Match Point

Chapter 615: Defeat the enemy with cleverness

"Match Point(

kick! One push!

Simon's footsteps have already changed the direction of movement. For most players, vertical movement is far more difficult than horizontal movement, but for Simon, this shortcoming is not obvious, and his flexible emergency stop and quick turn ability is easy. Can cover the whole field.

Kick off!


Simon ran at full speed along the diagonal line, and because Gawain's shot landed in the center rather than the front, Simon even had a little time to spare.

Simon was ready to hit the ball. He glanced at the field from the corner of his eye, observing Gawain's position. Seeing that Gawain's body center of gravity had moved towards the diagonal forehand to defend, Simon's forehand wrist was already light. With a light push, draw a straight line.

Return the ball!

The space is dislocated in an instant.

However, Gao Wen didn't seem to be surprised. With the footsteps he moved just now, he kicked and rushed with his left leg, killed another carbine, took a big step sideways, his feet continued to move forward in a surfing posture, and his hands backhanded like The bow and arrow are generally full.

Cut everything.

Cut out a strong backspin ball, and quickly gallop towards the diagonal gap.


Space, misplaced again.

Simon reflexively took off on the spot, dived to the top, and stretched out his hands, but it was too late.

The mustard yellow streamer pierced the sky like lightning, then quickly fell, landed, rebounded, and scored!

All in one go!

The situation has been completely overturned in the blink of an eye.


Qiao Wangsheng stood up abruptly.


Qiao Wangsheng's suppressed and suppressed emotions finally found a chance to vent. He clenched his fists tightly, as if he had scored a decisive goal in the overtime of the World Cup final, and shouted forgetfully, but his mind went blank, he couldn't say anything, he just roared heartily roared.

Burn wantonly!

On the court, Gawain didn't celebrate wildly, but just clenched his fists and raised them high, with a murderous look in his eyes, and the belief that he must win shone brightly in the depths of his pupils.

Simon waved the court impatiently, like a fly swatter. He was very dissatisfied with his small ball handling. Now he realized that Gawain's flick was actually a trap, and his return ball handling was obviously too much. Carelessness, everything was within Gao Wen's expectation.


Simon ignored Gao Wen, let out a heavy breath, regained his composure, and reminded himself that he still had two match points, and he still had a serving point. He still held the initiative and there was no need to worry.


Just thirty seconds later, the Qizhong Tennis Center was boiling again.

It was another twelve-shot tug-of-war, but there was nothing to be fussed about. It was just the basic operation of the game. Then Gao Wen very suddenly grabbed a rising point, and in a round that was not a chance, he hit a forehand Make a small slash to attack, take the initiative to make a strong attack.

This shot was successfully defended by Simon, but the quality of the defense was a little lacking, and he couldn't press deep, so Gao Wen's footsteps were still within the baseline, and he backhanded hard with both hands, quickly connecting fast shots, hitting A very good quality repeat drop back shot.

Solid and heavy.

Simon's prediction was wrong, and the footsteps that were moving laterally slammed on the ground to start the second time. As a result, the footsteps did not touch the ground, the soles of the feet slipped and staggered for a while, and then missed the hitting point, and barely hit the tennis ball, but Fly directly to the audience stands.

Save another match point!

Standing on the edge of the cliff, Gao Wen's shot was very decisive. Although the landing point was still not perfect, the thickness of the ball slightly broke the balance, and he broke Simon's predictive inertia through detailed calculation and layout.

Simon always insisted on playing at his own pace, and lost his advantage in the face of Gao Wen's changes. In the blink of an eye, he had already lost two serve points in a row.

The audience on the center court was already on fire, full of enthusiasm and impassioned, and seemed to be witnessing the birth of a miracle with their own eyes, and no one could be an exception.

However, the crisis is still not resolved, and Gao Wen still needs to face the third match point——

Snapped. Snapped. Snapped.

Gao Wen was hitting the ball, he didn't deliberately slow down, but prepared to serve according to his usual game rhythm.

Second District.

Gawain raised his eyes to glance at Simon's position, and then began to throw the ball.

Reduced serve from the outside corner.

Simon's forehand and backhand are relatively balanced, with no particular strengths but no particular weaknesses, and the overall stability remains stable, so serving tactics need to be more careful.

Gao Wen deliberately chose a reduced force serve. More importantly, there is no spin, it is a flat serve, but the strength and speed are relatively lower, because Simon's return and serve tends to like relays, and the quality is achieved through relays. This time, Simon borrowed his strength and failed.


The return ball has no depth, and the parabola cannot be completely suppressed, and it is a little floating.

But Simon's ability to wrap his hands is particularly strong, and the line is still under control: in the middle, that is, a position where it is difficult for the offense to tear open the angle.

Simon's footsteps only need to return to the midfield, and he can freely complete the defense back and forth when Gao Wen's attacking point does not dare to pursue the ultimate dead angle.

Gao Wen entered the bottom line.

Tread Tread.

Almost after completing the serve and returning to the footsteps, he crossed the bottom line and entered the field The posture of moving like a rabbit is like serving and surfing the net, but in fact it is different from serving and surfing the net, because the high Wen's footsteps are just entering the court, and the goal is not to get close to the net.

Therefore, Gao Wen stayed in the half-court position very amateurishly.

If it was training, Sampras' complaints would immediately hit his head and face:

Either continue to go online, or retreat back to the bottom line. This awkward position of not going up or down is simply opening up the gap in the audience, waiting for the opponent to attack.

However, at this moment, Gao Wen's footsteps were just right. He met Simon's return without any haste, and switched to the forehand position with small steps in succession. With a push, the little power on the tennis ball is meticulously released.

However, the tennis ball was like a feather, fluttering gently, and flew back to Simon's court along the direction of the backslash.

small ball?

Gao Wen didn't take the initiative to attack, but chose the small ball in front of the net?

This time it was no longer the flick of the last ball, it was really a small ball in front of the net, light and thin, it flew over the net lightly and landed in Simon's field.


The footsteps that Simon was defending had rushed up immediately, subconsciously guarding against Gao Wen's small ball, after all, it had appeared more than once in the second set.

However, this time, Gao Wen did his best from the moment he served the ball, and his unloading control was perfect. There was almost no rebound force after landing. Even if the ball's route was slightly longer, it didn't affect it.

It landed, and then, stomp... The rebounded tennis ball quickly fell down again, rolling all the way in the direction Simon was running.

Simon, unable to recover, looked at the ball and sighed.

Match point, save one more!

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