Monster Factory

Chapter 1027: : Star Watch

Jiang Shuya sent WeChat to tell Ye Qing, another 17 days, is the annual meeting of the Europa Medical Association.

This year's conference, Mead Hospital is also on the list of invited exchanges.

At that time, she will go to the exchange with a bionic hand.

The Europa Medical Association was founded in 1947, when 21 national doctors gathered in Paris to hold the first academic exchange. Today, the Europa Medical Association has included hundreds of thousands of doctors from European and American countries.

This is also one of the world's most academic medical exchanges since 1947.

In recent years, the Europa Medical Association has begun to accept medical members from Asia, but the threshold has been very high. In theory, only doctors who have published articles in international medical journals or contributed to the medical profession will be accepted.

Jiang Shuya, who has had a German experience, is also a member of this association.

Ye Qing replied to her, "It sounds like a very pure academic exchange meeting. Then you will have a bionic hand, will it be appropriate?"

“Appropriate.” Jiang Shuya made an ok expression. “The Europa Medical Association not only exchanges medical technology, but also conducts analytical research on innovative medical device products that surround medical science.”

“Products that are generally respected by everyone in the conference room will immediately receive enthusiastic attention from hospitals around the world.”

“There are not many people in the US medical community?” Ye Qing made a smirk.


“Not only the number of medical professionals in the United States, but also the number of medical device companies from the United States!”

"There is such a happy decision!"

"There are still seventeen days. If there is no accident, our second-generation bionic hand can also take samples."

Ye Qing introduced the technical changes of the second generation of bionic hands. After the introduction, Jiang Shuya was surprised at the same time, and urged Ye Qing to send the second generation products a few days in advance. They are familiar with the performance here.

Any product, only the best display of its functions, is the most convincing.

"For Ye Zong, the bionic hand has another name. We have always called it a bionic hand. Will it be too common?"

Ye Qing did not care to reply, "Then your hospital is responsible for one."


"There is still, two days later, our Mead Hospital, the construction of the Bionic Hand Lab, which was established in cooperation with the Beast Industry. The Dean asked me to invite you to this ceremony."

Jiang Shuya paused and replied: "It is because of the courtesy invitation, you can't come and feel, I know that you are a busy man."

"Can't go." Ye Qing replaced her mood with a sigh expression. "Tomorrow I fly Jiuquan, I have to stay there for a few days."

Speaking of this, in fact, Ye Qing's heart is slightly showing off his mood. He wants Jiang Shuya to ask himself to go to Jiuquan. As a result, Jiang Shuya has not asked this for more than ten seconds.

No chance to show off, Ye Qing is planning to end the call.

Then Jiang Shuya couldn’t help but wonder, "Jiuquan seems to be a big desert, you go there..."

"The Space Center invited me to the past. At that time, our company will use a long three-cartoon rocket to hit a satellite."

"666~" Jiang Shuya was stunned.


It is getting closer and closer to the scheduled rocket launch date.

As early as four days ago, the last time the satellite was inspected by the company, it was delivered to the Jiuquan Space Base by the company's special transport aircraft. After checking the details of the satellite, the engineers there hoisted the satellite that "doesn't know if it will succeed" into the long-range carrier rocket carrier.

The Rockets are scheduled to launch tomorrow, but this is only a reservation. The space center told Ye Qing that the rocket had to find a most favorable time window before launching. This window should meet the weather conditions, wind requirements, and only choose between the morning and evening.

On the eve of the departure, Ye Qing took the exclusive elevator to the top of the building.

The Jue Industrial Building is ninety-nine-story, and the top floor is Ye Qing’s private office.

This office Ye Qing is not used frequently, but this office is definitely the most unique one in the entire Zhongyun.

Because it is a full glass curtain wall and dome structure, when Ye Qing is sitting in the office, just gently adjust the glass transparency **** on the desk to let a golden sun shine into the office.

Or at night, leaning on a chair and looking at the stars.

Ye Qing's favorite is still rainy days, and there are heavy rains in summer. Whenever heavy rain comes, Ye Qing will always take time to come here and let himself be in the magnificent rain curtain.

At that time, the rain pillars were flying all over the sky, and the heavens and the earth were covered.

At that time, this transparent office was the intersection of heaven and earth, the only peaceful harbor. The outside world is full of rain, and the rain and arrow are on the transparent glass curtain wall, but it will not make any sound.

Only the lightning that occasionally opens the rain curtain will bring a little sound to this place.

It didn't rain tonight.

Ye Qing Yang is in the chair of mechanical engineering, and the top of the head is a rare cloudless night sky, which is faintly visible.

Ye Qing has one more desk at the desk, and an underground super server cluster with an encrypted computer with the same firewall. Opposite the desk, there is also a multi-million Star Trang Astronomical Stargazing Mirror.

This somewhat clumsy stargazer has high-precision coordinate adjustment and automatic tracking of the star.

It clearly observes the aura of Saturn, the cloud band on Jupiter, and the big red spot.

Look at Mars, look at the moon, you will want to use a magnifying glass to see the walnuts in your hand.

Unfortunately, Ye Qing has no interest in these celestial bodies. Ye Qing only intends to use it to observe the satellite that belongs to him.

An encrypted computer on the desk can control the satellite.

There are also two satellite phones next to the computer.

The two satellite phones are not on the market, and they can only be used for transit calls through the upcoming satellite.

Of course, in theory, a communication satellite can cover the entire communication area of ​​China and even Asia.

But that can only be done by means of fixed satellite communications equipment on board ships or aircraft.

Because communication is interactive and you want to communicate, you must first send the signal to the satellite to borrow the satellite relay.

The size of a satellite phone is not much larger than that of a smartphone. Its power is limited. It is unrealistic to use it at any corner of China to contact the satellite that will be located in the upper reaches of Sichuan Province.

This is also the case that Ye Qing plans to launch multiple communication satellites to cover the whole world. And in the Asian region, you can use the handheld satellite phone to freely call the original intention of the plan.

Launching multiple satellites is not a waste of money, but just a need.

Satellite phones can be used in China Cloud, but wait until the satellite launch is successful tomorrow.

Ye Qing came to the star-watching star, and on the operation keys, the star-gazing mirror was automatically adjusted to the level.

The eyepiece angle enters the fine adjustment mode with a horizontal positive angle of 173.147 degrees and a height of 72.024 degrees.

After the fine adjustment is completed, the mirror is dark.

In that dark space, a satellite from the behemoth industry is about to be raised.

In the cloudless weather, when the sun shines on the satellite and emits a reflection, Ye Qing can see through the stargazing mirror, the beautiful posture of its quiet floating in space.

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