Material Empire

Chapter 255: A Smart Ya Nei

Qin Hai rushed over after receiving a call from Qin Minghua in the workshop. When he walked into the office, he saw that five young people had already sat down, drinking tea and chatting with each other. His father, Qin Minghua, was sitting in his seat, writing some materials, obviously he had nothing to say to this group of people, so he could only leave them aside.

Qin Hai was not in a hurry to say hello to this group of people, he went straight to Qin Minghua's side, pulled a chair and sat down, and then quietly looked at the five young people. He found that these five people were not all wearing checkered shirts, ironing chicken nest heads, and writing the words "I am a bad guy" on their faces as they had imagined. On the contrary, their attire can be regarded as relatively conservative nowadays, and their hairstyles are also well-regulated. At a glance, they look like a few college students who have just arrived in the institution.

In fact, most of the real children of cadres at that time were relatively low-key in terms of attire, because they had to go in and out of the government compound, and they had to play the image of a good boy in front of their parents. The punks are exactly the same. On occasions where their parents can't see, they can spend their days drinking and doing all kinds of non-mainstream activities, but when they go home, they will tidy up serious and dignified in order to win the favor of their elders.

Zheng Bojia is exactly such a person. In the Municipal Party Committee's family courtyard, he is a good boy in everyone's eyes. He even got admitted to a technical secondary school with his own ability. After graduation, he got a job in a good unit in the city. However, the leaders of the unit knew that he was the son of the deputy secretary, so naturally they didn't dare to have strict demands on him. He has been working for several years, and the total time he really stayed in the unit is less than a month, and the rest of the time is spent fooling around with a bunch of yamen who are the same as him.

The salary income of the leaders of the municipal party committee is not low, and the various benefits and contributions from the subordinate units are even more generous, but all these are only enough for Zheng Chao's family to live a relatively prosperous life, which is far from Zheng Bojia's expected life of rich clothes, fine food, fragrant cars and beautiful women. The requirements are not far off. As a son of a cadre, Zheng Bojia has seen a lot of things in the world. He knows all the car logos, knows the value of all kinds of famous cigarettes and wines, he wants to wear famous watches and brands, and spend a lot of money in front of his girlfriend, and all of these are not him. What the family's income can support, not to mention his own meager wages for government staff.

In that era, as a child of a cadre, he still had many opportunities to earn money. There are many enterprises in Beixi City, and the products of some of them are quite in short supply in the market. Zheng Bojia was able to obtain some products at ex-factory prices from these companies, and then sell them at black market prices. In the process of changing hands, hundreds or even thousands of yuan in profits can fall into his pockets. In the process of doing these things, he got acquainted with many children from the families of leaders at the city and county levels, and formed a second-generation official relationship network covering Beixi.

Money came in quickly for supplies that were in short supply, but gradually it was difficult to satisfy the appetites of Zheng Bojia and others. There is no end to such things as high consumption. At the beginning, these yamen only wanted to go to the restaurant to order a table of Hu Saihai for a meal, and they were satisfied. Later, they found that this way of life was too low-end. No matter how extravagant a meal is, it only costs one or two hundred yuan. A Goldlion tie clip or a piece of imported designer yarn for girlfriend Towels cost thousands of yuan at every turn. How can they meet their needs by reselling some scarce supplies?

As a result, some young people began to propose to do some big business, such as opening a factory by themselves. A yamen from Pingyuan County told Zheng Bojia about the Pingyuan Special Steel Factory, saying that the company made a lot of money, and suggested that Zheng Bojia also take them to set up a similar factory. Zheng Bojia laughed when he heard this, and said, "How can I build a steel factory? Since this factory is so profitable, why don't we just invest in it?"

In this way, under the leadership of two Pingyuan yamen, Zheng Bojia and his party came to the special steel factory and asked Qin Minghua for a shareholding. Zheng Bojia naturally knew that extortion was a crime, and once it got out, it would be difficult for him to end it, so he expressed to Qin Minghua that he was willing to contribute 10,000 yuan as the share capital. As for the shares he owned, a so-so 40% would be enough.

The last time Zheng Bojia and the others came, Qin Minghua told them that this matter needs to be attended by his son Qin Hai to count. After Zheng Bojia went back, he asked someone to inquire about it, and learned a lot of anecdotes about Qin Hai, including the fact that he was received by Vice Governor Yang Yihe. Zheng Bojia discussed with the little brothers about Qin Hai's possible reaction, and also considered that Qin Hai might use Yang Yihe's relationship to put pressure on their parents. Regarding this possibility, Zheng Bojia naturally had to consider a solution.

Seeing Qin Hai walking in as if no one was around, and sitting beside Qin Minghua without saying a word, Zheng Bojia hesitated for a moment, and finally spoke first: "Are you Qin Hai?"

"Exactly." Qin Hai replied with a smile.

"My name is Zheng Bojia. Director Qin should have told you about my visit." Zheng Bojia asked.

Qin Hai nodded: "Yes, my father mentioned your name. As for why you came here...he didn't quite understand it. Can Mr. Zheng explain it again?"

Zheng Bojia smiled slightly and said, "You can just call me Xiao Zheng. Since Director Qin didn't get it right, I'll explain it again. I work in the city, and I heard that Pingyuan Iron and Steel Plant is located in Pingyuan County. It is a well-known enterprise, but it has encountered some difficulties in its operation recently, mainly because the coordination with relevant departments is not smooth. Several of us have some connections in the city and the county, so we want to come here to help Factory Manager Qin, Solve some coordination issues."

"Oh, this is very good." Qin Haidao, "Xiao Zheng, you can take the initiative to help us, we are very grateful. Do you need our factory to send a pennant to your unit?"

Zheng Bojia didn't have any job, and seemed to be a deputy section chief in the unit, but if he was called Section Chief Zheng, he seemed to be looked down upon. Back then, Hong Kong-Taiwan-style addresses such as "Young Master Zheng" and "Mr. Zheng" were not fashionable, and the other party was unwilling to accept the name Mr. Zheng, so Qin Hai could only call him Xiao Zheng.

"Qin Hai, are you stupid in reading? You don't understand Brother Zheng's words?" A young man next to him couldn't listen anymore, and choked Qin Hai angrily. This person's name is Li Yiming, he is the son of the director of Pingyuan County Electric Power Bureau, and he is used to running amok on weekdays, and his self-cultivation is far inferior to that of Zheng Bojia.

Zheng Bojia raised his hand to stop Li Yiming's scolding. The smile on his face was a bit mocking, and he said to Qin Hai: "If Xiao Qin thinks it is necessary to send a pennant, of course I will not object. However, I I also asked someone, and they all said that Qin Hai is a smart person, I think, everyone is a smart person, so there is no need to go around some things, everyone's time is very precious."

Zheng Bojia learned the saying that time is precious from his father. He felt that this kind of rhetoric can show a person's style, so he often talks about it. Qin Hai pretended not to understand what he said. From Zheng Bojia's point of view, this was a delaying tactic, and the reason for adopting the delaying tactic was that there was nothing he could do, so he could only delay for a while. If Qin Hai had any trump card, it would have been used long ago.

Hearing what Zheng Bojia said, Qin Hai felt a bit of sympathy for each other. From his nature, he also doesn't like to talk about one thing in a cloudy manner, which is a waste of his own time and that of others. Since Zheng Bojia claims to be a smart person, let him just make it clear.

"Xiao Zheng is right, everyone is a smart person. If that's the case, then don't talk nonsense about helping our steel plant solve the problem, just say it, what conditions do you have, it doesn't matter if we agree or not. "Qin Hai said.

"Happy!" Zheng Bojia praised, "However, Xiao Qin, you said that we are going to help the steel factory solve the problem is nonsense, I don't agree. You go and ask, if there is any factory like yours that is not state-owned, is there any company that is not looking for a unit? Affiliated. Why do you want to be affiliated? It’s because in this society, you can’t get anything done if you don’t have a relationship. Can you admit that?”

"I admit it." Qin Hai replied.

"That's right. I know Xiao Qin, you have met Governor Yang, and you may feel that there is a big tree behind you. But let me tell you, I met Governor Yang when I was 3 years old, and he was not the governor at that time , is just a county magistrate, and he asked me to call him Uncle Yang. I tell you this, not to show off, but to tell you that there are so many people who have met the governor. Remember. If you want to run a business, it is not the governor who really works, but the switchboard outside your factory." Zheng Bojia joked in a tone full of superiority.

"The one who is in charge of the electric switch is in charge of my father." Li Yiming showed off without losing the opportunity, but was scolded by another yamen with a smile: "Isn't your father in charge of Xiao Ma's father?"

Zheng Bojia didn't pay attention to the squabbles of his gang, in his opinion, these people are too immature, they only know how to scare people with their father's official position all day long, and their appearance is too ugly. And he is a smart yamen, he will present the facts and reason with others, so that others will be convinced. In this way, the other party will take the initiative to wash himself clean, peel off his skin and hair, and jump into the pot to wait for him to gracefully lower his chopsticks.

Being in the yamen also requires the pursuit of realm, only know how to fight and kill, how is it different from the bad boy of the local rich man's family?

"What Xiao Zheng means is that you can control the electric switch at our door?" Qin Hai still asked with a smile. The plan Ning Zhongying designed for him was to dig a big hole. He is slowly leading Zheng Bojia and his party into this pit.

Zheng Bojia said: "You should also know my identity. The families of my friends are all cadres in charge of specific affairs in the city and county. As long as we have a share in the steel factory, the affairs of the steel factory are our affairs. I can assure you that you will never encounter any troubles in the future."

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