Monster Factory

: 1174: The Westward World

Today's Nicara has moved from time to time and is not what it used to be.

This change is mainly reflected in the Western Anu Special Zone.

Two years ago, Nigaya was a third-world desolate country with a total production value of more than one billion dollars. Two years later, their total production value has increased fivefold.

These are the merits of the Western Annu District, and General Mopu is the owner of the entire Western Front.

The original Anu Special Zone was just a small barren small town in the West, plus a backward village scattered on the wasteland. Only the capital city of the entire region can guarantee electricity consumption. There are tens of thousands of people in the city, and there is no running water.

The capital city of Anut is now the jewel of the West, and even the entire Gulf of Guinea.

Don't talk about tap water, what do you want in the city?

A perfect road network, schools, hospitals, star-rated hotels, even airports.

Although the airport belongs to the giant beast industry, General Mopu himself bought a second-hand new boat 60 propeller aircraft from China, and then cautiously hosted it to the Beast Industrial Airport to successfully get through the air route to and from the Capital Airport every day.

Open commercial flights, let alone a single one in the entire West, even in a dozen countries in the Gulf of Guinea, is also a single.

After another half a month, two other second-hand Boeing 737s ordered from China will enter the West.

The two planes were also bought by General Mopu. In China, the banshee aircraft of the giant beast industry dominated. Now all the major airlines are busy replacing the Banshee aircraft, and the medium-sized passenger planes are selling everywhere. To the limit.

General Mopu has already obtained a direct flight certificate to France, and has also set up an airline to get through the French route when the plane arrives.

France is one of the core countries in Europe, and General Mopp is no longer satisfied with the opening of the capital flight of his own country.

He wants to open a tourist route, learn the northern part of the country of Tagana, and bring the Europeans to the west to travel and consume.

There are grasslands, canyons and coastlines in the west.

There are also a variety of specialties, and handicrafts.

Now the whole western environment is under his firm control. At this time, the travel route has been opened. I dare not say that the profits of several million dollars per month are still there.

No one wants to travel to Africa for anyone who loves to travel.

But when people mention Africa, the first place in their minds is not wild nature, but turmoil and ak. It seems to be walking on the street, and accidentally can become a soul under the gun.

This is a fact.

But in other parts of Africa, it is hard to say that in the western border of Nigaya, General Mop can guarantee that foreigners will come and walk on the street, just as safe and secure as walking in their own bedroom.

Rome was not built in one day. Of course, this kind of good law and order was not ruled out in one day.

In the past two years, the most popular people in the West have been Chinese.

In the first half of the year, there were indeed people who didn’t have long-sighted eyes and made their fortune-telling ideas to these distinguished guests.

Then they regretted it and regretted it very much.

Ever since he took the thigh of the giant beast, General Mopu’s army began to fight invincible in the West. When he arrived, he couldn’t find his opponent. General Mopu simply waved his hand and transferred more than half of the people to the security department to launch a one-year “strict and hit” campaign for the entire West.

Grab the Chinese?

General Mopu was a civilized person who had studied in Europe. He did not engage in the chopping punishment of other warlords on the African continent.

Grab the person directly to judge the indefinite period, and then throw the mine to mine and dig to death.

Stealing Chinese people?

According to the amount of the sentence, start five years.

He didn't have as much food to waste in prison, and how long it took to rule, even if it was a month, he would also lose mine to be a free laborer.

General Mopu's famous name [labor re-education], the high-quality original diamonds on the side of the behemoth industry are getting bigger every day, and he is not much judged to throw in a few.

The vigorous public security rectification activities lasted for three months, and the entire western security was as good as China.

Then General Mop turned over the experience of Huaxia and found a new job for the security department that was doing nothing.

No guns.

Despite good and bad, new and old ones will be collected.

The deadline is three months to turn over and report the award.

Three months later, a village in the village of the security department smashed into the past and arrested all the workers.

Now even the workers of the giant beast industry can not be equipped with guns at will. If they want to match their guns, they must receive the Promise Industry Security Division and the certificate issued by the public security department, and it is forbidden to expose them in public places.

Good law and order is also one of the reasons why General Mopu can get the French air certificate. Now the whole West is flat, everyone is alive and everyone has food.

The social atmosphere has undergone earth-shaking changes.

All this, thanks to the behemoth industry!

At three o'clock this afternoon, the president of the giant beast industry will land in the west.

General Mopu has already pushed down all activities for the next two days. At two o'clock in the afternoon, he took the guilty baz and the waiters waiting in the airport.

Inside the airport's welcome room.

General Mopu is talking to a Chinese man with a black eyebrow and a short beard next to the sofa in English.

If General Mopu is the "king of gold" in the entire West, the man named Tan Jingxi is the industrial hegemon of the West.

He is the general manager of the factory appointed by Ye Qing.

Let's just say that before the giant beast industry settled down, the industrial foundation of the entire Westland could be behind the European and American countries for a whole century.

just now……

General Mopu felt that he could lead the European countries for at least ten years.

In the past, General Mopu wanted to power up all the streets in the capital city. He could only ask the European power company to come over and wait for the uncle to wait and talk, and he had to wait for him to die.

Now, General Mopu feels that there is no problem in repairing the high-speed rail. As long as you can make money, please help the giant beast industry.

General Mopu and Tan Jingwei are already old acquaintances. They talked about the development of tourism in the West from the urban development plan and talked about the development of the international situation.

During the pleasant conversation, time flies, and soon the airport staff ran over to report that the tower received the radar signal that the raft had entered the west. It should take more than ten minutes to land on the airport runway.

General Mopu stood up quickly and became very excited. His hands kept finishing the collar.


When the squad landed on the runway, a welcoming wall of more than 20 meters was standing on the side of the runway.

Ye Qing has only one master of fineness and two metal experts who act as bodyguards. After getting off the plane, Ye Qing kindly held General Mop holding his hands and smiled happily: "General, we met again."

The eyebrows of Mopt’s generals flew up quickly, and a pair of white teeth opened and closed.

The seven-hour flight was not short, so Ye Qing first took a break in the airport welcoming hall.

Ye Qing asked General Mopu and the general manager of the factory, Tan Jingyi, to sit down and talk. After receiving three diamond mines, Tan Jingyi was responsible for management.

Ye Qing asked General Mopu, how is the preparation for drilling?

"Mr. Ye, two of the three mines are my private mines, the third is in the northwest, and some are close to the country of Tagana."

"There were several other generals holding the mine before, but their shares have been taken back by me."

Ye Qing nodded. "The staff inside, have you arranged it?"

"All arrangements are in place. When the people on your side enter, they immediately withdraw." General Mopu shot his chest and said no problem.

Ye Qing looked at the time. "Well, I came here to drill the mine. After ten minutes, we set off and went to see the nearest one."

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