all covered by "Gavin Strelow Announces His Retirement at the End of the Season". As the best tight end in the history of the Green Bay Packers, Gawain dedicated his entire career to This team, after a season of ups and downs and a comeback from a Jedi comeback, with Gawain coming to the end of his career, instantly became the subject of everyone's discussion.

The headline of the entertainment edition was "Lancelot Strelo will play the leading role in 'Mad Max 4'". The market is very popular; unexpectedly, the superb acting skills of "Hard Candy" have once again become the focus of heated discussions, and many people believe that Lance's acting skills are comparable to the director's talent. Now, Lance is about to take the leading role in a commercial blockbuster? How can people not be excited!

The two Strelo brothers sparked similar discussions in different fields. However, under the impetus of caring people, the news on the entertainment page obviously caused a stronger reaction.

From the establishment of the "Mad Max 4" project, to the promotion of "Hard Candy" and "Good Night, Good Luck", to the joining of the model team, this work, which claims to have an investment of 200 million US dollars, can be called an independent film. A milestone in the history of the studio, Chaos Films has achieved a height that DreamWorks has never been able to reach, relying on its own strength to challenge the six major film studios, although this move is considered unreasonable by many professionals. A self-reliant suicide act is a typical representative of bravery, but he has to admire Lance's courage and courage. Chaos Films has already occupied a place among medium-sized film companies in less than four years since its establishment, and has The courage to spend 200 million US dollars in one breath, even if it will be a disaster, it is a disaster comparable to the sinking of the Titanic's maiden voyage.

Who knows? Maybe in ten or twenty years, someone will shoot a biography of Lance about the largest "self-destruct" project in Hollywood history.

Undoubtedly, "Mad Max 4" has become the hottest topic of discussion this autumn. Now, with the news of Lance playing the leading role, it is full of flowers and flames. Suddenly, I can't find any A work can compete with it in terms of topical popularity. Even Warner Bros.' "Superman Returns", Sony Pictures' "Da Vinci Code", and Disney's "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" all retreated one after another. The illusion that Chaos Films seems to be able to compete with the six major film companies.

But the real people in the Hollywood industry know that "Mad Max 4" is now stuck in an awkward position. All the preliminary preparations have been completed and the launch can be announced at any time, but...they still haven't found a suitable studio . According to the latest news in the industry, the staff of Chaos Films has appeared in the studio in Vancouver, but the most ironic part is that the studio in Vancouver is too small!

Considering the investment scale and shooting concept of "Mad Max 4", building a desert background in the studio is a difficult challenge in itself. The studio in Vancouver is not as good as Burbank. When "Titanic" And the current "Pirates of the Caribbean" all completed the background construction in the Burbank studio, but Chaos Pictures is now forced to go to Vancouver, but it has to face the dilemma that the studio is too small.

Obviously, Chaos Films has no other choice now, they can only rent a studio in Vancouver, and then make up for the limitations of the studio through post-production computer special effects. If "Mad Max 4" still wants to achieve the established visual effects, this also means that they have to invest more energy in computer special effects and studio construction...and money. What we are talking about here is not one million or two million, but the output of ten million or twenty million.

Hollywood doesn't need to spend too much energy to get Chaos Films into trouble. Even if Chaos Shadow Industry can solve it, it is bound to be severely damaged. They don't need to be beaten to death with a stick at all, and consumed bit by bit, they can be tortured by Chaos Shadow Industry without temper, and then swallow the bitter fruit, and gradually self-destroy.

Cruel, but without the slightest blood.

Since it was announced that Lance will be the leading actor in "Mad Max 4", the discussion on this work on the Internet has reached an incredible height, and it has truly interpreted the attention of the public; but Chaos Films has been slow There is no movement, it seems that "Mad Max 4" is still far away from the official launch, such a cold attitude is in stark contrast to the popularity of the Internet, and the extreme gap gradually breeds an indescribable sense of unease with the passage of time. It seems... like a castle in the air, crumbling and precarious, all the previous efforts can be wiped out with just a breeze.

Especially after three months, Lance returned to Los Angeles again. This behavior attracted everyone's attention - because Lance's intentions could not be more clear. Rent a studio and run around. Lance's every move in Los Angeles is under intensive surveillance, and the desks of the six major film companies can see every movement of Lance:

Lance met with Paramount CEO Brad Gray, the two sides had a good talk, but no agreement was reached; Lance met with Sony Pictures Chairman Michael Leighton, but failed; Lance at a private party Coincidentally met the Weinstein brothers on the Internet and talked for nearly 90 minutes, but nothing happened after that; Lance was introduced by Tom Cruise to lunch with Universal Pictures CEO Ron Mayer , but Chaos Pictures and Universal Pictures remained on hold afterwards; Lance visited DreamWorks in person, and the specific itinerary and meeting person are unknown, but so far there is no news from Burbank...

News keeps coming in, but there is no movement on the studio affairs of Chaos Films. Time is passing, hope is disappearing, embarrassment and shame are increasing little by little. It seems that all the evidence shows that Lan Si has been cornered.

This will be a joke, and it will be the biggest joke in Hollywood since the filming of "Future Water World". It will also be a common joke in Hollywood under the power of the six major film companies.

"There is movement in Chaos Shadow Industry!"

The news was like a wildfire. After being ignited bit by bit, it spread rapidly. The whole of Hollywood rushed out. More than 300 reporters swarmed towards Los Angeles International Airport. The high-level executives also cast their attention one after another—is Lance really going to Vancouver in despair? Are they really going to witness Lance's distressed back? Is Lance's megalomania finally taking its toll? Is "Mad Max 4" finally going to be announced?

When the reporters arrived at Los Angeles International Airport, even though they were used to countless big scenes, they still felt frightened.

The entire waiting hall is occupied by countless parcels and dense crowds, which is normal, but the problem is that all these people are all members of the "Mad Max 4" crew, and the shooting equipment and props within sight have already disappeared. It's piled up like a hill, and it looks like... moving the entire camera crew out of Los Angeles? That spectacular scene is really rare to see!

Now it is the 21st century, and the freight transport around the world is very developed. Generally speaking, when the crew goes abroad to shoot, there is no need to move all the equipment away, just buy it locally. For example, if you go to Vancouver, the studios in Vancouver will also provide corresponding equipment. Even if the crew wants to use more advanced related equipment, they only need to carry a small part of it, and there is no need to labor.

But before their eyes, the reporters saw such an incredible scene.

What's even more frightening is that more than 500 people gathered next to the relevant equipment. Could it be that all of these are crew members of "Mad Max 4"? Normally, a crew of more than 300 people is a large crew—of course, extras are not included, because extras will be found locally. Of course, the entire crew of "Avatar" has more than 2,000 people, which is a special case, and the number of special effects personnel has reached 1,500. However, like "Mad Max 4", the entire crew has 500 people, and they are dispatched collectively, which is really comparable to the migration of migratory birds.

Even after seeing such a grand occasion, the reporters still couldn't believe their eyes, but then they found a group of leading actors, Michael Fassbender and Emma Stone were talking, and next to them was Gisele Bundchen , Adriana Lima and other supermodels, and Lance's assistant Percy Bradley can be seen not far away... All the clues are showing that the entire crew will move collectively.

But, it's just going to Vancouver? Is it necessary to be so exaggerated? It is completely possible to go separately in batches. Moving collectively like this is not only troublesome, but also expensive, and it is not cost-effective at all. Or did Lance do this on purpose to demonstrate to the media? However, going to Vancouver to film in desperation is a disaster that no excuse can make up for. Even if the momentum is so huge, it looks no different from fleeing in the eyes of reporters.

After the reporters arrived at the scene, they all stayed in place in shock, unable to turn their heads. They had no way to find Lance immediately, but they caught Albert Allen, who was Lance's queen drama assistant. Today, Albert is undoubtedly the chief dispatcher on the scene, and he may have a clearer grasp of the situation than Lance. Thus, all the reporters surrounded Albert mightily.

Facing the reporters' questions, Albert seemed to have been prepared for a long time, "Yes, the crew of 'Mad Max 4' was officially launched today and is ready to start filming. The company has contracted three Boeing 777 planes in total. We will collectively fly to the African continent, first to Cape Town, and then to the Namibian desert to start filming. Thank you for your concern!"

what... what? Africa? Namibia? Not Vancouver? This... When did this happen?

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