Modify Super God

Chapter 355: Reason for killing!

Without selling out, Yuan Shuai quickly shared his findings with Sui Yu.

In fact, there is no organization behind the murderer at all. The seemingly huge intelligence network actually originated from a niche forum!

And the woman who was suspected by Liu Ao was one of the people who often visited that niche forum!

According to the woman, it seems that a few months ago, some people in the niche forum began to complain that there were more and more fraudulent advertisements recently, and then many people who clicked on the advertisements and were deceived to complain about the posts left messages complaining that Guo Jia did not care about false advertisements. , and some even cursed those who participated in the creation of false advertisements to die!

Unexpectedly, a guy with a newly registered ID named "Justice Partner" suddenly posted a message, saying that as long as he privately messaged him, and prepared relevant evidence and information in the private message, then as long as the target was confirmed to be related to false advertising, He will use the method of killing to wipe out the bad guys who escaped legal punishment!

"Let me bear my sins and watch the light and justice!"

The speech was very second-class, and at the same time it seemed that no one believed it.

What's more, the information requested by the other party is also very high.

Screenshots from false advertisements, links to actual products, as well as the identity background of the target person and relevant information to prove their identity.

At the same time, it is also necessary to provide the address of the target's frequent activities, preferably the location of the residence to facilitate hands-on.

Not only is it very troublesome, but it is also easy for people to suspect that it is a bad person who illegally collects information through this method!

As a result, that post soon fell to the ground and was submerged in all kinds of gossip.

However, although that forum is small, it is a rare place on the Internet where you can speak freely, and because of the access threshold, the posts in it will not be crawled by search engines and cause unnecessary trouble.

Therefore, the number of people who visit is actually not small, and there are people from all walks of life.

As a result, someone really believed what that person said!

And this person is the woman who was targeted by Liu Ao!

As a well-known traffic star, that woman not only earns relatively high income from live streaming, but also often receives high-paying jobs such as advertising shoots and modeling, so her mentality is also very arrogant. .

Can't stand the slightest bit of anger.

As a result, another traffic star who was about the same level as her actually robbed her of a very good model job.

This **** her off, I really wish I could kill the woman who robbed her of her job!

Blocking people's way of wealth is like killing one's parents!

Especially for many people in modern times, it doesn't matter if the wealth is their own, anyway, as long as someone else robs her of the opportunity to gain benefits, it will be a life-and-death vengeance!

A strong killing intent pervaded the woman's heart.

Then she suddenly remembered that the woman who robbed her of her job seemed to have taken a lot of pop-up advertisements before!

And there really shouldn't be too many false advertisements involved!

From playing games to make money to walking to make money, from watching videos to make money to financial management.

There are a lot of false advertisements in this one, don't even think about it!

In addition, everyone is considered a colleague, so you already know where the other party lives!

So, with the mentality of giving it a try, the woman hung up the agency and spent money to open a trumpet account (the forum registration cost more than ten yuan as the threshold), and then prepared a lot of information and sent a private message to the "Justice Partner" ".

Then what I didn't expect was that the woman was found tragically dead at home on the third day!

Not only did she avenge the woman's "parents were killed", but because of the death of her competitor, the woman also got the job that was lost and found!

After that, after the woman tasted the sweetness, as long as anyone dared to stand in her way, she would "report" anyone!

At the same time, in order to cover up her own purpose, the woman also secretly investigated some people who had nothing to do with her and made "reports" to cover up the audiovisual.

She even used her personal connections to "report" some game company bosses and some designers of money-hungry apps.

"Then, watching those people disappear without a trace, and hearing that they died tragically one by one through rumors, the woman seems to be more and more addicted to it, feeling that she can control the life and death of others at will!"

On the phone, although Yuan Shuai had a big tongue because of drinking, the strong contempt between the lines made Sui Yu easily feel that Yuan Shuai despised that woman.

Also, although it sounds like the woman is fighting false advertising, it seems perfectly righteous and takes the moral high ground.

But fundamentally, what that woman is doing is simply excluding dissident activities!

Naturally disgusting!

At the same time, Sui Yu was also very amused.

Not long ago, he also complained about false advertisements, and even Xiao Funi was furious at the false advertisement pit.

Unexpectedly, the serial killer's purpose was also to crack down on false advertisements!

This made Sui Yu feel a little cherished in his heart.

I even thought about letting that guy go.

Anyway, the alliance's advertisements have never been supervised, and there are many chaos. Sui Yu, who is engaged in the Internet, is often harassed by various small advertisements.

If someone secretly uses the alliance's inconvenient means to crack down on false advertisements, it seems like a good thing!

However, Sui Yu thought about it and sent the news to Lin Yuxin.

In any case, Sui Yu's current status requires him to complete the tasks he undertakes as much as possible.

People are unbelievable!

But I didn't expect that Lin Yuxin's side was faster, and even more cases were handled together.

The first person Yuan Shuai notified about was Lin Yuxin.

At this time, some cases that were not merged before because they were not stars were also merged.

At the same time, through the locations of these cases, even Sui Yu, who did not have the ability to process data, discovered a situation at this time.

That is the homicide, although it feels like it is distributed in many cities in the alliance.

But in the end, it was only concentrated around a few cities.

Although the span is relatively large, this should not be a coincidence!

Although I don't know how the murderer moved in various cities in a short period of time, the scope is obviously limited!

And if you have these clues, then it seems that you can consider leading the snake out of the hole!

Just like what Yuan Shuai said on the phone at the beginning, as long as you know the way the other party obtains information and the approximate scope of activities, then there is a way to fish out the murderer!

"Then make arrangements as soon as possible!"

"Oh, right!"

Sui Yu thought about it for a while and quickly told Lin Yuxin: "It's best to contact the forum to get the background data of the justice partner and see where the IP address is."

Although that small forum paid great attention to the privacy of registrants, the Alliance had to cooperate with the investigation no matter what.

"If you can't find it, monitor the account and see what the owner of the account has read."

"As for the bait..."

Sui Yu suddenly suggested: "I suggest that we use the woman who provided the information as the bait this time!"

"Hey hey, reporting others all day long, she must have made a lot of bad money herself, and she should also be within the hunting range of the justice partner!"

Hehe, since that woman has already killed a lot of people because of her actions, she must be mentally prepared to suffer the consequences herself?

It doesn't matter if she doesn't do it well, anyway, Sui Yu won't notify her if she uses her as bait, just like she won't warn her before she kills others!

As for whether it is appropriate to do so?

Of course it is suitable!

Anyway, Sui Yu has no official position in the alliance is a temporary worker at best.

And temporary workers do things, naturally there will not be too many constraints!

Of course, after deciding on the plan and determining the bait, Sui Yu can't be idle either, there are still some preparations to do!

And the most important thing is to find a way to figure out what the killer's ability is!

As long as he knows what the other party's ability is, Sui Yu has to make targeted arrangements!

Then it's best to get the smell of the murderer as much as possible to facilitate Xiao Funi's tracking and monitoring.

And just after Sui Yu told Lin Yuxin of his thoughts over the phone...

At the beginning of the afternoon class again, Lin Yuxin suddenly broke into the classroom!

"Sui Yu, I just received news that another person has been killed! I have ordered the site to be sealed off as soon as possible, and no one, including security guards, is allowed to enter!"

Hearing this, Sui Yu got up without saying a word: "Go! Go to the scene!"

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