Miraculous X-Ray Vision

Chapter 125: Mrs. Xu

Zhang Jun was taken aback and said, "The King of Central Plains!"

Oriental Dragon, Nanju Bodhisattva, Central Plains King, Shenzhou Commoner. This is the top four figures on the list, and the king of the Central Plains ranks third, which shows how powerful he is.

Xu Dongsen nodded: "Brother Zhang really knows! Zhou Ziqiang is the seventh son of the Central Plains King. Someone wants to touch his son, do you think he will fight back?"

"Zhou Ziqiang is actually Wang Yizi of the Central Plains." Zhang Jun did not expect this at all, and he frowned slightly.

"The King of Central Plains has 13 righteous sons, and each of them has an extraordinary background. Zhou Ziqiang is considered to be a relatively unpromising one." Xu Dongsen said, "The King of Central Plains can establish a powerful force in the Central Plains, and his sons have contributed a lot."

Seeing Zhang Jun fell silent, Xu Dongsen thought about his words, and said: "The prestigious doctor Hua has a reputation, but the ranking is still below the king of the Central Plains. Brother Zhang, I suggest you not intervene in this matter anymore, it is not good for you."

Zhang Jun nodded: "Thank you Dongsen for the reminder, I know it well."

Xu Dongsen stopped talking, and did not continue this topic, but talked about the condition of the old man Xu.

Soon, the car drove into a military compound where the guards were tight, even if Xu Dongsen passed, he would show his identity. The car parked outside the courtyard. After a few people got off the car, they passed through an alley and entered a classic Kyoto courtyard with three entrances.

Entering the courtyard, Xu Dongsen invited Zhang Jun to sit down in the front hall, and an old mother offered tea and fruit points. In a short while, a young woman with a beauty of thirty cents pushed a thin old man out in a wheelchair.

The old man's eyes were still clear, but his facial expression was dull, it was already difficult to control his facial muscles. The figure he stood up should be very tall, at least about 1.83 meters.

The young woman glanced at Zhang Jun and asked, "This is Mr. Zhang, thank you for coming over to treat the old lady."

Zhang Jun said: "You're welcome."

Xu Dongsen hurriedly introduced: "Brother, this is your sister-in-law, Bi Shuzhen." Then he walked to the old man and said, "Grandpa, I have brought the doctor here. He is the apprentice of the genius doctor Hua!"

The old man was the old man Xu, his fingers moved slightly, his lips trembled for a long time, but he couldn't say a word. The young woman sighed, and said: "Mr. Zhang, I ask you to call out, brother, please be sure to cure the old man's illness. Looking at him like this, don't mention how uncomfortable it is."

Zhang Jun said, "Sister-in-law, I will do my best." As he said, he approached the old lady's side and observed carefully.

The Buddha's eyes could see through and microscopically, and when he looked closely, he saw that Mr. Xu's nerve fibers had serious lesions, and the lesions were still spreading, and there was basically no possibility of reversal.

He watched for more than ten minutes and made sure that Mrs. Xu had no other problems. Then he said: "I can try it, but only three points are sure."

Bi Shuzhen's eyes lit up and said, "Brother, I'm sorry for you!"

Zhang Jun asked to put Mr. Xu on a hardwood bed, wearing only pajamas, and then let everyone go out.

Closing the door, Zhang Jun walked to the bed and said with a smile: "Master, your disease is not very easy to cure, but it is not hopeless. So you should not have a psychological burden. If you are cured, you can live for another ten years. In eight years, it will make a profit."

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched, and he didn't know what he was thinking, but his eyes seemed to have a smile when he looked at Zhang Jun.

Zhang Jun reached out and turned the old man over and let him face down on his stomach. While talking to him, he gently pressed his hands on both sides of the old man's spine. At the same time, he turned the golden light of the Buddha's eyes into the opponent's body to repair the damaged nerve fibers and neurons with the golden light.

In a short while, the old man felt the warmth on his back extremely comfortable, he actually snorted softly.

Zhang Jun is not sure about this treatment. After all, the old man is so old that the disease is difficult to treat. However, when the golden light spread down, he immediately saw that those nerves were slowly recovering, and even his entire body was rejuvenated by the golden light.

"It seems that the golden light of Buddha's eyes can cure the old man's disease." A smile appeared on his face, because even if Master Huabuyi came in person, this effect might not be achieved.

After treating him with the golden light of Buddha's eyes for half an hour, Zhang Jun stopped his hands, turned the old man Xu over, and said: "Master, you have a good rest, I will come back tomorrow, and you will almost be cured of your illness. ."

The old man showed a stiff smile on his face, opened his mouth, and said in a slurred voice: "Thank you."

Zhang Jun "hehe" smiled: "No thanks."

Walking out of the bedroom, Zhang Jun unexpectedly discovered that there were more than a dozen people outside looking over. These people are male and female, but they are all very imposing. They seem to be descendants of Mrs. Xu.

Xu Dongsen came first and asked nervously, "Brother, how is the situation?"

Zhang Jun said indifferently: "I will come again tomorrow, and I will be cured with seventy percent certainty."

Upon hearing the news, almost everyone at the scene cheered, and the corners of the eyes of several middle-aged women were wet. Middle-aged men even said "it's great, it's great".

After being excited, these people surrounded Zhang Jun again and said some words of thanks. Finally, a middle-aged man came over, and he held Zhang Jun's hand: "Xiao Zhang, Donglin originally said to invite a genius doctor, I still don’t believe it. I see it today, I have to believe it. Xiao Zhang, if you can You are the great benefactor of the Xu family to cure the old man's illness."

The middle-aged man named Xu Chenglong, the eldest son of the old man, is 55 years old this year and is in his prime of life. He is currently working in the General Staff Department.

Zhang Jun said: "Uncle Xu is too polite, Dongsen's business is mine, it's just a matter of effort."

"Okay." The smile on Xu Chenglong's face has not diminished. "Don't leave today. Let's eat together and have a good chat. I have heard of your Master Hua’s name for a long time, but I just couldn’t see it. Regarded as a pity in your life, you must introduce it to your uncle when you have time."

Zhang Jun knew that the family was too eager to treat Mr. Xu, so he did not refuse and stayed at Xu's house that day.

He had lunch with the Xu family. In addition to Zhang Jun, there are six people at the dinner table, namely Xu Dongsen's father Xu Chenglong, second uncle Xu Chenghu, and third uncle Xu Chengbao. The other three are Xu Dongsen and his wife, and a young man in his early twenties.

The young man has been very silent and didn't say much at the dinner table. Through the introduction, Zhang Jun knew that his name was Xu Dongliang, Xu Chenghu's son, and now he also works in the military.

However, Zhang Jun discovered through observation that Xu Dongliang was a master, reaching the level of dark power.

At this time, Xu Chenghu glared at his son and said, "Dongliang, you are dumb, why don't you say a word?"

Xu Dongliang said lightly: "I don't like talking to outsiders."

As soon as this statement came out, the faces of several elders changed color, and Xu Chenghu slapped the table and cursed: "Wang Ba Laozi, are you looking for something?"

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