The Ming Dynasty’s Prodigal Son

Chapter 650: : Broken belly

Zhu Houzhao is already like a hot pot ant.

He is a very emotional person.

I don't know what to do now.

Wenpo had already arrived, and they were all one in a hundred.

However, it is useless.

The doctors tried their best to formulate prescriptions, but they saw that they were about to be born. What's the use?

Zhu Houzhao carried his hands on his back, he frowned, and suddenly there was a sadness.

Can't help feeling: "God is really unfair, does this have to cut off the heirs of this palace? What have I done!"

Yes, you really did a lot of sin.

Fang Jifan gave him an affirmative answer.

In fact, Fang Jifan is more anxious than Zhu Houzhao.

In this era, giving birth to children depends entirely on luck, so for future generations, they can continue to rely on their great-grandmother, great-grandmother, and great-grandmother generations of generations of luck, even if it is Royal, the death rate is still terrifying.

Premature births combined with improper fetal position are almost indistinguishable from the death sentence.

In the dormitory, Shen Fei's mourning was clearly heard. Zhu Houzhao's eyes were red. He clenched his fists and rushed in. Looking at the sweaty Shen Fei with a sweat on his forehead, Zhu Houzhao suddenly felt guilty.

This feeling of guilt will appear countless times in this scumbag's life, because of his nature, which is originally loose and free. Most of the time, he understands right and wrong and right and wrong, but it is a pity, although it is clear, but He will still run on the wrong path.

Just as for this concubine Shen, the concubine arranged for him by his father, emperor and his mother did not leave him much impression. To his wife, he married himself and gave birth to a baby. There was no trace, no return home every night, and now, he carefully looked at Shen Fei, seeing her painful appearance, only to realize that this person is his true wife, and now, she has been wandering between life and death.

Zhu Houzhao rarely shed tears: "You ... you are all right."

Fang Jifan was in a hurry outside the door and said in his heart, fortunately Shen Ao was not here, otherwise he would have to kill the prince.

Shen Fei said: "Prince, His Royal Highness ... the concubine's child, also ... can I still keep it? Concubine's child ..."

The meaning is very clear, you must keep the child, even if Shen Fei's own life is gone, you don't have to mind.

Zhu Houzhao went mad, grabbed the doctor, and snarled loudly: "Can you keep it? Can you keep it?"

The royal doctor sighed: "His Royal Highness, His Royal Highness, the princes and others have done their best. At this time, premature birth, especially the fetal position is not correct. Eight or nine can't be guaranteed. "

Zhu Houzhao shuddered, and he suddenly fell silent.

But at this time, there was a voice outside: "Your Majesty is driving ... Niang ......"

Emperor Hongzhi has joined forces with Queen Zhang.

Seven granddaughters were born in a row.

The first one, Emperor Hongzhi and Empress Zhang are silly, after all, they are their own flesh and blood, look at her small eyes, look at her small nose, like me, too much.

The second one is still happy, this granddaughter is blameless, come, kiss.

The third……

the fourth……

The fifth and sixth ...

the seventh……

Emperor Hongzhi began to doubt life and couldn't laugh, because he had a throne that needs to be inherited, but what about his grandson, what about my grandson?

All hopes are now pinned on Shen Fei, whose belly is swollen. Emperor Hongzhi is having trouble sleeping and sleeping, and Queen Zhang is also unable to sleep at night. She is still wondering why she gave birth to seven granddaughters in a row. Is there any warning?

For this matter, the emperor Hongzhi personally decided to let the British father go to the Taimiao to worship the ancestors, hoping to bring himself good luck. The ancestors blessed him and gave it to a man.

But I don't know if the posture of the British public ancestor is not correct. As a result, after the mourning ceremony, the East Palace came at noon and something happened.

Emperor Hongzhi's face was scared white.

Queen Zhang felt her legs were a bit soft.

For Zhu Houzhao, his son may just be a tool for anger. After all, having seven children in a row is really gloomy. Before giving birth to a child, people talked in private, but now, the child can have a child, a special daughter, this tone, Can't swallow it.

But for the emperor and empress Zhang, this is the burden of inheriting the ancestors. There are three reasons for lack of filial piety. .

Emperor Hongzhi's face was miserable, and he quickly entered the bedroom, saw Zhu Houzhao, who was downcast, and then looked at the great doctor who knelt on the ground and dared not get up. All at once, Emperor Hongzhi understood.

He took a deep breath: "Is there a way?"

No one answered him.

Emperor Hongzhi felt that his heart had been severely hit by a heavy hammer, and he felt that the world was turning around. He continued to take a deep breath: "Seriously, is there no way? Speak, speak to me!"

The doctors were ashamed.

This thing is really not that they are not skilled in medicine, nor that they are not doing their best. In fact, there is no way to do it.

"Your Majesty." The first doctor had to say: "Not to mention premature birth, just to say that the fetal position is not correct, even if the child can come out, the feet will come out first. This production process can easily cause suffocation.

At this time, Fang Jifan crept to the side of Emperor Hongzhi: "You mean, will you die?"

The emperor Hongzhi heard the death word and was suddenly dizzy.

Fang Jifan also consciously made some self-talk, but this question is very important to him.

The doctor was silent for a moment. In fact, there may still be a ray of life, but the chance is too low. Wherever he dares any guarantee now, he is ashamed: "I am afraid it is."

Emperor Hongzhi felt a little overwhelmed by his body and was quickly supported by Xiao Jing's eyes.

He did not forget to say: "Go, help Queen Zhang to rest."

The accompanying female officer did not dare to neglect, but was busy holding Queen Zhang with a miserable look.

Zhu Houzhao looked miserable: "I save countless people, I can't think of ..."

Fang Jifan said at this time: "Since the doctors have no way to do it, they have said that they will die, then, try my method."

Yes, Fang Jifan dared to propose his own way only when he was guaranteed to die absolutely.

Because of their own methods, they are equally risky. If you are not careful, you may kill Shen Fei or the children in your stomach.

Therefore, less than a last resort, Fang Jifan will never propose it.

But the doctor had opened his mouth, so ... Fang Jifan had to stand up and give it a try.

"What?" Emperor Hongzhi swept across Fang Jifan with eyes full of electricity.

Zhu Houzhao immediately got up and looked at Fang Jifan with a look of expectation.

Fang Jifan took a deep breath: "Father Emperor, His Royal Highness, you can all hear clearly. The doctor said that Shen Fei and the children will all die. Their lives are in the hands of Lord Yan, and I ... "

Zhu Hou stomped anxiously: "Speak human."

Fang Jifan had to extract the essence and remove the chaff: "Don't blame me when something goes wrong."

Emperor Hongzhi said: "In this part, what else do you blame, don't be afraid, what do you have to do, say it quickly."

Fang Jifan said: "Ripper! Broken belly!"


Emperor Hongzhi was a little embarrassed.

It seems that Fang Jifan will only be one way.

It seems that there is something wrong with the knife.

Emperor Hongzhi was silent for a moment, but ... when this is the time, what else should he taboo?

Zhu Houzhao patted his head: "Yes, open the knife, move the knife, move the knife!"

Fang Jifan is now a life-saving straw, and it is difficult to believe his evil.

Fang Jifan said: "This matter, you need to first ask Shen Fei's consent."

Fang Jifan is not stupid. In order to prevent possible medical trouble afterwards, he didn't make things clear, then hell.

He hurried to Shen Fei's couch and said righteously: "Miss Shen Fei, I have a way ..."

Shen Fei was alive with pain.

When he saw Fang Jifan, he was at ease.

Although her beautiful face was miserable, she saw Fang Jifan's unconditional trust.

The Shen family only depended on Fang Jifan to have today.

What his own brother looks like, others may be more than that, but Shen Fei knows better than anyone, but since he went to Xishan Academy and joined Fang Jifan's door, the whole person is completely new. In her heart, Fang Jifan is a very powerful person, In this world, there is nothing else to stumble Fang Jifan.

She knew she was dead and was in front of her eyes, but she was thinking of the child in her heart, and she was pregnant in August. All hopes in her life were pinned on the child. Although she was wailing, she did n’t cry, but a look When we came to Fang Jifan, the tears came down suddenly: "Master ... Please save the child!"

Teacher ...

Fang Jifan was shocked.

Deep inside, there is a touch.

Am I so old?

Although he loves to take advantage of men, a woman who is the same age as him calls his teacher, but it makes him a little strange.

But Fang Jifan knows that this teacher is the responsibility.

His mother, we Fang Jifan ... fighted.

Fang Jifan shouted: "It's too late, save people, people, immediately send people to Xishan, Xishan has a silkworm room, be quick, and can't be delayed for a moment."

Fang Jifan turned his head back to ~ and almost hit Zhu Houzhao, who was behind him, this guy almost stuck his face to himself.

Fang Jifan said sharply: "I want to save my granddaughter and I will do everything I can."

Zhu Houzhao suddenly felt as if he was being taken advantage of.

But now, there is so much to worry about.

Watching Lao Fang say these things, he gave Zhu Hou Zhao the peace of mind, because he knew that in the next, all he needed to do was follow Fang Jifan's.

Ripper, Ripper ... Can I still have children?

Never heard of it.

But ... I want to be the same as cutting the waist.

Fang Jifan took the lead and took pictures of Zhu Houzhao: "His Royal Highness, still ... still you come to take the lead."

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