Movie Master

Chapter 231 Bloody battle at the box office

With a box office of 17 million on Friday, "Troy" ushered in a crash-like start in its opening weekend, casting an indelible shadow on the film's box office prospects. But what's even worse is that "Troy" is not fighting alone, and it must face the powerful challenge of "the day after tomorrow".

With the self-destructive box office performance of "Troy", "The Day After Tomorrow" has hardly received any substantial oppression or threat, and the market share has completed a perfect curve of ebb and flow. After the screening on Friday, some people predicted: " The next week's drop in "the day after tomorrow" could bring a huge surprise!

The same is true.

Amidst the good feedback from the audience, "The Day After Tomorrow" showed a strong momentum to dominate the summer box office market in May. It is only $400,000, and it is equal to "Troy", and it is not at all inferior in the head-to-head confrontation. The single-day box office with almost the same difference makes the North American box office competition in the second week of May burst out a bloody smell.

The "Houston Chronicle" exclaimed directly, "'Troy' VS' The Day After Tomorrow': The box office gap on Friday is weak, and the box office showdown on the weekend will usher in a bayonet battle!"

Friday's box office, "Troy"'s 17 million, versus, "The Day After Tomorrow"'s 16.6 million!

The slight gap between the two works almost caused all the media to exclaim, it is unimaginable that in the face of "Troy" which held a grand premiere, the momentum of "The Day After Tomorrow" did not decline but rose, not only did it fail to be released for the second time. Zhou's decline, on the contrary, is inseparable from the smashing premiere of "Troy", which is nothing short of a miracle.

Relying on Lance's brilliant performance at the premiere ceremony, the publicity and discussion enthusiasm of "The Day After Tomorrow" has reached a new level. Just Friday's single-day box office directly pushed "Troy" into a corner, and the slight gap made the weekend box office champion full of suspense.

Regardless of the standpoint, the bloody box office battle of the two works has really ignited the enthusiasm for the summer film, which is a good thing for the eight major film companies. "Troy" has no hope of breaking the record, but the market heat has not cooled down. The potential of the May summer file is far beyond imagination. The two works work together to dig out more box office space. Only on Friday, the two works joined forces Contributed more than 32 million box office, which is impressive. As a result, the major Hollywood film companies not only did not stop there, but began to fuel the flames behind the scenes, continuing to fuel the box office showdown.

As a bystander, I was excited and applauded; but as a party, Warner Bros., Plan B Pictures and Diorama Pictures have all been cold. Warner Bros. is relatively better. After all, the family has a big business, and even if it loses a work, it will not hurt; For Ryan, who has improved from "Troy", there is not much room for maneuver in this duel.

Afterwards, North American box office statistics agency Exhibitor Relations announced Saturday's box office data. When they saw the box office results of "Troy", Warner Bros., Plan B Pictures, and Diorama Pictures all felt cold. Even the enthusiasm of the media was like a slap in the face, and everyone was stunned.

On the following Saturday, "Troy" once again handed over 17 million box office the next day, completely declaring the failure of the premiere box office with the same performance as Friday.

Started off with a bang and failed miserably with a bang.

Although, optimists will say that at least "Troy"'s box office curve is "Friday equals Saturday greater than Sunday" rather than the more devastating "Friday greater than Saturday greater than Sunday"; but everyone clearly I know that if the box office score on Friday is 28 million of "the day after tomorrow", then the box office on Saturday and Friday will be basically the same. This is indeed a gratifying figure, but "Troy" is not.

The reason why Saturday’s box office was the same as Friday’s is that the strong publicity effect caused the stop loss. The negative effects of media reviews and audience feedback did not have time to cause further damage, which enabled Saturday to win 1,700. million box office. Otherwise, the ending would be even more dire.

But for Warner Bros., this is obviously not enough, not enough-even if it is still a long way from the passing line. From Thursday to Friday, heaven returns to the mortal world; from Friday to Saturday, the mortal world falls into the abyss. If you retreat again and again, there is no way to retreat. If you retreat one step further, it will be hell.

In the face of the poor performance of "Troy", "The Day After Tomorrow" is still trending steadily. In the hot pursuit of the audience, after the first week, it handed over the box office curve of "Saturday is greater than Friday than Sunday" for the second consecutive week , achieved a box office score of 16.8 million in a single day on Saturday, only lagging behind the competitor "Troy" with a figure of less than 200,000 on the same day.

The gap is closing! It's hard to imagine that the box office showdown between "The Day After Tomorrow" and "Troy" is so fierce, it's like walking on eggshells!

"Nightmare premiere weekend", "New York Times" commented on this title. Almost everyone is looking forward to "Troy" being able to detonate the box office bomb of today's summer file, handing over 80 million or even 100 million levels While breaking the historical record, it also really kicked off the summer of 2004, but the ending was like a nightmare from which you could never wake up. From Friday to Saturday, the movie box office has never improved. , There is no need to wait until Sunday's box office data comes out. Everyone can already assert that this will be one of the bloodiest tragedies in recent years.

Saturday's box office, "Troy"'s 17 million, versus, "The Day After Tomorrow"'s 16.8 million!

Two-thirds of the three days of the weekend have passed, and who would have expected that the box office gap between "Troy" and "The Day After Tomorrow" is actually less than 600,000 US dollars. In other words, the box office trend on Sunday is still difficult Forecast, and the champion of the North American weekend box office rankings in the second week of May is not yet clear!


The entire North American market was a sensation. Even though the premiere box office data of "Troy" was not satisfactory, and even though the performance of "The Day After Tomorrow" was amazing last week, no one dared to imagine such a situation: "The Day After Tomorrow" could actually Stepping on the shoulders of "Troy" to achieve consecutive box office champions! This is not only beyond imagination, it can even be said to be unbelievable-even now, people still can't believe it.

Although the chances are slim, although "Troy" still has the upper hand, and although "the day after tomorrow" is difficult to reverse, everyone's enthusiasm is still completely ignited, and all eyes are focused on Sunday's box office data. Tension and heat quickly spread in the air.

Finally, under the eyes of all the exhibitors, the exhibitors announced the box office data on Sunday. "Troy" ushered in an epic defeat in the sight of everyone's will and anticipation, and the single-day box office on Sunday plummeted by 100%. Twenty-five, it only grossed just under 13 million, which brought the movie's opening weekend box office to $47 million.

There is no way to retreat, so he falls into hell; from heaven to hell, the beginning and end are only four days.

Maybe many laymen will say that the 47 million premiere box office data is already very good, even in the summer file, it is enough to win a weekend box office championship, at least it is not like "Future Water World" - this work When it was released in 1995, it only got 21 million box office in its opening weekend.

However, real industry insiders know that for a work costing as much as 170 million, this is tantamount to a death sentence-of course, maybe Warner Bros. can still rely on Brad's strong appeal, Recovering costs in the international market, but there is no doubt that the North American box office of this work has been unable to recover. The performance of the premiere box office means that it is basically impossible for the North American box office of the film to match the cost on paper, even the second time. The poor performance of the weekly decline may also affect the trend of movies with a box office of over 100 million.

Now that Warner Bros. can start to calculate the losses, the only thing they can do is to pray that the subsequent box office decline will not be too exaggerated and minimize the losses as much as possible.

What's more, "Troy" has spent more than 20 million dollars in the publicity period, and they will go to Berlin and London next week to promote it. In other words, the expenditure is still going on. But the problem is that even if Warner Bros. wants to call it quits, this is not a solution. They must hope for outstanding performance in the international market-other countries and regions accept Hollywood movies as they are ordered, which can often make some North American performers poor. Its works have turned around-so, now Warner Bros. is completely in a dilemma, and in the end they can only grit their teeth and continue to carry out international promotion under the tremendous pressure of a complete collapse.

Therefore, the 47 million premiere box office data is indeed a nightmare for "Troy"; but what's worse, this nightmare is not over yet.

Under the huge energy of the film market, "The Day After Tomorrow" has become more and more courageous. The drop percentage of Sunday's box office continued last week's excellent performance, which made everyone's eyes shine. An astonishing 14.5 million single-day box office results.

This result not only made "The Day After Tomorrow" surpass the single-day figure of "Troy" by US$1.5 million on Sunday; it also made the cumulative box office of "The Day After Tomorrow" reach 4,700 900,000 US dollars, compared to the sky-high box office in the first week, only a drop of 43%, a perfect answer.

Sunday box office, 13 million for "Troy" vs. 14.5 million for "The Day After Tomorrow"!

After the three-day box office bloody battle over the weekend came to an end, the cumulative box office statistics for the weekend were released one after another. When people saw the final data, they were dumbfounded, stunned, dumbfounded...even if they use all the gorgeous and bright words, they can’t describe people. The inner turmoil.

In the weekend box office of the second week of May, "Troy" was 47 million, and "The Day After Tomorrow" was 47.9 million!

This is a nightmare, indeed a nightmare from which I will never wake up.

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