Monster Factory

Chapter 805: : The new seventh stage

After completing the report, Kong Tao, the manager of the construction department, reported to Ye Qing the construction plan of the energy service center.

As a post-establishment Ministry of Construction, it sounds like it doesn't match the project of the Behemian industry, and it doesn't seem to be an important project department. It seems that it cannot be compared with the major departments such as product development department, mobile phone department, and sales department.


The Ministry of Construction of the Behemoth Industry can spend all three months trying to earn money from all departments.

With a single number, you can express the burdock of this department.

Since its establishment, the Ministry of Construction has spent more than 200 billion yuan in less than half a year. And the profits created may not even reach 200 million.

Two hundred million, or the poor profit generated by the energy service center to charge the mine car.

The blast car is now promoting the long-distance driving function, and the remote driving requires the mine car of the entire city to act as a network node. As long as the owner agrees to turn on the signal transfer service for his car and become a node on the entire dedicated network, users can earn points according to the opening time.

The points can offset the charging cost, so the profit of charging is not much.

However, more than two billion yuan went down, and the waves that started in the whole of China did not matter.

Wu Xiaofan, the manager of the construction department, reported that the 661 cities in the country have already covered 610 energy service centers.

Even in the far north, you can find the energy service center. Although these places are temporarily operating at a loss, Ye Qing is trying to come up with the unparalleled momentum of "Jia is not fake, white jade is a golden horse."

Ye Qing wants the people all over the country to understand that from now on, as long as you buy a new energy vehicle in the giant beast industry, no matter which city in China, you can find the energy service center just like finding a gas station.

610 seats are just the answer to the second 500-seat energy service center plan.

Now there are 1,500 counties in the country and the third phase of the energy service center construction plan. In the future, not only every county, but also every highway, every provincial road, can find at least one energy service center.

In addition to the behemoth industry, which car company can come up with such a shocking world?

As early as the Behemoth Industry announced that no one company is optimistic about the construction of 5,000 energy service center plans, they are waiting for the giant beast industry to make a foreign appearance.

Because its investment is so large that it is unimaginable, even if the world's top auto groups like Volkswagen and Toyota come, they dare not take out the ambition of one-tenth of the behemoth industry and announce the construction of a super-powered service for new energy vehicles. charging station".

However, this crazy plan is once completed.

The blast car will become a milestone in the history of the car, and the new energy power represented by the blast car completely overwhelm the traditional fuel car.

A mine-sweeping car is in service centers, from 0 to 100, and it takes half an hour to get enough energy.

Usually no one will run the energy to 0. According to statistics, the owner of the mine is charging at the service center for an average of 23 minutes. But its mileage is four times that of a normal fuel car. On average, it is almost the same time as a fuel car spent at a gas station.

Thunder users can also charge themselves at home, which is much more flexible than a fuel car.

Now, with the giant beast industry one after another, the big ones are going down. The automakers around the world are dumbfounded, sluggish and shrinking.

They will find the giant beast industry one by one, and they will come up with a set of "If we are not too slaughtered, we will bite our teeth and recognize it", we must cooperate with the giant beast industry.

The content of the cooperation is very simple. They also want to connect their new energy vehicles to the charging port of the energy service center. In this way, the gap between their energy vehicles and the fuel vehicles will shrink rapidly. Even the former Chief Executive of Tesla Martin said that Behemoth Industry has become the standard setter in the new energy auto industry, and Tesla is willing to join this standard.

However, in the face of the olive branch thrown by the major car manufacturers, Ye Qing refused without exception.

The standard is not to do, but Ye Qing believes that cooperation can not maximize the benefits. At least the energy service center should be laid to the county level, and the power of the giant beast industry will be heavier.


The meeting lasted for three hours.

Wu Xiaofan, the manager of the construction department, completed the half-hour report, and the finance department, the network department, the personnel department, the mobile phone department, the purchasing department, etc., in turn reported the summary of each department to Ye Qing. After the meeting, the general manager of each department will also release Ye Qing's latest order to prepare for the upcoming new products.

At the end of the meeting, Yang Li, the manager of the propaganda department, asked Ye Qing whether he was on the official website and Guan Wei, and announced that the giant beast industry is about to launch new products.

Because Ye Qing said that until tomorrow, the specific situation of the new product will be revealed to everyone, then the Propaganda Department used one day to do the promotion preparation work just right.

Ye Qing should be given.

No one is more expecting than Ye Qing, the new product that giant beast industry is about to launch.

Even if...

Ye Qing himself does not know for a moment what the new product is.

After returning to the factory, Ye Qing made a phone call and called the electric crystal to let him help the staff. When E-Cry took its exclusive Thunder ride to the factory, the progress bar on the mobile phone of the Monster Factory has reached 67%.

Subsequently, Ye Qing issued an order to close the factory.

The Longxitan Factory is a paradise for monsters, but it is in the transit area of ​​peripheral materials. Every day, as the port of Zhongyun City is as busy, countless new products are classified here, and are transported by heavy trucks to the whole country. There are also long queues of vehicles, staying up all night, and transporting industrial raw materials from all over the country and even several major mineral exporting countries, one car and one ship to the factory.

How many tons, or how many cars, it is difficult to clearly describe the industrial capabilities of the Longxitan factory.

In an intuitive way to describe, the largest taxpayer in Zhongyun City is now the giant beast industry. In the future, from the second to the fifth, all taxpaying companies will add up, just half the size of the behemoth industry.

Enterprises pay taxes, and after the local government collects them, they must pay 60% to the state, and the locals generally enjoy 40% of the income. Among these 40%, some taxes will be 5% to 8%, and will be turned over to the provincial level, and the rest will be freely controlled by the Zhongyun Municipal Government.

This year, the corporate tax of the Zhongyun Municipal Government exploded, because there were 30 billion more than last year. Sometimes money is also a kind of trouble. If this money is not spent on urban construction as soon as possible, it will be implemented into the leadership team's political achievements.

At the end of the year, it is very likely that it will be ruthlessly removed by the provincial finance...

Since your kid can't spend it, the province will help you spend it.

Therefore, when the Zhongyun Municipal Government was ecstatic to engage in urban construction, it was also in the vicinity of Longxitan, and launched a series of supporting construction plans to give back to Jinshan, the giant beast industry.

Among them, there is a 110kv substation. In the words of the mayor, even the city government can cut off electricity, but it must guarantee the electricity consumption of the giant beast industry. In the summer peak season, even if the city government does not use air conditioning, the workers of the giant beast industry should be used to make the machines of the giant beast industry work.

Just kidding, the giant beast industry is shut down for one day, and the corporate tax in Zhongyun City may be reduced by a few tenths.

These are just the results of the giant animal industry in the sixth stage.

Upgrade to the seventh stage, the behemoth industry will only be more crazy.

At six o'clock in the evening, the progress bar went to 94%.

In the office, Ye Qing and Dian Jing, so big eyes and small eyes, watching the progress bar from 94%, a little bit up.

After half an hour, the progress bar went to 99%.

Then, Ye Qing and Teijing eyes are reluctant to lick.

I don't know how long it took in the past, and the 99% progress bar has gradually become awkward. When the number jumped to 100%, the original Longxitan thumbnail interface changed instantly.

In Ye Qing's attention, even the monster factory mobile phone, followed by a dreamlike blue light.

The dreamy light shines in the office. At this moment, whether it is the led light on the head or the dream display hanging on the wall, it has become eclipsed. When the light dissipated, the original slim and angular animal factory phone also changed its appearance.

It has become slimmer and more subtle. The tentacles are not cold with metal, and there is a faint sense of blood connection. Ye Qing seems to have the illusion that even if he throws the monster factory phone into the sea, he can summon it to his side when he wants to see it.

This may be the meaning of picking up the binding, there is no more text, but Ye Qing has already understood.


"There are people who are willing to do things. Under your hard work, the monster factory at this time has become an indestructible peak in the global industrial field."

"Your efforts have ushered in new changes for the monster factory."

“Congratulations, upgrade to the seventh stage and open the global manufacturing rankings.”

"Entering the seventh stage means that you have the ability to launch a qualification for the world's industrial sector. Industry regardless of nationality, industry for the planet's humans, the class brings a better life change. The seventh stage of the monster factory, It will change the human life with a new look."

Please note:

The seventh stage of the monster factory will be a world-class factory.

Therefore, the statistics of the manufacturing rankings will focus on the statistics of export-oriented product points. The greater the proportion of your products in the global market, the faster the manufacturing points will grow. In order to upgrade the monster factory to the eighth stage as soon as possible, please strive to open up the international market.


Seeing this, the electric crystal raised his head, and the green leaves squeezed his eyes. The latter is a bitter smile and a bit shameful.

Thanks to the fact that China was born in the world's most populous country, the huge market of 1.4 billion people, even if Ye Qing is unwilling to go out with the foreign capital oligarchs, it is easy to make the giant beast industry large enough.

In the seventh stage, the index of the export-oriented products has increased. Inspire Ye Qing and take the initiative to challenge foreign capital markets.

In fact, without this, Ye Qing can also feel more and more that only one Chinese market can't lift the giant beast industry unrestrictedly.

This world economic system is still in the hands of European and American capital countries. To become a true world-class industrial amnesty, we must occupy the world market and open up the fangs of European and American capital.

Then, let the giant beast industry become more aggressive!

Then, let Ye Qing look at the seventh stage of the monster factory, which black technology.

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