Mecha War: Starting from Gundam OO

Chapter 67 People who shouldn’t appear

"Ha~ha~ It's been... fifteen hours since the battle started... Ha~ha~"

"Really... let us have a meal at least, huh~!"

"How long will this offensive continue... ha~"

Ten hours have passed since the rendezvous. Although he is not completely stuck in place, he is still unable to move. He is almost trapped in an area and has never left. As long as there is the slightest intention to escape from the fire blockade, It will immediately be suppressed by more intense firepower.

After a total of fifteen hours of fighting, without stopping, and not even having time to eat, drink or relieve themselves, their physical strength and energy had reached their limit.

"Damn it, according to the planned plan, Mr. Myron should have taken away more than half of the troops. Why can they still maintain it?" Lyle complained.

"Hmm~ This shows that the troops and materials they invested this time are unprecedentedly large. The pressure on Mr. Maier's side is definitely not small. According to Miss Huang's prediction, the enemy's elite troops are about to arrive. By then, the enemy will The fire suppression will definitely weaken, and that’s our chance!” Neil said to everyone as he shot down several bombing [combat-style] and [thug-style] bombers.

"Understood." X4.

On the other side of the battlefield, Yang Hui couldn't remember how many firepower points he had destroyed and how many MSs he had shot down. His face was covered with sweat, and he looked like he was fished out of the water. His sharp eyes couldn't help but A flash of fatigue flashed through.

"Ha~ha~ So much has been destroyed...why hasn't the offensive weakened..."

"Shooted down MS321 and destroyed 75 fire points." Haro reported to Yang Huihui very thoughtfully.

"Hello, let's not talk about this meaningless report." As he finished speaking, Yang Hui shot down more than a dozen mobile suits with a salvo of guns and artillery, and completely destroyed a firepower point not far away.

"Understood! Understood!"

"Damn it, I don't know what happened to them in Setsuna?" Yang Hui complained, but found that the enemy's fire suppression began to weaken rapidly and became silent. More and more MS troops appeared within the radar detection range.

"Haha, are we running out of supplies, or are you planning to catch me? This is not in line with Katie's style."

Although the tone was casual, the vigilance in Yang Hui's heart was raised to the highest level. If it was Katie's command, she must know to catch herself. Just one Gundam alone would definitely cost more than dealing with five Gundams, and once If something goes wrong, the entire operation will be ruined.

And...all the MSs of the Revolutionary Alliance and UNION present began to retreat, and those who remained and those who suddenly appeared were all AEU's [Thug Style] and [Formulation Style].

"Could it be that the power has been seized? No way... there should be a commander secretly, haha, interesting." Yang Hui randomly shot down a few [Thug Style] and [Formulation Style] that rushed towards him, letting the GN-bit surround him. By his side, he was ready to fight his way out.

But seeing that there were only six gun types and two sword types left in GN-bit, and the others had been destroyed in the previous battle, Yang Hui was a little helpless. The weakening of firepower, the consumption of physical strength and energy, made him unable to continue. I no longer have the confidence to enter [Changer] mode.

"Damn old man, can't you lift the seal of Trans-AM in advance?" Yang Hui cursed as he fought his way out, but the gap he finally created could not be filled immediately, forcing him back into the encirclement again.

The Secret Angel dancing in the hail of bullets could no longer perfectly avoid all attacks. The Secret Angel, which had been intact from the first appearance until now, was also covered with scorch marks and scratches.

At the temporary headquarters of the military exercise, Kati also received relevant reports and immediately contacted his superiors to ask what was going on?

"Colonel Manekin, you only need to be responsible for the five Gundams gathered together. Others have taken over the feather machine on the other side."

"Who is in charge of command? Why didn't you notify me in advance? This will disrupt all my combat deployments!"

"Are you questioning your superiors? Colonel Manekin, watch your attitude!"

"I'm very sorry, sir." Katie bowed her head and apologized, but her eyes were filled with angry flames. All of her deployments were based on the comparison between the enemy and ourselves, and were based on combat plans that could pay the minimum loss. If secret troops or divisions were arranged, She has absolutely no objection to taking over her command, but...

She needs to be informed of this in advance!

If someone suddenly intervenes, his plan will be disrupted, and fifteen hours of hard work may be in vain.

"Huh, this is an order. You must execute it. I hope you can achieve corresponding results."

When the communication ended, Katie punched the command podium with an angry expression as if she wanted to kill someone.

"Colonel, urgent communication request!"


"The opponent's unit number shows...Second Lieutenant Gary Biaki of the Foreign Legion!"

"What? Foreign Legion?" Katie was shocked.

Because of the massive rebellion of the Foreign Legion in the past, no foreign Legion participated in this joint military exercise. They were even subject to force control during the exercise. But now why are there people from the Foreign Legion accessing the specially set up communication network? , and still have the right to contact the headquarters directly?

With a bad premonition, Katie connected to the emergency communication. She wanted to see who Lieutenant Gary Biaki was.

When the communication was connected, Katie immediately recognized Lieutenant Gary Biaki and became even more angry.

"Ali al-Sashes."

Sashes's name is famous even within the AEU military, but Yeluzi, who became a monk, has a driving level that exceeds that of internal elites and ace drivers. He has a cunning and insidious personality and is good at self-protection, but he also likes to provoke wars. This It is completely opposite to the philosophy of the military, so many people hate him, including Katie. It is for this reason that Katie rejected the recommendation from his superiors to join the Gundam Investigation Force.

"Long time no see, Colonel Manekin."

"Why did you appear in the exercise area? The foreign corps should be restricted to domestic camps."

"Hey, don't look so scared. The reason why I'm here is because of the orders from my superiors. I don't dare to violate military orders." Faced with Katie's murderous gaze, Sashes pretended to be afraid, but it didn't matter. said.


"My superiors ordered me to take over the Feather Machine, and Colonel Manekin will be in charge of the other five Gundams."

"How is this possible! How could the higher ups allow you to take over the command!?"

"This is true. The colonel can confirm it with his superiors, but before you confirm it, I have to deal with the feather machine first. I hope you can finish it before seizing the feather machine, that's it."


Without giving Katy a chance, Sashes ended the communication directly, and Katy hurt the podium with another punch.

"Call your superiors immediately to ask why Sashes has command authority! Ask your superiors to return the command authority!"


Katie gritted her teeth. A man like Sashes had no honor as a soldier at all. Everything he did was for himself. If he really had the power to command, whether he could capture the Secret Angel was another question, but the loss would be certain. It would be quite disastrous. He had never learned to cherish the lives of his comrades. As long as he could achieve his goal, it was normal for him to sacrifice all his troops.

"Colonel, at the scheduled time, Special 1, Special 2, and Special 3 MS units are requesting an attack."

"Huh~" Katie controlled her emotions. If it was really the order from her superiors, then she would have done everything she could. Instead of being angry because of her superiors' stupidity, she should complete the current task first.

"With permission, Special 1, Special 2, and Special 3 MS units will attack immediately to implement the A1 plan."


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