Medieval Riding and Cutting Record

Chapter 313: Vikings about to go south [2]

Lord Ivan walked all the way towards the dock, and more and more Viking warriors gathered along the way.

Some of them are wearing simple leather armor, holding Viking axe and buckler in their hands, carrying long bows and quivers, and there are also many female warriors in them.

There are also exceptionally strong Viking warriors wearing thick chain armor with iron plates, and carrying giant horned battle axes as high as one person. They are also known as [Great Axe Warriors].

In addition, there are [Viking Spearmen] with spears. Spears are also the most commonly used combat weapon of Viking warriors.

Its spear head is made of a piece of pure iron. The shape is generally broad-leaved with a pointed tip. It is mounted on a wooden spear shaft, usually ash, with a total length of about 1.5 to 2 meters. Some of the spear head straps There are barbs.

Elite Viking spearmen can throw two spears with both hands at the same time, and can even catch a javelin or flying spear thrown from the opposite side.

Finally, there is the smallest but most powerful [Viking Berserker]. Berserkers gain power through ancient rituals.

These practices include extreme isolation, fasting, exposure to low temperatures, etc. In the wilderness, these berserkers live like their savage animals, and survive by hunting and raiding settlements.

Most of the hundreds of berserkers wear bear or wolf fur coats, and the heads of beasts make up their animal leather helmets.

The Great Lord Ivan is the legendary powerhouse among the berserkers, but he is also wearing a sea beast leather armor engraved with Luen.

"Huh! Huh! Huh!" As the Great Ivan walked forward, the Viking warriors uttered a shocking and feverish roar!

The horrible cry pierced the sky, it was so hysterical, so crazy!

When the Great Ivan stood on the steps of the pier, everyone's shouts became more and more urgent, and many Viking warriors slapped their shields frantically.

And the howls from those giant axe warriors can even scare their timid opponents to death.


The battle roar of Lord Ivan covered the sound of thousands of people. He was like the Tyrannosaurus rex in ancient times, the uncrowned king at the top of the food chain!

Everyone's voices fell silent, listening to their lord's speech.

"Today, we will set sail, today, we will go south to plunder those weak southerners! Let them provide all the food and treasure!"

"Who are we?!" Big Ivan looked around, hitting the floor heavily with his battle axe.

The crowd shouted in unison: "Viking warriors!"

"Where will we go after we die?!" The battle axe hit the floor again.

Everyone shouted again: "The Hall of Valor-Valhalla!!!"

"We will drink the blood of our enemies during the day! At night we will drink the sweet honey wine!"

The Great Ivan released his legendary aura, raised the epic battle fury with white light in his hands, and shouted loudly:

"There are no Vikings who die of old age or disease, only Viking warriors who died on the battlefield! Let's go!!"

"Huh! Huh! Huh!"

An extremely excited giant axe warrior bombarded the ground with a horned axe, rumbling loudly, and a large amount of dust was thrown into the air.

At this time, hundreds of Viking warships and cargo ships of all kinds have been moored at the pier.

The warship is designed to be lighter and narrower, flexible to move, able to withstand heavy storms, and is mainly used to transport soldiers quickly.

The cargo ship is tall and wide, with a heavy hull, which can maintain stability when carrying heavy loads in the sea. It not only transports materials, but also transports horses for combat.

Both types of wooden boats are engraved with exquisite patterns, and there are a large number of Rune characters, which can withstand some spell attacks.

The bow of the Viking ship is marked by a dragon head statue, which can protect the crew from attacks by some sea beasts.

These hulls are very slender, with a huge mast erected in the middle and square colored sails, which can sail into rivers and shallow bays for landing operations.

The deck of the Viking warship is open-air, so it cannot serve as a shelter from wind and rain.

Cold winds and huge waves still make Vikings cold and wet. It is common for people to freeze to death and drown in the sea by huge waves at night.

Therefore, the Vikings must have incomparable courage and firm perseverance in this conquering action, and they must first endure great pain before winning.

Among them, the longest sea snake boat can accommodate 50 oarsmen and can carry up to 160 people on board.

Great Ivan’s wife and maids stood on the high ground, looking at the busy people underneath, and praying in their hearts for their smooth return.

After that, the Viking warriors boarded their respective ships and brought a large amount of supplies down the frozen coast to the site where the Golden Ring Town was located.

On this route, there will be Vikings from nearby villages coming to join their lord.

split line--------

In addition to a large number of Viking lords going south to plunder, there is also a squad of 80 people who continue to march towards the north.

The leader is Lord Radsky, and the younger brother of Bluetooth, Kadi, who is not an ordinary Viking warrior, but a clever hunter who is good at tracking.

"Your Excellency Radsky, are there any physical changes in other villages?" Cardi asked in a low voice.

Everyone's horses staggered hard in the snow, and Radsky, who was originally talking about it, became taciturn and his face was full of melancholy.

"I got information from my subordinates. Just a few days ago, there was a remote village that lost contact with the outside world. It is very likely that that happened."

"Oh, may God of War bless..."

The sun was gradually dimming during the day, and the wind and snow were constantly blowing. It seemed that the conversation between them required a lot of physical energy.

The farther north you go, the more desolate it is. The local residents have to endure this land for a long time. They don't have the favorable environment of the central countries, and anyone here looks extremely small.

If you do not act with your companions, but are alone, you may lose your mind in the wilderness, or even go crazy.

It took 5 days they finally arrived at that remote village, and Kadi shouted in a special tone towards the village to show his identity.

However, the surroundings of the village were full of silence, there was no sound of people or animals, only the whistling of the cold wind.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Cardi drew out the hatchet from his waist: "We seem to be in trouble."

The other 79 people also drew their weapons, and Lord Radsky held the horned axe on his back in his hand.

In the snowfield near them, hundreds of humans with abnormal appearances were drilled out. Looking at their shabby clothes, they should be villagers in the village.

These villagers were turned white from the cold, and various deformed organs emerged from various parts of the body. Some had their arms mutated into tentacles, and the bodies of a few others were fused together, just like inferior stitched works.

"Roar!!!" They howled harshly and rushed towards Radsky and them.

The two men and horses quickly fought together. . .

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