Miracle Pill Maker Bullies the Boss

Chapter 1886: Where to start, where to end

Zhuo Yun took the two to the office.

When I entered, a middle-aged man in a suit was talking to Min Yu. Looking at his aura, his position should not be low, but he was very respectful when facing Min Yu.

"I will let people keep staring, and I will never let those people harm City C."

Min Yu gave a light hum, raised his eyes and looked at the door. When he saw Huo Yao, the coldness between his eyebrows seemed to disappear a little.

Seeing this, the middle-aged man stood up wittily, "Then Min, you are busy, I won't bother."

After speaking, he nodded slightly and walked outside. When he passed Huo Yao and Myron, he couldn't help but glanced at them curiously.

I don't know the origin of these two people.

When the people left, Zhuo Yun spontaneously pulled the office door shut.

"Mr. Myron." Min Yu nodded politely, not surprisingly that he would see Myron.

After all, yesterday’s channel line did not belong to Huo’s family.

"Min Shao." Myron waved his hand politely, with fluffy blonde hair and well-maintained skin white and translucent, and said, "You talk, don't worry about me."

Zhuo Yun's expression moved slightly next to him, and he glanced at his master. Although he was anxious that Professor Min and their plane was still missing, he still proposed at this time: "Otherwise, I will take Mr. Myron outside for a walk? Just to introduce Minister Wang and the others. ."

Just when I brought Myron over, the other side metaphorically praised the national security department here on the road. Zhuo Yun is a personal spirit, and he probably understood the deep meaning.

So it will take the initiative to bring it up at this time.

If you can get a relationship with Yunzhijing, Minister Wang is afraid that he can't ask for it.

Min Yu looked at Myron, "Look at what Mr. Myron meant."

Myron was happy to be so, nodded, "Okay."

His hobby is to develop business.

Soon, Zhuo Yun took Myron and left the office.

Only Huo Yao and Min Yu were left.

Min Yu walked to the side and poured a cup of warm water, and handed it to Huo Yao, "You want to come back, I didn't say a word last night."

"No time." Huo Yao held the cup and didn't drink any water. He sat down on the chair and talked about the business: "How is your investigation done here?"

Min Yu's eyes condensed, with a bit of hostility, "No trace of the plane was found."

In fact, it is not only C city, but other routes have also attracted attention, but after four or five hours, the plane that should have appeared long ago seems to have disappeared out of thin air.

No accident, but no trace.


Huo Yao looked at Min Yu, pondered Xiao Xu, and said, "Do you believe me?"

Min Yu met Huo Yao's eyes, and a few traces of red blood were faintly visible under her jet-black eyes, and she could see that she hadn't rested for a long time.

He smiled, hardly any hesitation, "I never doubted."

If he didn't believe it, he wouldn't sit here calmly.

When Min Yu's words fell, Huo Yao also smiled suddenly, and said: "If I'm correct in my calculation, the plane will be found in half an hour at the latest."

To be precise, the other party will take the initiative to expose the position of the aircraft.

She has been thinking about it since she got off the plane, and she didn't think through everything until just now.

From the beginning to the end, the purpose of the grand chairman is just to bring her back here.

Huo Yao's eyes were a little hazy, making it impossible for people to see clearly. After the pupils gradually focused, they quickly returned to normal: "You let the white jade come here."

Some things must end where they begin, and they cannot be avoided.

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