Movie Master

Chapter 678

Things have gradually become clear. Sony Pictures has always maintained an ambiguous attitude, and has been watching the situation worsen step by step. When necessary, it even joined the ranks of pressure and cut off Lance's retreat——Release "Spider-Man 3" at the right time The news of the director's contract renewal brought the negotiation of the "007" project to a deadlock. They were not in a hurry to increase the bargaining chip, but they were not in a hurry to reach a consensus. Waiting, waiting for Lance to really fall into a desperate situation besieged on all sides!

When Lance is really desperate, when all possibilities have been cut off, when everyone refuses to extend an olive branch to Lance, when the time is really ripe, Sony Pictures turns out to break the monopoly and act as the real savior . At that time, the "007" project will become Lance's only life-saving straw. Sony Pictures can sit on the ground and raise the price. If Lance does not agree, they will let it go. Without Lance, the "007" project can find countless partners. It can be said that Sony Pictures will be invincible.

This is the true demeanor of a big company!

It can be seen that Sony Pictures still recognizes Lance's conception and contribution, and they also believe that Lance can indeed lead the "007" project to glory. Although cooperating with Lance may break the blockade of Warner Bros., for the six major Hollywood film companies, they are all on the same level. It's as big as imagined, not to mention the intertwined interests behind them, so even if Sony Pictures becomes this "hero", it won't have much impact. Brothers and Disney challenge the qualifications.

Interests come first, and as long as there are enough interests, businessmen are willing to take risks. The "007" project is enough interest, and the so-called risks of Sony Pictures are not as great as imagined. After all, Lance isn't Mel Gibson.

Even though Sony Pictures has made a decision, they are still playing with fire, using the opportunity to exert pressure as much as possible, maximizing their own interests, and doing their best to squeeze every penny of value.

I have to say that Sony Pictures is the smartest. Lance can even imagine that Sony Pictures has both sides. On the one hand, they cooperated with Warner Bros.'s strategy. Even today, when Lance came to the door in person, he was still rejected. In this way, even if Warner Bros. knew that Sony Pictures did not completely reject the possibility of cooperation in the "007" project, this sincerity is enough.

On the other hand, they continued to deal with Chaos Films. The production department came forward to stabilize Theo, and at the same time secretly cut off more back roads of Chaos Films. They must confirm that apart from the "007" project, Lance has no Other better choices will push Lance to the top step by step.

If it succeeds in the end, Sony Pictures didn't spend any effort at all-the so-called ban was initiated by Warner Bros., just by beating the side drums, it can maximize its own interests, and this interest involves "007" The trilogy is likely to be 300 million or more. Moreover, Sony Pictures also sold well in front of Warner Bros., and played the savior in front of Chaos Pictures, truly gaining both fame and fortune.

However, why is Anthony willing to disclose such a meticulous plan to Lance?

Of course, even if Lance knows, his options are very limited now, because the whole pattern has been basically formed, and now he really doesn't have many options. The "007" project is his best choice, whether it is for him or Chaos The film industry is like that. What's more, if they accidentally offended Sony Pictures, it would not be difficult for them to let go of Chaos Pictures. If Sony Pictures really joins forces with Warner Bros. to enforce the blockade, then Lance's situation will only become more difficult. This also means that after knowing the truth, Lance is still helpless. In this contest, the light weight is against the super heavyweight, and Lance is already powerless to fight, let alone fight back.

From this point of view, it seems harmless for Anthony to leak information. But the real old fox knows that the weeds can't be burned, and the spring breeze can regenerate them. If you don't kill them all, the slightest mistake may lead to a wrong plan, or even a reversal.

Therefore, Anthony's leak was because he was overconfident, believing that Lance had no chance to turn himself around; or because he admired Lance, he was moved with compassion and sent a friendly signal, at least to make Lance "dead" understand .

Looking at the figure of Anthony disappearing in front of the hotel, Lance knew that no matter what Anthony's starting point was, or whether he could come up with a solution, he owed him a favor.

How to repay this favor in the future is not something to worry about now. What Lance needs to face now is a desperate situation. There is almost no possibility of escape from the desperate situation. It is as if he is trapped on the edge of a cliff. Thousands of troops have already surrounded the other three sides, and behind him is a near death. In the abyss, Sony Pictures on the other side of the cliff is looking forward, holding the rope ladder to cross the cliff in his hand, it seems that there is no other way but to compromise.

But the question is, what is the difference between compromising with Sony and compromising with Warner?

The reason why Warner Bros. launched the blockade was to make Lance bow his head and compromise, and to let Lance learn a lesson. Compromise, learn to give up interests, and position yourself. Different routes lead to the same goal, what the two parties seek, in the final analysis, is nothing but benefits.

When filming "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Murder with a Borrowed Knife", Lance sacrificed most of his interests for the final editing rights; at the same time, he also exchanged some of his interests for the control of the crew.

However, when Chaos Films was just starting, Lance had almost no right to speak, and the exchange of many benefits was "if you don't want to change, you have to change", there was no room for negotiation at all, so at that time, 20th Century Fox and Paramount did not think about it at all. Lance should be taught a lesson, because the process of benefit exchange went very smoothly.

Now, Lance's position is higher, his right to speak is more important, and he can fight for more interests, so the lessons and suppression are gradually revealed, and he needs to exchange more interests, and the parts that need to be compromised There are more, and the strength to fight is also stronger.

At this moment, Lance finally understands that the so-called personality is smoothed and disappeared bit by bit in this kind of life process, and finally becomes a smooth and sophisticated old fox like Barry Meyer. Compared to them, the benefits that Lance gave up in "The Day After Acquired" and "Murder with a Borrowed Knife" were just a drop in the bucket.

Lance has been trying to break free from the shackles of the big studios, but the shackles have grown, tightened, and tightened as he struggles.

Sitting in the ward, Lance raised his head and looked at Ian and Theo. He needs to gather everyone's wisdom to solve the problem, and he has never been good at confronting big companies. He needs more professional advice and suggestions. However, Theo was silent, and Ian was also silent. Both of them were lost in thought, which shows how difficult the matter is this time.

"Could things be worse than being short?" Lance was not too depressed, and he joked leisurely. Because Lance knew that no matter how difficult the problem was, there was always a solution, but as long as Gawain was fine, and Theo and Ian were fine, then it was all worth it.

Ian gave Lance a blank stare, "Being short is to use our resources to do what we want to do. No matter how difficult it is, the worst outcome is bankruptcy. But when dealing with big companies, the worst outcome is not as simple as bankruptcy, but It’s about never being able to stand up.” The most dangerous thing in the world is always dealing with people. People are the biggest uncertain factor.

Lance shrugged, "I don't think there is any difference." The bachelor appearance made Ian smile wryly.

"Lance..." Gawain's voice came over. He had almost recovered at this time, and began to resume basic training one after another, and the progress was very smooth. He stood beside him with a very obscure expression on his face, "This Is the situation that bad this time?"

Lance nodded seriously, "Yes, it seems that they didn't leave me a way out." If Sony Pictures can really cheat the world and play tricks under the nose of Warner Bros., then Sony Pictures plus Warner Bros., Disney, Universal Pictures and Chaos Pictures really have no way out, and in the end they can only choose the rope ladder left by Sony Pictures.

Besieged on all sides, a desperate place, that's probably it.

Gao Wen also had a tangled expression on his face, and said hesitantly, "Maybe you should fly back to Los Angeles..."

"Gao Wen." Lance knew what was going on behind him, so he couldn't help shouting helplessly, but Gao Wen didn't want to stop, "I've recovered now, fully recovered, and I'm not a patient. Believe me, after two weeks You shouldn't be too surprised to see me on the field again, so you should go back to Los Angeles and deal with those problems. And Theo, and Ian, together, you can solve anything, can't you? "

Gao Wen was blaming himself, because of him, causing Lance to miss "I Am Legend", triggering a series of chain reactions.

Lance chuckled lightly, which made Gawain annoyed, "Gaowen, this is my moment, don't be so self-centered, okay?" This was his decision, if he did it all over again, he knew With such a result, he would still make the same choice, and even on Sunday afternoon, he would not agree to Warner Bros.' invitation.

Gawain was stunned for a moment, and then he understood the meaning of Lance's words. Lance has returned what he said at the beginning, which made Gawain twitch the corners of his mouth, and then chuckled lightly. The smile on the corners of his mouth was wide The ground bloomed, looking at Lance's gaze regained its light, "I know, so we are in a desperate situation now, male lead, it's up to you next, you say, what should we do?"

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