Monster Factory

: 1180: fellow villagers see fellow villagers

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The three border inspectors rushed through the road to "check" the two trucks behind, and the young men and women who were scared by the guns were still grinding their luggage on the ground.

Regardless of them, a group of foreigners who were scared of their courage.

The leading inspector waved his hand and let the hand go down to bring the goshawk back to the meal.

The location where the goshawk fell was only twenty or thirty meters away from them, but when the border inspector ran over and dragged the goshawk back.

The face of the guy who looked at the goshawk was as strange as a dinosaur.

Brenda, the leading inspector at the head, just wanted to reprimand a few words. As soon as he saw the goshawk squatting under his hand, he was also paralyzed.

It is not an ordinary goshawk.

Because the position of the gun is the abdomen, there is a fist-sized break, no blood is flowing out, but there is a black smoke, and it exudes a scorching smell of electronic equipment short circuit.

Falling from the height of two hundred meters, the impact breaks its wings, revealing the light bones of the gray metal inside.


The leading inspector, Brenda, took a finger to the goshawk, which was full of strange colors, and the mouth of the newspaper was like a station with no channel.

He was frightened. What is this ghost thing?

Not only the three border inspectors, but the cartoonists who were packing their bags also witnessed the details of the goshawk.

Their minds seemed to be chaotic as those bullets flew into the sky.

Did they break into the world line of Transformers?

If not, why do you see a mechanical goshawk that is only available in Transformers in this troubled African continent?

This is simply not in line with reality.

A cartoonist whispered to himself, "When it's over, there won't be Megatron with his hands to play..."

"What nonsense, the world line is not chaotic." Qin Feizhuo, the boss of the studio, whispered a whisper.

His voice just fell, and on the wide dirt road leading to Nigana, the roar of the engine was faintly heard.

This is a mechanical roar that is more than five o'clock and more than the v twelve engine.

Qin Feizhuo, who loves car culture, heard about the car's dynamic components that he had never met.

Did not let him down, a few seconds later, a black steel figure dragging the dust, appeared in the vision of everyone in the border checkpoint.

It was a g65 that allowed men to be excited, and it was a six-wheel drive long wheelbase version.

Qin Feizhuo subconsciously blinked. As far as he knows, even the custom-made brand Bassbo, known as the Mercedes-Benz, has only launched a six-wheel drive semi-car version. In front of this car, not only the appearance details are slightly changed, but also the whole compartment, it looks more irony and wild.

I don't know which hand is from the master.

People at the border checkpoints thought that when they met a European and American local tyrant to come to Africa to play a self-driving tour.

The three Land Rover found four, a little further away and followed.

The g65 澎湃 engine sounds over their movements, and when they all appear in people's field of vision, the wide dirt road in the east direction has already felt like a horse galloping and smoke.

The three border inspectors rushed to the front and smiled a little.

Obviously, the owners of these luxury cars did not dare to offend easily, so they planned to let the four cars pass after a passing.

In the fierce roar of the exhaust pipe, the g65 stopped in front of the three border inspectors.

The g65 door has not been opened yet, and three other Land Rover have also been killed. The members of these cars seem to be beasts, the car has not stopped, several car doors are open at the same time, then more than a dozen feet wearing boots, deep black overalls and black short-sleeved vests of the men jumped off .

The three border inspectors were almost scared to sit on the ground. These highly uniform men, the muscles exposed in the sun are stronger than the bison.

They wore sunglasses and a tactical girdle around their waist.

On the girdle is a dazzling array of clips. The three border inspectors just wanted to self-report the door, and they were pointed by the sig556 assault rifle.

In the continent of Africa, where ak is popular, the 556 assault rifle, which is even higher than the m416, is no less dazzling than the four luxury cars. There is no doubt that this group of people is the lion group on the grassland.

The cartoonists who just passed the ak under the ak muzzle again fell into the collective petrochemical.

When it’s over, look at this battle, it must be an African warlord who has never seen a murder in the legend.

They didn't dare to move, because the cartoonists saw the lavishly savage men, and they all stared at the goshawk in the hands of one of the border inspectors.

That look, hate can not eat people.

The cartoonists noticed the gangsters, and they also noticed the cartoonists lying on the ground.

There were two sunglasses and the fierce man just wanted to lift the muzzle up. As a result, the faces of these cartoonists were suddenly shocked.

Yellow skin and dark eyes, is it Chinese?

Slowly put down the muzzle, then trotting to the front of the Mercedes-Benz g65, pulling the heavy bulletproof door.

"Reporting the general, the outside armed forces have been lifted." The person who opened the door said that at the same time, he also stood a military posture.

The cartoonists watched the g65 with a tense look, waiting for the warlord to get off, and waiting for the next penalty.

In their view, the best end of the warlord, it is estimated that they were arrested and paid a large ransom.

It’s just that the tiger’s mouth escaped, and the wolves!

Finished, finished.

A black crocodile leather boots stepped on the g65's pedal, slamming, the heart of the three border inspectors and more than a dozen cartoonists, followed by a sudden jump.

Above the shoes are white trousers and a tuxedo suit with a black bow tie. When the general appeared completely, the cartoonists couldn't help but blink.

Is this a warlord?

How to give people a sense of style, even a feeling like a housekeeper?

General Mopu had already noticed the cartoonists who had been smashed. When he got out of the car, he quickly went to these people and asked in English, "Which country are you in Asia?"

"Hua...China." Several people in English will raise their heads carefully.

It is determined that it is Chinese. General Mopu sprinted back to the Mercedes-Benz g65 before the sprinter, in the eyes of the cartoonists, like a competent butler, one hand held the door, the other hand to help.


A young man of similar age to them was revered by the general. Then all the gunmen turned their heads and watched the young man.

The driver's seat and the co-pilot's door also opened automatically. Two Chinese men with a cold face, one left and one right guard were in front of him.

Perhaps in the eyes of foreigners, it is difficult for Asians with yellow skin and black hair to distinguish which country. Just like the Chinese people look at Europeans, they are all the same. There is no such thing as Defenderman Sweden.


Chinese people may not be able to see Japan and South Korea, but they can see their own compatriots, but they have a feeling of blood connected.

So Ye Qing got out of the car, and the cartoonists were all o-shaped.

This kind of scene can be shocked even if the border inspector dragged a mechanical goshawk back.

On the African continent thousands of miles away, on the wild grasslands filled with gunfire.

A young Chinese who is not like the words, is actually the dominating warlords who seem to be dominated?

"Wait~" Qin Feizhuo thinks that this young man is familiar with him. Where did he seem to have seen his photos?

The fellow villagers saw tears in the village, not to mention the guns of a group of fierce men. Qin Feizhuo hastened to grow up with his courageous relationship with the compatriots who may decide their fate. "You... are you a Chinese?"

"Yes!" Ye Qing looked at the compatriots very unexpectedly. "You are this..."

A few girls in the cartoonist suddenly cried.


The voices of several girls were wronged, with the surprise of the rest of the robbery. "We originally wanted to go to the Anu Special Zone by car. We have relatives working in the factory over there."

"Who knows the border checkpoint here, the gang inspectors said that we carry diamonds."

"We...we want to prove ourselves, and as a result, these people have taken away all our valuable items."

“Is there a relative who works at the factory?” Ye Qing was even more surprised. “Is the factory in the behemoth industry?”

"Yes! Yeah!" The cartoonists nodded.

"Okay, I know." Ye Qing walked up to them and helped one of the girls. "Everyone gets up first, let me deal with it."

After standing up, the cartoonists gathered in a group and burst into tears.

They are excited, this young fellow has the meaning of helping them to be the master.

Ye Qing turned to look at Mopu. "General, you will solve this problem."

"Good Mr. Ye." General Mopp nodded. He had already waited for this moment.

In the next second, General Mopu’s face changed dramatically, and the respectful look in his eyes disappeared. Instead, he was murderous.

He stepped forward and looked at the three trembled border inspectors in a condescending manner, the tone of which was like the cold wind of Siberia.

"Whose goshawk, who hit it?"

"Who are the luggage of the distinguished guests, who stole?"

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