Movie black technology

Chapter 60 Plasma cannon structure (please recommend)

Fang Anhai looked at the thin paper in his hand. What was printed on the paper was the plasma cannon conceived by Chen Shen.

This is a huge cylindrical device, which looks like a tube of fireworks at first glance, but the main structure and functional areas of the plasma cannon have been marked on it.

At the tail of the plasma cannon is a plasma manufacturing device, which can convert the gas stored inside into high-temperature plasma through lasers.

Then the plasma passes through the straight transmission channel in the middle and reaches the position of the muzzle.

On the periphery of the muzzle, there is also a focusing lens and an intensifier device. These two devices are the main reason why the plasma can be launched successfully without spreading out when it is just out of the chamber.

Fang Anhai aimed at the position of the muzzle at a glance.

Especially the two focusing lenses and the intensifier, the combination of these two things is like a claw installed on the muzzle.

The function of the device is indicated above.

"Are these two devices your solution to the plasma escape phenomenon?" Fang Anhai pointed to these two devices and asked Chen Shen with great interest.

Generally, the plasma is affected by the Coulomb force between particles, which will collide with each other and become unstable, which will cause the plasma to fail to achieve the desired effect after emission.

In other words, if this problem is not solved, the consequence of forcibly launching is that the injected plasma will fly away like fireworks at the moment it is released from the chamber.

In order to achieve effective killing with such an effect, the target must be placed in the barrel of the gun.

Fang Anhai's previous research just couldn't solve this problem, so in the end he didn't even make a decent object, only a lot of pre-experimental data were tested.

Chen Shen nodded: "That's right, these two devices are my ideas to solve the escape phenomenon. At the moment when the plasma exits the chamber, I use a focusing lens and an intensifier to enhance its energy, thereby increasing its range."

"Then what is the progress of these two devices?"

"I already have a specific idea. According to my past experience, this idea should not go wrong."

According to Chen Shen's experience so far, the technology given by the system has not made any mistakes. As long as the research is clear, it can be reproduced in reality.

Fang Anhai didn't know Shenshen Chen's hidden meaning, and thought that what he said was based on his scientific research experience, and this line of thinking could not be wrong.

This kid is really confident!

This is his impression of God Chen.

How can ordinary people dare to say such a thing?

Those who dare to say such things are either irresponsible or full of confidence.

Chen Shen is obviously the latter.

Chen Shen took the structure diagram of the plasma cannon, combined with the scene, and began to introduce it to Fang Anhai.

"According to my previous idea, the recoil force generated when the plasma cannon is fired is not small, so a launch base needs to be installed in the test room."

Chen Shen stood in the middle and pointed to the position under his feet. Everyone saw several dark tracks connecting the two gates of the test room, "These tracks are reserved for the base. These rails adjust the position of the plasma cannon back and forth."

"As for the launch base, this thing is very simple. I have already designed it. It will definitely have no problem resisting the recoil of the plasma cannon."

Chen Shen took out another blueprint of the launch base and handed it to Fang Anhai.

Fang Anhai felt Chen Shen's self-confidence even more.

Even before the cannon landed, this person had already designed the base!

Good guy!

This means that the foundation has been laid before the land for building a house is bought.

This wave is determined to win.

Everyone listened to Chen Shen's big and small ideas about the plasma cannon and the test room, and they had a certain understanding of him and this project.

This genius, let's not talk about his ability, at least he can play very well, and he can play for half an hour without repetition, and there is nothing wrong with it.

They listened at the scene, and only felt that what this person said made sense.

After Chen Shen finished speaking, he took everyone back to the radar station.

Before the research institute over there was completed, they lived here at the radar station.

There are not many people in their team, there are only forty people, and it is enough for the engineering team to build a few prefabricated houses.

While still on the road, Wang Qian suddenly received a message.

Walking over to Chen Shen, he whispered, "The condition you mentioned earlier has been approved."

Chen understood clearly and didn't show much expression. This matter was within his expectation.

After returning to the radar station, Chen Shen separated from Fang Anhai, and only the core researchers who followed behind had a chance to speak.

"Director Fang, didn't God Chen just now work on mechas? Why is he still researching plasma cannons?"

"Did the above make a mistake? Isn't this too outrageous?"

Just as everyone finished speaking, a boxer ran past not far away...


Everyone watched Boxer go away before turning back to look at Fang Anhai suspiciously.

Fang Anhai smiled wryly and said, "How do I know so much? I am similar to you, and I was transferred here suddenly. The time to receive the order is the same as you."

"The only thing I know is that the higher ups have a lot of confidence in him, at least much bigger than when we were back then."

When Fang Anhai first received this order, he was really confused.

Let him come over and talk to a man-made plasma cannon that builds mechs?

Is he still awake?

Or is it a typo?

At that time, he confirmed the order several times, but it was correct, and finally accepted his fate and came here.

A young researcher was unconvinced. He heard the elders in the team talk about the failure experience.

"What, he's just a 14-year-old genius boy. I was in college when I was 14. Isn't it normal to go to college at 14?"

Someone curled their lips and said, "It's normal to go to college at the age of 14, but it's not normal to be able to develop mecha technology at the age of 14."

While speaking, he also looked at the back of Boxer.

Fang Anhai reassured: "No matter what the higher-ups think, I can feel that he has a lot of knowledge in the field of plasma cannons from what he said just now, as well as the structural diagram. I am already in my twenties and thirties, but I am still sulking in my heart with a 14-year-old."

"Perhaps, with this genius, we can really create something incredible."

Fang Anhai took out the structural diagram of the plasma cannon in his pocket. It showed a route that he had never taken before.

Maybe it will work?

"Hopefully." The old men in several teams looked at the sky, feeling that there was no hope and they might as well stay in the mountains and continue their previous research.

How could a project they had been working on as a team for several years without any breakthrough succeed just because of one more person?

If there is such a person...

Please give me a dozen, I will hold him to sleep at night, thank you.

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