Mesmerizing Ghost Doctor

Chapter 3992: Night exploration

The man surnamed Lin walked in with a hand and glanced at Feng Jiu, then stepped forward and sat down at the table in the courtyard.

"Lin Shixiong drinks tea." The man surnamed He gave him a cup and then sat down next to him.

Feng Jiu’s heart sighed, and the face was a smile that came forward. “Mr. Lin’s brother, I met Zhu Shimei when I first came back. She told me to tell you that she would look for you in two days. Gather."

"Is it really just on the road?" Lin surnamed the man staring at Feng Jiu, not waiting for Feng Jiu to speak, but also calmly said: "I still deliberately go there waiting for her?"

"Mr. Lin brothers don't misunderstand, it just happened to happen. Lin Shimei told me a few words, and then let me pass the message on behalf of me. It's just that."

She said anxiously, and then said: "Lin Shimei and other characters, only Lin brothers can be worthy, I know that the strength is not good, how dare to give birth to such a mind, but also hope that the brothers do not misunderstand."

In the end, she said that she would dispel the suspicion and hostility of the other party. After she left him, she sighed with a sigh of relief. The man surnamed He was met and laughed.

"I usually see you quietly, but I didn't expect to speak up and speak eloquently."

Listening to this, Feng Jiu’s light flashed slightly. This is the second person who said this today. It seems that she has unwittingly brought her character into this role.

If this continues, it is estimated that they should be suspicious. With today's vigilance, she will be more careful in her next days.

In the next two days, she organized the relationship and contacts of the man surnamed here, and also heard a message from the side, that is, tonight, the leaders of Zongmenli will discuss things in the temple.

When she heard the news, she planned to go to the bottom.

This night, shortly after she had turned off the lights, she changed into a night dress and quietly left the yard and went to the upper level of the Zongmen. I have been familiar with the route in these two days, and I am not worried that I will be lost here.

With her strength in the night, like a ghostly figure, no one can detect it, not to mention, she slid a breath of breath, quietly sneak, plus not many people in the night swaying in the sect. Instead, they all returned to their homes to rest and practice.

Perhaps this door is too confident, no one will mix in, the alert inside is not very strict, which makes Feng Jiu easily come to the hall of the discussion.

She quietly lie on the roof of the temple, seeing the scene below through the slits in the roof.

I saw that more than a dozen men and women sat on the left and right sides of the temple. Some of them were old and some looked young. Of course, their true age is absolutely inconsistent with the looks they display.

She noticed that there were three glamorous women sitting underneath, the clothes were very exposed, and the beauty was faintly with the charm of the soul, and the manners were slightly lighter.

In the main position, a gray-haired old man sat, holding a faucet in his hand, which looked like wood, and some resembled what was carved.

She also swayed for three days in this door, and occasionally passed some people, including her so-called master, but obviously the person sitting there is the pillar of this sect.

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