Monkey Sun Is My Younger Brother

2 The protagonist of this world is also a monkey

Jin Si placed the space anchor, and only then did he step into the door of space.

As soon as he stepped out of the door of space at the other end, a bright light came towards him.

"I'm sorry!"

Jin Si hurriedly drove away, and a truck came towards him.

The truck didn't slow down, and Jin Si heard the truck driver swearing.

"F**, where is the gorilla running on the road, damn monkey."

Only then did Jin Si realize that he was on a suburban road.

A brightly lit modern city can be seen in the distance, and it doesn't seem very far away.

At this moment, Jin Si saw a few meteor tail Hui across the sky.

Jin Si instinctively felt that among the few meteors, there seemed to be something that made him throb.

Jin Si looked at the falling direction of the meteor, took a step and ran towards the position where the nearest meteor fell.

Soon, Jin Si stopped, because of the barbed wire, there was a sign hanging on it, and the words "No Entry" were written in English.

However, Jin Si just jumped over the barbed wire after a brief pause.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blows.

When Jin Si turned back, he slapped an American gray wolf and flew out by Jin Si.

This American gray wolf is not small, with a body length of more than two meters.

However, compared to Jin Si, who is over 2.5 meters tall, this American gray wolf is a younger brother.

Of course, size does not equal actual combat power.

Jin Si's current combat strength is not only two meters five.

Even Liger and Tiger are not enough to see in front of Jin Si.

After all, on Fangcun Mountain, Jin Si also tore up a lot of ligers.

Jin Si had already seen where the meteor fell.

There was a pit of about two meters.

Jin Si approached slowly, and in the pit was a rectangular metal can.

Green gas is coming out of it.

Jin Si sucked fiercely, and the green gas was inhaled into Jin Si's body.

Jin Si felt that the blood in his body was boiling.

At the same time, Jin Si also confirmed what kind of world this world is.

Isn't this the "Raging Beast" starring Dwayne Johnson.

In this movie, a company conducts death experiments in space, and then the space laboratory is destroyed by experimental mutant mice.

The space laboratory fell, but the experimental substances were not destroyed, but fell along with the wreckage. These experimental substances happened to fall in the wild or in the zoo, causing the mutation of the three beasts to ravage the city.

The three beasts are the white ape, the crocodile, and the gray wolf.

Of course, after the mutation, they basically say goodbye to the basic forms of these three species.

As the protagonist, White Ape has no other changes except for the bigger size.

Crocodiles and gray wolves are cross-species-level variations.

Of course, as a genetic virus, the animals it infects become extremely brutal.

It's just that this cruelty doesn't seem to be reflected in Jin Si's body.

Hmm... Maybe it's because this genetic virus doesn't work on salted fish.

Jin Si just wanted to transform quickly, marry a wife and have children, and give Bodhi a grandson.

Jin Si can feel that the genetic virus is changing his body structure in his body.

But not as big as expected.

Jin Si's physique is growing at a rate visible to the naked eye.

This makes Jin Si feel hungry, and growth needs to be supplemented with energy.

Jin Si glanced at the green beast pupils around him.

"I like coming to the zoo the most." Jin Si grinned.


An off-road vehicle stopped outside the zoo.

A strong man got out of the car.

"Nielsen, how is the situation now?" The strong man was in a hurry.

"Not very good." Nelson's face was solemn.

"Who did George bully this time?" The strong man strode forward: "Maybe we should give it a long-term confinement.


"Davis...Davis! Stop, it's not in the gorilla zone now."

Davis stopped and turned to Nelson: "Where is it?"

"Wild Bear District, it killed a brown bear in the Wild Bear District." Nelson's face was solemn and there was a bit of panic.


"No, it's an adult brown bear." Nelson said, "In addition, in the outer wolf area, the remains of twenty-eight wild wolves were found there. Most of the wild wolves were eaten. Judging from the traces of the remains , probably the apes attacked and killed them."

"Don't be kidding, George is just an albino orangutan, it's not King Kong." Davis said with a smile.

But Nelson's face did not ease, but looked at Davis with a more serious look.

Davis couldn't help but restrain his laughter: "Are you serious?"

The two entered the wild bear area, and Nelson carefully followed Davis with a shotgun.

The first thing that comes into view is a brown bear that has been dead for a long time.

The physique is much larger than that of George.

At this moment, George's low whimper came from the bear cave ahead.

Davis frowned. As an animal expert, and he was George's adoptive father, he knew George well.

Every movement, every sound, Davis knew.

At this moment, George seemed to be in pain and panic.

"Nelson, put down the gun."

"'s dangerous."

"Nelson, you know, George doesn't like this stuff."

After an ideological struggle, Nelson put down his gun.

Davis though believed that George would not hurt himself.

But he still approached the bear cave cautiously.

In the dark place in the bear cave, a huge figure is hiding in it.



George slowly showed his stature and walked out of the bear cave.

Nelson involuntarily took a step back.

"Is it my illusion? Why do I feel like it's grown up."

"It's not your illusion, it has grown up." Davis was equally nervous and puzzled.

At this moment, George is putting too much pressure on him.

Originally, George's height was only two meters and one hundred and fifty kilograms.

But at this moment, George suddenly increased to three meters in height overnight, and his weight may have doubled directly.

Its physique has changed directly from the original supernormal to the illegal.

There is absolutely no gorilla with a height of three meters in this world.

It has a shocking scratch on its chest, which was left to it by the brown bear.

George expressed his emotions with his voice and gestures.

Frightened, disturbed, frantic...

Davis was worried, worried that George was out of control.

And the loss of control of the animal often means that it will be put to death.

Davis also reassured George with gestures and words.

"It's okay, George, be quiet, be quiet, don't be afraid, no one will hurt you."

George calmed down a little, no longer showing a manic mood, and slowly returned to the shadow of the bear cave.

At this moment, a voice came from the walkie-talkie hanging on Nelson's waist: "Guys, you'd better go back to the orangutan area, we found something here."

The two immediately returned to the orangutan area, where Davis and Nelson's two colleagues, or interns, were already one step ahead.

In front of them is an impact crater more than two meters.

Inside the pit is a charred cuboid metal can.

"It looks like it was dropped from a plane."

"No, there's no way for something that fell from a plane to hit this kind of crater. It looks more like it fell from outer space."

"Are you saying this is trash thrown by aliens?"

"Maybe a space station."

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