Monster Factory

: 1125: Why did we admit defeat?

Ye Qing and Dong Mei are left in the office.

Of course, things are not like Yun Shi’s imagination, so Ye Qing indicated that Dong Mei had asked her what happened after she was seated.

Dong Mei was very sad and helpless.

Last night, I received news that the film was withdrawn all the way. She turned around and reversed for a whole night. She wants to ask for help, but she doesn't know who to look for except Ye Qing.

Her connections are in the film and television circle. Now, the top few people in this circle are talking, who will find someone who will help me?

So early in the morning, Dong Mei simply took the earliest flight to Zhongyun.

She wanted to seek the help of Ye Qing, but when she arrived in Zhongyun, she discovered that the young president was not what she wanted to see. Even with the contact method, his assistant can only arrange the meeting schedule on Wednesday afternoon without a reservation, and only 15 minutes.

I saw it now, but I still squeezed Siemens, Google, Sony, etc. These Dongmei’s top-notch big names, which are hard to imagine, make an appointment.

Dong Mei was a little panicked, which also made her tone a bit sloppy in the next morning when the incident occurred in cinemas across the country.

After listening to the incident, Ye Qing couldn't help but think and laugh.

Those big men are reluctant to give up traditional cinema profits and refuse to cooperate with the giant beast industry.

This is enough to prepare before the company invites people in the film and television circles to meet. In fact, it is an unexpected surprise to be able to win the copyright cooperation of a group of second- and third-line film and television companies.

Ye Qing can also think that these gangs will not only refuse to cooperate verbally, and will definitely take practical action.

However, Ye Qing did not expect that they would choose this kind of refusal to kill one hundred thousand of them.

The withdrawal of the Qingyu Media Company’s film will certainly cause Qingyu Media to suffer huge economic losses, while also giving the remaining small and medium-sized film and television companies a heavy warning.

In doing so, the behemoth industry does not have any substantial loss or hindrance.

On the contrary, those big brothers still have to suffer from the loss of the box office of the cinema. Even if they are big and big, can they be too big for the behemoth industry?

"Then, this time, there is no one left to withdraw your theater?"

Dong Meiqiang Yan Huan laughed, "I have also left some, but they are all a few midnight games in the fourth-tier cities. It is a problem that the final box office can exceed 500,000."

Now she has some feelings of a dead end.

The cost of new film production has cost more than one billion.

This is not to say that the money has taken up all the liquidity of Qingyu Media. Dong Mei has also drawn 50 million investment from several investors.

If she is not convinced, it means that the investment will be completely ruined. Not only can the Qingyu media not keep it, but the remaining 50 million investment can also force her to go bankrupt.

She came to find Ye Qing, which in itself means she will not be soft.

Now her only hope is that Ye Qing can look at the cooperation between the two sides and stretch her hand.

Not much, press on the copyright of Qingyu Media Co., Ltd. and the film, and loan 50 million from the Beast Industry first, first to the investors who heard that the movie was blocked and then did not call the company.

Then the new movie was announced for extension.

Since those big brothers decided to block the film, it is better to completely withdraw from the traditional offline cinema screening mode.

Now the copyright resources of this film are still in the company, and Qingyu Media has the right to postpone the sale.

Dong Mei also has confidence in the quality of this film. As long as the extension of the holographic glasses has been released for half a year, Dong Mei is optimistic that the box office can reach 100 million.

The money also paid for the loan of the giant beast industry, and the rest was enough to make up the cost of the resurgence.

Ye Qing is not optimistic about Dong Mei's plan.

Not to mention 50 million loans, 500 million is also a slap in the behemoth industry. Can this be done, is not equal to the disguised concession?

The ultimate goal of the gang to block the film was to hinder the copyright synchronization plan of the giant beast industry.

When did the behemoth industry admit defeat?

"Don sister, you can rest assured that this is because of us, I will definitely give you a satisfactory solution." Ye Qing leaned back in the chair and smiled: "The old guys, not want to give the behemoth industry Add a block, and then give a look at the film companies that are close to us?"

"I want to be embarrassed, is it that their big tree is thick enough, or our giant beast industry."

"I want to let the film and television companies that are close to us understand that we can stand on our side and enjoy the coolness under the big tree."

"But the movie will be released in four days..." Dong Meizhen asked: "At this time, it is very difficult for us to make countermeasures. The way I can think of is to postpone the film release time so that I can hold it. Live our copyright value."

Ye Qing’s shelter is sure to make Dong Mei’s heart full of joy.

But she thought about it last night and didn't come up with a good idea.

The young president is not familiar with the film and television circle...

Ye Qing indicated that she would wait for a while, then pick up the internal telephone on the desk and let Kong Tao come over.

Five minutes later, Kong Tao, with holographic glasses on his face, hurriedly ran.

At this time, Kong Tao’s face did not have the fatigue of last night’s meeting. The whole person seemed very spiritual and seemed to be very excited.

After entering the door, Kong Tao first smiled at the stranger who was slightly cramped on the sofa. "Boss, are you looking for me?"

“How far is the sales figures for holographic glasses?”

Since Ye Qing asked, it means that this stranger is qualified to listen to the internal data of these companies that are not classified.

“The sales volume is very good.” Kong Tao’s smile is a bit more concentrated. Perhaps the sales figures are the reason for his excitement. “From the early morning to 8:00 am, our official website and two online flagship stores are selling again. Going out to nearly 150,000 holographic glasses."

"In addition to the flagship store gates across the country, this morning, the average number of teams in the 800-year-old team has been queued."

"I have already let our aviation logistics team urgently replenish the flagship stores. After the consumers pay the fees, they will be able to receive the glasses after two in the afternoon."

"That is a total of 500,000 sales?" Ye Qing sighed, he is also very satisfied with this number, "If you use the current sales data as a reference, how much can we sell holographic glasses after four days?"

"Four days..." Kong Tao paused, then pushed the holographic glasses in front of him, and his hands were connected in the void.

"Boss, I refer to the sales data of our first generation of crystal mobile phones."

"At that time, the crystal mobile phone and the holographic glasses were new to the consumer, and there was no same previous generation of products."

"But the growth index of our holographic glasses is much higher than that of the first generation of Magic Crystal mobile phones, especially during the morning hours until 8:00 am."

"According to the data analysis, after four days, our sales can exceed 10 million."

“Very good.” Ye Qing’s heart is growing rapidly with numbers. Then turned around and asked Dong Mei: "Dong sister, do you know how many theaters in the country, and how many viewing seats?"

Dong Meizhen nodded, "I... I know."

“Our industry has done statistics in March this year, when there were 9,965 cinemas across the country, and the total number of screens was 54,165.”

"When watching the seats..."

"According to an average of 70 seats on a screen, it is... is..."

Dong Mei is holding his finger and trying to calculate this number. Next to Kong Tao gave the answer, "It is 379,900,500 seats." u

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