Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 490: Feng Jiu’s mother-in-law

"Oh, I am coming."

Outside, the voice of Feng Jiu was heard. Before the book, Feng Xiaoyi listened, and quickly lifted his sleeves and wiped his eyes. After looking at the whole mood, he looked up and saw that his daughter had come in.

"Hey? What's wrong with you?" Feng Jiu, who came to him, saw his eyes red, and he couldn't help but feel a little wrong. See you in his hand with an amethyst white jade, and the light could not help but move.

"Nothing." He shook his head and didn't want to say more.

"Nothing? What is this?" She grabbed the amethyst and white jade from his hand and smiled and looked at the father with a nervous face.

"Small nine, be careful not to break." He quickly stood up, for fear that she accidentally broke the amethyst white jade scorpion.

Feng Jiu saw his nervous look and smiled: "Hey, this is a mother-in-law? Are you secretly thinking about a mother-in-law here?" When the voice fell, she seemed to find that she was not at all for her mother. Memory, even, the government has never been raised about her mother.

"Hey!" he sighed and sat down.

Seeing this, Feng Jiu also took a smile, moved a chair and sat down beside him, and handed back the amethyst white jade in his hand to him: "Hey, tell me about my mother!" Is she still alive? I am sixteen years old. I have never heard of you mentioning my mother-in-law before, so tell me about her!"

Can let her daddy have not been jealous for so many years, there is no woman around, he must have loved her mother, but I don’t know, what kind of woman is her mother? Can actually let a hard-nosed hard-headed man hide here and take her old things and think of people.

Feng Xiao took over the amethyst white jade, and said: "This amethyst white jade is indeed your mother's pro, she has only this scorpion in addition to leaving you."

"Since I love my mother very much, why haven’t you heard of me for so many years? My mother is? Is she still alive?" she asked again.

Feng Xiao looked at the scorpion in his hand, and said: "I don't want to mention it, but I forgot her before. I don't know who she is. I don't know where she is. I don't know where she is. I only know that. I have a woman in my heart, a woman who always thinks about it but can’t remember it."

"Ah? How come?" She whispered, couldn't remember? How can it be?

"Well, I can't think of it. I was reminded of everything about your mother-in-law after being awake by Murong Bo, and your mother-in-law is a kind-hearted gentleman, she is me. I have seen one of the most beautiful women, but I have thought of her for so many years, I am really damn..."

Looking at her guilty face of self-blame, a look of embarrassment, a look of pain, her eyes looked deep, asked: "Is there someone who has moved his hands and feet?" Why do you have hands? Is her mother's identity very unusual?

"Your mother is with me, her family, her father, are not allowed, all people are opposed, because she is so good, so beautiful, and I, a Wufu, I simply can't match her. But she didn't care about anything. She abandoned everything, just to be with me. I didn't even have a decent wedding for her."

Feng Xiao murmured, his eyes fell on the amethyst white jade in his hands, and he remembered the scene of the year...

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