Movie Master

Chapter 1060 A Small Step

Ellen DeGeneres announced the end of the 79th Oscars. Standing in the middle of the stage, Lance seemed to be able to clearly hear the earth-shattering noises of the entire North America, weeping with joy, screaming crazily, jumping wildly Jumping and letting go, the scorching storm is rising, and a new page of history is being opened with great vigor and vigor. He knows that this is destined to be a sleepless night.

Jack Nicholson and Diane Keaton came up and congratulated Lance again, Jack smiled and pointed at Lance, "Little guy, you made old Martin sad again, next night Be careful when walking at night."

Faced with Jack's "threat", Lance raised his eyebrows and asked, "What if Martin knows that you voted for me?" Lance naturally doesn't know who Jack voted for, but tonight "Fury Road" can sweep thousands of troops, obviously it is what everyone expects.

Jack also understood the deep meaning of Lance's words, shook his head lightly, and said jokingly, "Sly guy." Then he patted Lance on the shoulder and stepped back, followed by "Fury Road" All the crew members stepped onto the stage, and there was an endless stream of other people who came to congratulate and congratulate.

By the time Lance returned to the backstage, half an hour had passed. However, the entire backstage is still very lively, the reporters are actively interviewing every winner, the actors and directors are celebrating wantonly, and the company's top executives are socializing politely. The bustling scene outlines a prosperous and prosperous world.

After greeting Nicole Kidman just now, Lance caught Barry Meyer not far away from the corner of his eyes. Barry also saw Lance, and politely raised the champagne glass in his hand as a gesture. , Lance also nodded in response, and then saw Robert Iger greet Barry, Barry whispered something, Robert also looked towards Lance's position, and waved his right hand generously hint.

Lance closed his jaw with a smile, his eyes paused meaningfully on the two big men for a moment, and then he walked forward. On such an occasion, it is normal for anyone to meet with whom, which also makes it easy for secret conversations to cover people's eyes and ears. It is impossible for others to guess which are polite conversations and which are profit transactions. However, Lance knows that tonight " The victory of "Fury Road" is likely to be the catalyst for the cooperation between Warner Bros. and Disney.

This storm will only really start after tonight.

Lance handed over the two statuettes in his hands to the professional masters in front of him. They will complete the engraving on the base, truly turning the two statuettes into Lance's private property. Under the creamy yellow light, crystal clear drops of water slowly flow over the base of the statuette. The master’s calloused hands skillfully complete the carving, and his dedicated eyes make people unable to help but concentrate. This in itself is One of the processes of artistic creation.

At this moment, the turbulent emotions were finally able to settle down quietly, the sense of reality jumped at the fingertips with incomparable clarity, the heart suddenly sped up twice, and the arc of the corner of the mouth was gently outlined. This is his first Oscar for Best Director, and it is also his first Oscar for Best Picture. Happiness seems to come too slowly. He has waited for three lifetimes, but it seems to come too fast, and he is caught off guard. slammed into the pit of the heart.

However, he knew that this was the first step, his first step to prove himself. The Oscar is just one of the countless awards in the world. Next, he needs to take a longer view, not only the Oscar and the five major labor unions in the United States, but also the Berlin Film Festival, Cannes Film Festival, Venice Film Festival, and even the United Kingdom. The Academy Awards, the Toronto Film Festival, etc., are not aimed at sweeping these awards, but to challenge the impossible again and again, because the challenges raised by these stages are different, and truly test the comprehensiveness and depth of a director. On the road of exploring movies, Oscar is only the first stop.

He aspires to be a movie master, a real movie master, this is his dream! Yes, he admits the idea aloud, "The Dream," and he's determined to keep going, relentless in his quest to find the greats of cinema, to see where he can go.

Just thinking about it, Lance felt the urgency and desire in his blood, and he almost couldn't wait to join the next expedition. "No Country for Old Men", this will be his next stop; then, what about the next stop?

His eyes fell on the experienced hands in front of him, and Lance felt a burst of relief on his shoulders, as if all the shackles and burdens since his rebirth had completely disappeared. This is indeed a very interesting phenomenon, isn't it?

Because he understands that after the Oscars, the challenges facing Chaos Films will become more and more serious. Even if Warner Bros. and Disney do not cooperate, the other four major film companies will not take it lightly, because Chaos Films' capabilities are already in their hands. In front of them, they will no longer underestimate the enemy, and the difficult days have just begun.

Ke Lance just felt a rush of excitement, as if he couldn't wait to join this chess game and meet this unprecedented challenge, the urgency made his bones explode.

"Lance." A voice came from behind, and Lance didn't mind too much. During the fifteen minutes he stood here, the number of voices calling him could not be counted. Actors, reporters, staff, There are other award winners... Almost everyone will subconsciously call out to Lance once, he looks at the voice reflexively, and nods with a polite standard smile, "You should be here for a while, I Go back and change clothes first, and then we will meet up together and go to the Sunset Tower Hotel, is that okay?"

Lance nodded, and blurted out affirmative words, "Of course, of course." Gentleman and elegant, polite and alienated, and then the figure in front of him gradually became clear. Those bright eyes, that bright smile, and that playful temperament are Emma Stone. "Congratulations, you have won a big victory tonight." Emma's eyes were bent into two crescents because of her big smile, but she still couldn't hide the light hidden in her eyes, "I bet with Sebastian I knew I would definitely win!" Emma waved her fist, paused for a moment, then leaned forward, and said in a low voice, "Also, I remember the source of that line." Said After finishing, Emma blinked slyly, showing a trace of complacency, and without waiting for Lance to react, she waved her hand, then turned and left, "See you later!"

Looking at Emma's brisk steps, Lance couldn't help but smile slightly on the corner of his mouth. This little girl is really too daring, she dared to blatantly tease him, it seems that she needs to clean up.

Withdrawing his gaze, Lance turned around again and looked at the master who was busy engraving in front of him. His own reflection was reflected in the translucent statuette. The joy and happiness in his eyes were so clear that Lance could hardly recognize himself. I can't remember the last time I let go of the shackles and had a good time like this.

Thinking about it carefully, hasn’t Emma always been so bold? From the first time they met, she dared to tease/teasing herself face to face, even if she was afraid, she never flinched, and she never seemed to leave. When he hurt her severely in order to protect himself, she still stood there; when he was afraid of being betrayed again and pushed her to the cliff again and again, she still stood there; when he was afraid and learned to trust again, indifference And cruelly erected a protective film to isolate everyone, she still stood there; when he was at a loss because of the softness of his heart, he reflexively tried to prove his strength at the cost of hurting her, she still stood there When he pushed her away fiercely because the distance was too close, she still stood there...

She always stood where she was, no, not only did she not back down, but she tried to get closer to him step by step, even though her body was covered with bruises, even though she was bruised, even though she was timid and fearful, she never left. It's been that way since the first time.

When did he start to get close to her, and when did his heart start to flutter?

Turning her head suddenly, Emma's back was caught in the crowd, and she stopped at this moment, surrounded by Gisele Bundchen, Adriana Lima and others, surrounded by beautiful people, but But his eyes fell directly on Emma, ​​his eyes fixed, as if she was the only one left in the whole world.

That bright smile is like the rising sun in the morning of June, a ray of warmth is enough to tear the thickness of the entire night. In a trance, Lance also remembered their first encounter. In the pouring rain, the warmth in those bright eyes remained on the handle of the umbrella, leaving a deep imprint; The image gradually evolved into a slim and graceful woman in front of me, bathed in the warm light with a smile on her face.

Emma seemed to have noticed the eyes in the distance, raised her head and looked over, and when she realized that the line of sight came from Lance, the corner of her mouth smiled wantonly. Bang, the heart seemed to be hit hard suddenly, the soreness was almost unbearable, and the breathing stopped suddenly, but the sweetness, happiness and warmth that slowly spread from the center of the pain were bitter and dull, on the tip of the tongue Jump lightly. Immediately, the heart began to fall slowly, slowly falling, falling in love.

In sight, Emma bid farewell to Giselle and the others, and took another step, a surge of impulse came, and this time Lance didn't hesitate or hesitate, and then took a step. The small first step seems a little timid and fearful, but when the first step falls, it becomes extremely firm in an instant, and then, the second step, the third step, the steps become bigger and stronger, In the end, it turned into a trot, shuttled through all living beings, and Lance finally caught up with that figure.

He had been waiting for this moment for a long time, and he finally became brave again and took this step bravely.

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