Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 208: Do you see this information?

The physics teacher looked at Wei Mingzhe with a strange look, and only asked: "Why can't Huo Yao do it? Old Wei, do you have too much prejudice against people?"

Wei Mingzhe was choked for an instant when he was questioned. A few seconds later, he said, "You are a physics specialist, and you don't know the degree of difficulty of this question. She is a liberal arts student..."

Although the principal can’t understand physics questions, he also knows the Olympic questions very profound, so when Wei Mingzhe repeatedly mentioned that “Huo Yao is a liberal arts student”, he couldn’t help saying: "Old Wei, you probably forgot one thing. I originally wanted to put someone in your rocket class."

The implication is that people are originally science students, but you don't want it yourself, and you will be picked up by the liberal arts class by mistake.

When Wei Mingzhe heard the principal's words, the whole person suddenly seemed to be hit, almost staggering.

He has been reluctant to think about it, and even more reluctant to admit that Huo Yao was introduced to the Rocket Class by himself. Whenever he sees that transfer student dominates the rankings with various results, he always deliberately The choice to ignore, not to listen, not to watch, will not regret it.

But at this moment, the principal mentioned it, but it was like thunder, hitting his head in an instant, shattering his self-deception.

The physics teacher didn’t know it happened. Seeing the principal mentioned it, he subconsciously stated his purpose of coming here in a hurry, "So, is Huo Yao a science student? No wonder physics is so good, and I still say such a good seed. How can it be placed in the liberal arts class, and I want to mention to the principal that she will be transferred to the science class.

Seeing that the physics teacher is a sensible person, the principal couldn't help but glanced at Wei Mingzhe again, and the corners of his lips twitched, "You have a lot of insight."

Wei Mingzhe's face paled again.

"I almost forgot about this interruption, old guard, did you just mention the competition information?"

The principal suddenly walked to the desk when he was speaking, opened the drawer, took out a book from it, and threw it directly on the desk, "Do you see this one?"

Wei Mingzhe's eyes fell on the table. After a few seconds of silence, he reached out and picked up the book, and opened it hesitantly.

The principal leaned on the table, his eyes faintly, "This material was brought to me by classmate Huo Yao a few days ago. She said that someone had delivered it to her home and she didn’t need it, so she gave it to me. I said Take a few copies of this information and show it to the students."

Wei Mingzhe turned a few pages in succession, the content was all types of questions and answers, and also turned to the questions that appeared in the previous contests, and this information is all available.

He raised his head, "This..."

"Oh, yes, Huo Yao told me before that she felt that some of the problem-solving methods in this material were too cumbersome and old-fashioned, and she was worried that some people would make a fuss with this material, so her way of answering questions might be slightly different. ..."

After a pause, the principal thought about it for a few seconds, and then said softly: "Since I want to investigate, I will go to the Municipal Education Association at noon to transfer out the test paper of Huo Yao, and then make a copy of it and bring it back to all Teachers all come to compare."

As soon as the words were over, Wei Mingzhe's face was blue and white, and he put down the information in his hand, and his whole body seemed to be drained at this moment.

The physics teacher glanced at Wei Mingzhe, only shook his head with emotion, then he took the book of materials in his hand, flipped through it, and smacked his lips in disappointment.

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