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Ye Qing clicks on the icons one by one to start looking for disguise work clothes.

The operation interface is newly revised. Ye Qing finds half Gifted and finds a branch called Glory Mall in the marketplace column.

Glory Mall, you need to use glory to purchase the tools inside.

Ye Qing now has 536 glory points, as many as the industrial index, and currently only tools for disguise workwear are available in Glory Mall.

Disguise work clothes: Allow monsters to disguise to automatically obtain human appearance and human identity.

Note that this workwear camouflage effect is not effective for monsters that exceed the limits of human form.

100 glory, 3 purchased by Ye Qing without the slightest hesitation.

Ye Qing clicks to use, the system prompts choice to use the target.

Ye Qing shuā shuā ordered a Master Craftsman, and Ox One and Ox Two 2 Monstrous Laborer.

Ox One and Ox Two are the monsters from Ye Qing’s earliest summon. They have the longest contact time and the most affection.

Ox One and Ox Two are working in the workshop, Ye Qing hurried to the workshop.

In the eyes of Ye Qing, Ox One and Ox Two are still the monster image of ferocious-looking. Merely has a well-fitting Tibetan blue overalls and black work boots.

It seems to have been reminded before that the disguise work clothes are only effective in the eyes of outsiders and exposed to any technological surveillance. Ye Qing took out the iPhone and started the video recording function, facing Ox One and Ox Two shooting.

Sure enough, in the cell phone screen, Ox One and Ox Two have become 2 bald men with NBArobust man physiques, yellow face, but full face, flesh of bronze and exaggerated bulge.

“My place obediently…” Ye Qing breathed air, and these two people were too cruel.

Then point the camera at Crafts One in work clothes, this guy looks much better. With a height of more than 1.6 m, he also bowed and hunched over, with a sorrowful look on his face, a virtue with the bitter hā hā ran away with his wife.

Ugly to ugly, at least one stunted height makes people look very threatening.

The system also said that they solved the problem of their identity. Ye Qing asked Crafts One with a high IQ. Crafts One flatteredly pulled out an ID card and hukou from his work clothes pocket.

Xiyun Province, Qujing City, Honghezhou, Weibaofeng Town, Moya Village…

A series of encircling place names made Ye Qing a little bit confused. Ox One and Ox Two’s ID card account book is also nearby, and the name of the merely town is different.

Check it online, good guy. There is really such a place, in super poor counties and poor villages. Some donkeys who have been to that county have called the local folk customs super tough.

hey hey ~

Solved the problem of monster split, Ye Qing smiled happily.

Take a first look at Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle summon and see what it looks like when it is upgraded.

One is about the size of a small-scale excavator, with a barely able to accommodate two Ye Qing’s glass cockpit cabs, and waving two mechanical arms that look very scientific fiction.

Level 2 Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle (current rare quality can be upgraded): This is a unique and unmatched Combat Vehicle specially provided for you.

With it, you can move to unhindered in the whole world 100 invincible in the industrial field.

Powerful modification function, only need to provide gold coins, Combat Vehicle can be transformed.

Fully-automatic processing robot, with cutting, drilling and welding functions.

Digital high-precision webcam can accurately measure the size of various objects and automatically generate 3D size maps.

Very powerful, Ye Qing happily got into the cockpit.

It is quite spacious for a person to sit in. The current Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle can be operated not only by remote control, but also by the control system in the cockpit.

As long as the palm of your hand is aligned with the dynamic capture device on the operating table, it can transfer the captured data to the robot arm.

The operating system inside is simple and powerful, and the cockpit shell can withstand the high pressure of two hundred meters water depth. A total of 4 high-speed thrusters at the front and rear allow it to sail under water even if there is no water pressure tank.

Absolutely a weapon, this thing goes underwater construction operations, 100 divers can not match it.

Ye Qing impatient controlled the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle, hōng lóng lóng moved towards the pier, and then pū tōng plunged into the sea.

When the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle entered the sea, Ye Qing looked at the seawater that had drowned in the cockpit. I felt a little shocked when I visited the seabed world. I felt very strange. After all, the experience of submarine, among thousands of people, Maybe not a few.

It is a pity that the water quality of this Sea Area is very bad. There are bare sand and stones under the pier, not even a coral.

After playing for a while, Ye Qing controlled the Multi-purpose Combat Vehicle to go ashore. This guy’s main function is still processing work, and the entertainment function is very poor.

Ashore, Ye Qing called Ox One and Ox Two, and Master Craftsman on the van.

Ye Qing is going to experiment. The ordinary people saw this guy, did they really have no weak spots, and only regarded them as humans.

The van drove all the way to the urban area. Ye Qing chose a land with few people and called Master Craftsman Crafts One to get off.

This guy has long hands and short legs and some hunchbacks. Obviously 30 5 is written on the ID card, but it looks like 55.

Crafts One wore a clean blue overalls, and the few people passing by all cast a glance of compassion, not at all surprised.

Ye Qing summoned Niu Yi again, and at this time passers-by couldn’t calm down. In their eyes, Niu Yi was an NBArobust man with a full face and a thicker arm than their waist. Even if he was a more fierce person, he met Niu Yi too To swing your legs.

Of course, passers-by are surprised, no one screams monsters, monsters or the like.

After the experiment was successful, Ye Qing drove the van directly to the door of [Owen Electric Vehicle Manufacturing Limited Company].

The Irvine Electric Vehicle Company has a large area and can be squeeze into the top 200 on the Monster Factory’s ranking list.

There are also 2 Upright Sect guards at the gate, and very new recruitment advertisements have been posted on the walls of the guards room, urgently recruiting welders and lathes, with a salary of 3000 5 after the application.

Ye Qing parked the van at the door and walked in on foot.

Ye Qing intends to talk to this Factory Boss first, so that they do not fake their own electric car.

Although the aluminum alloy engraved version released by Ye Qing now prevents counterfeiting, this electric car manufacturer can continue to make plastic models.

Empathy, if Ye Qing’s Factory is going to counterfeit other people’s products, Ye Qing will definitely not continue to counterfeit when the official is looking for the door.

Ye Qing did not know the moral level of this Boss and decided to talk first. If it can be negotiated, he can save himself trouble.

In all fairness, even without a monster. Ye Qing’s network in Zhongyun is not bad now. The Urban Construction Bureau Bureau Chief can say something. Rong Wei’s little trouble can help you solve it without asking. Silver Palace still owes you Humanity.

However, since Ye Qing is sure to solve it by himself, there is no need to trouble the big shots.

The doorman asked Ye Qing what to do, and Ye Qing said he wanted to go to Boss to talk about electric vehicle cooperation.

Smoothly released, Ye Qing walked in and encountered a worker who slipped out to the bathroom and asked him if Boss was there?

The worker told Ye Qing that Boss might be in the product testing room at this time, and by the way gave Ye Qing a direction.

There is an office building on the south side of the huge production workshop. Ye Qing followed the guide to the first floor.

The door of the product testing room is tightly closed, but through the glass, the silhouette can be seen walking around.

Ye Qing knocked on the door, and a middle age person in working clothes opened the door obviously stunned.

“Who are you looking for?”

“Look for you Boss.” Ye Qing expressionless forcibly pushed open the anti-theft door, and went inside to see a good guy, an aluminum alloy shell electric car, which was resting on the shelf at this time, and was criticized by 7 8 characters.

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