Monster Factory

Chapter 861: : Stealth plan

Since he can skillfully operate the aircraft, Ye Qing has any ideological concerns. At most, the lord’s warships are a little bigger, and they are afraid of overturning the car.

Thinking of this, Ye Qing takes a deep breath and presses the energy start button.

Sitting in a comfortable cockpit full of sci-fi, and standing outside, are two distinct landscapes.

There is no roaring noise here, and the splashing water has become a landscape. After the steel gate of the current block road was opened again, the bright red lord battleship immediately tilted the propulsion system and flew toward the vast sea.

The lord’s battleship passed, and the sea was like a giant.

Ye Qingqi pushed the power output rod, a faster acceleration than the 隼 ,, firmly set Ye Qing on the back of the chair.

The lord battleship rushed from a speed of 100 kilometers per hour to 500 kilometers. At dusk, the lord battleship quickly turned into a red light. Then the power is turned to the maximum, and the whole sea seems to be shaken. The flight speed experience brought by this top industrial technology makes Ye Qing not only boil blood, but also adrenaline.

"Ha ha ~ anyway, there is no traffic police!" Ye Qing slightly pulled up the height, let the lord battleship pass over the low mountains in the water surrounding the Longxi beach, and suddenly the gravel on the top of the hill.

In front of the endless sea, Ye Qing is ready to continue to pull up the fuselage, playing a speed of 10,000 meters high speed passion.

Just at the moment when the rudder was pulled up, Ye Qing suddenly thought of something.

There is no traffic police in the sky, but it seems that there is a search engine for air...

Unlike the sea radar, which is affected by the curvature of the earth and has a search radius of only 30 kilometers, the range of the air search radar is astonishing. As long as the power is sufficient, a radar can completely cover the entire airspace of Jiangnan Province.

Modern radar can not only search for targets, but also mark the distance and approximate volume of the target.

The area of ​​the lord's warships, even those without the tens of meters long and exaggerated wings. But it looks different. Who has seen a square streamline body, even a plane without wings?

Ye Qing’s excited mood quickly cooled down and pulled the lord’s battleship from a height of 100 meters to 20 meters.

Air-to-air search radars have low-altitude blind spots. According to terrain fluctuations and urban buildings, blind areas are usually between two hundred and five hundred meters. At the same time, there is no military air-to-air radar near Zhongyun. Only the radar on the airport side will have a larger blind spot.

The lord battleship is unlikely to be found at a height of several hundred meters. If Ye Qing does not realize this, he will pull the altitude to more than 500 meters and fly for a while. From the nearest air base, 100% will be dispatched. The fighters came over and found out.

"That cockroach, after all, it can't be installed!" Can't swim freely in the sky. After spending another twenty minutes on Ye Qing, he thoroughly familiarized himself with the performance of the lord's battleship and then reopened it back to the sealed berth.

There is a radar in the factory, which is a general marine radar with little power.

Ye Qing used this radar to test the main battleship. The result showed that the lord battleship did not have the ability to stealth. Ye Qing also did not find stealth function in its operation function selection.

Can not be radar stealth, it means that the lord warship can not carry the goods, free to fly to the sky.

Unlike the humpback whale, the humpback whale is surrounded by a hundred warships. Ye Qing can also recognise it in a big way. This is the giant beast industry to deal with the secretive scorpion of the United States, regardless of cost. Heavy transport ship.

The most advanced part of the humpback whale is the reactor and sound-absorbing steel. The reactor has the last fall off line. The sound-absorbing steel only needs to input the overload current instantaneously, and it will become a pile of metal. Of course, there are no such two things, and it does not prevent the giant beast industry from having the ability to rebuild the humpback whale.

The ability to recreate the humpback whale number proves that the source of the humpback whale can be explained. It is only transporting industrial materials, and its existence is not illegal.

Unlike the battleship of the lord, the behemoth industry has no ability to make it, and it cannot explain its source. Once it flies in the sky, no matter which country's radar detects it, it will lead to a series of unavoidable big troubles.

Can not fly to the sky, it means the lord battleship is useless. The behemoth industry has also lost the opportunity to deliver large-scale material capabilities to any location in the world within 24 hours.

The world’s transport capacity is the strongest, and even the aircraft that are not needed at the airport cannot be used.

Unless the Behemoth industry has the power to make it invisible.

Back to the factory Ye Qing summoned Jingjing and the masters to the office to discuss, the content is to steal the lord battleship.

“Sound-absorbing steel is naturally our best choice, but the energy consumption of the lord battleship is gold coin. This energy can only be used by itself. It cannot be provided to us.” Ye Qing’s first thought was sound-absorbing steel, but the need to maintain sound-absorbing steel power supply.

"I have seen the warship of the lord. The warehouse has a load of 500 tons. Since it is an aircraft, it does not need to build a defensive force on it. It only counts according to the thinnest sound-absorbing steel." The master carefully meditated in his heart. For a moment, "It's the shape, I think it's covered with a layer of sound-absorbing steel, adding up to six tons of load."

"Energy problems can be solved by placing the plasma battery in the warehouse. The weight of the plasma battery is ten tons, which can maintain the stealth mode of the sound-absorbing steel for one week."

"It's not enough to have these lights." Ye Qing nodded, and the master plan was the best solution. It is not a discussion. However, the huge body of the lord's warship flies in the sky, even if it is at a height of 15,000 kilometers. As long as the weather is clear and cloudless, the people below can find a strange aircraft flying in the sky.

"I want a double stealth scheme, radar stealth, and visual stealth."

Hey, sitting on the opposite side of the crystal, grinned. "Boss, when I was looking for information on the Internet, I saw someone posting a question, why the f22 stealth fighter can be invisible, how can people be photographed? It shouldn't be invisible to the naked eye."

Ye Qing took a look at it, and Jingdian quickly stopped laughing and slammed: "This is a joke for human beings. It is only a design problem for the boss. I understand what you mean by the boss, you let me use my dreams." The display covers the main battleship. When it flies, the fantasy display presents the other side of the picture, creating a visual stealth effect."

"This is handed over to me, so that you can't tell the boss that you can't tell the truth."

"Don't think it's very simple." Ye Qing patted its translucent shoulder. "Fantasy monitors can't use glass outer panels. We need flexible materials. We have new flexible transparent materials printed by liquid printers. This layer of flexible materials can be used. , to be integrally molded on the sound-absorbing steel."

"So... I have to make a whole piece of flexible screen that can cover the lord's battleship. There can't be any borders between them, and the lines are connected." The electric crystal nodded and immediately understood the meaning of Ye Qing, and also understood the technical difficulty.

Sound-absorbing steel absorbs all the electromagnetic waves that strike it, and it is very simple to attach a layer of sound-absorbing steel only to the exterior of the lord.

Now it is necessary to attach a layer of flexible dream display on the sound-absorbing steel, and it is difficult to make some connections between the dream displays.

The existence of the metal connection line will block the electromagnetic wave from being irradiated onto the sound absorbing steel, and reflect the electromagnetic wave of this part, which affects the stealth effect.

This effect is small and can be eliminated.

It must be a flexible fantasy display that fits perfectly on the lord's battleship. The principle of the display of the fantasy display is different from that of the traditional display. It consists of a multi-layer organic light-emitting diode material. These transparent materials carry the three words of the diode, but it has nothing to do with the metal, and it has almost no defense against electromagnetic waves.

The complete fantasy display requires only one line connection, which can be arranged through clever angles to avoid radar reflections.

The question is who saw it, and after the expansion, can the monitor be comparable to the football field?

Only splicing, splicing with dozens or even hundreds of screens, splicing must use lines and frames to connect constraints.


The premise of being a strong man is man.

Fortunately, the crystal is not a human.

"Boss, you can rest assured that soon I will get visual stealth, so that the lord battleship is no problem in front of the f22 Raptor." The temperament patted the chest, and the translucent skin continued to have electric ripples.

Dian Jing has long heard the boss say more than once, went to the United States last year, was used to demonstrate the old things of the Raptor.

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