Master of Marvel World

Chapter 45 Combat in Virtual Reality

"Do not use weapons of mass destruction as much as possible, and give priority to the transfer of civilians and patients." Shen He shouted loudly, and everyone around them followed orders in an orderly manner while preparing their weapons, "Block all entrances and call Violet out. , Clear out the intruders, let Joan go to defend the hospital building, a small team will follow me, and the rest will fight back freely in small groups."


Responding almost at the same time, everyone filed out from the training ground.

The sudden burst of gunfire and gunfire made Rogers almost think he had returned to the battlefield.

No, this is the battlefield.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Rogers asked.

"Yes, follow me and don't wander around, you are a civilian, not a soldier!"

Shen He greeted an eight-person team beside him, and escorted them to the outside of the training ground.

This originally peaceful and quiet place has now become a battlefield. People are pouring out of every building. Many of them are even ladies in nurse uniforms, but they carry weapons and shoot mercilessly. The enemies one after another Tumbling in from outside the fence, they dressed like maintenance workers, but behaved like the most elite troops.

The gunshots were deafening, and people fell to the ground almost every second, and the air began to smell mixed with gunpowder smoke and blood.

Rogers is completely speechless, is this considered peace?

"Let's go around to the hospital building from here." Shen He said, leading the crowd to advance cautiously against the wall, "There is Joan of Arc defending there, and the enemy can't get in."

"Mr. Shen, if you want to go to the hospital building, you will pass a narrow passage here, and you may be surrounded by firepower." Rogers bowed his body and moved cautiously, "Can you give me a weapon, I think I can help. "

"Mr. Rogers." Shen He still walked forward without even looking back, "You understand the meaning of protecting civilians better than us. Unless we all die in battle, there will be no chance for you to go to the battlefield. Besides, I don't want to talk about the fourth You are no longer a soldier, why are you fighting now?"

Rogers was stopped by Shen He's words.

His war is over, this is not his battle, and he has no reason to continue fighting after taking off his military uniform.

A few people soon came to a narrow road, which left the wall, and the left and right sides were half-person-high bushes, and the left side was a fierce battlefield.

Just after walking a few meters, Rogers suddenly caught a glimpse of some men in maintenance uniforms on the wall not far to the right from the corner of his eye, and raised their machine guns to aim at them.


Rogers subconsciously threw Shen He to the ground.

But someone reacted faster than him. Three soldiers stood in front of them, blocking the machine gun fire with their bodies. The moment they fell, the remaining soldiers stepped up, and the sound of intense firefights suddenly broke out.

Even a soldier fell directly in front of Rogers, and the dilated pupils made his heart beat slightly faster, which is the manifestation of adrenaline secretion.

——His body is ready for battle!

Shen He stood up and protected him with his backhand as he retreated forward, with unbelievable strength.

But more and more enemies turned over from the wall on the right. This seemed to be a vacuum zone for the defense force, and there was no place to hide. The soldiers used their bodies to cover them without the slightest hesitation or weakness until they were shot. After falling down without saying a word, Rogers clenched his fists, picked up a gun from the ground and wanted to rush up.

——It was just pulled back by Shen He!

"You're not a superman, you don't have a shield in your hand, and you're just a living target if you charge up. Do you want their deaths to be meaningless?"

Rogers stopped in his footsteps. The meaning of Shen He's words was very clear. He is now a protected civilian. If he fell before the soldiers who protected him were all killed, it would be an insult to them who sacrificed their lives to protect him.

Rogers, who used to be a soldier, understood this feeling very well, but he never experienced it as a protected person.

Shen He snatched the weapon from his hand and started shooting. His marksmanship was precise, but the number of enemies was increasing, and finally the only two remaining fighters also fell.

When the last man was shot in the leg and fell backwards, Rogers held him up and reached out to take the weapon. Now it was the turn of the civilians to fight.

But at this time, a petite body rushed into the enemy's camp with a round of silver moon, screams and screams continued, the enemy's body was mercilessly divided, blood splashed like a waterfall, and the extremely strong fishy smell was in the air. It dispersed in a short period of time, and in the end there was only a girl bathed in blood standing there, holding a huge long-handled sickle, like the incarnation of death.

Rogers was completely speechless. What shocked him more than the bloody scene was that the girl looked only eleven or twelve years old at most!

Shen He put down the weapon in his hand and waved, "Violet."

Like a gust of wind, Violet's body appeared in front of them, looking up at Shen He with cute eyes, as if the plasma on her body was just Halloween makeup.

"Is she also your soldier?"

Rogers' throat was a little dry, and he thought of many things at this moment.

Biological weapons experiments, bloody training, or something else.

"My colleague found her from the battlefield, and she was used as a weapon before that." Shen He wiped the blood on her face with his sleeve a few times, and whispered, "I treat her as a relative, but the battle has become She has instincts, and she has a reason to fight, so you can indeed regard Violet as our companion."

Although the Violet in front of him is just a virtual NPC based on Violet's appearance and personality, but with the same appearance and the same expression, Shen He still can't help showing a little love and compassion.

Rogers didn't know what to say, he could see that Shen He's concern for this little girl was from the bottom of his heart.

"Go, go to the hospital building." Shen He didn't waste too much time.

Rogers carried the last wounded soldier on his back. The distance from here to the hospital building was not far away. After arriving at the door, Rogers found another girl in a medieval white armor standing at the bottom of the steps holding a flag. A large number of soldiers stood firm here , and at the moment when they appeared, the enemy seemed to have a common goal and attacked frantically towards this side.

"Jeanne, use the treasure!" Shen He ordered.

"Yes, Master."

Joan of Arc nodded, took a few steps forward, put one hand on her chest as if praying, and then held the flag high.

Noble Phantasm My Lord is here!

"My flag, protect my compatriots! Let the lord's royal karma come here!"

Accompanied by pious whispers, a golden halo emanated from the flag, enveloping the entire hospital building, and all the attacks of the enemy hit the halo, causing waves to bloom, but nothing was damaged.

Facing Rogers' incredulous gaze, Shen He just shrugged his shoulders, "We have no housekeeping skills, why should we be guardians."

The battle continued, and more and more civilians trapped in the battlefield were protected and entered the hospital building, but the enemy's attacks became more and more ferocious. They obviously came prepared, and they were running for a certain purpose.

It wasn't until Rogers found the skull and snake feet logo on the arm of an enemy that he suddenly woke up.

"They are HYDRA! Their target is me!"

Finally found it. Shen He narrowed his eyes slightly, let me see, Rogers, your heart.

The fundamental purpose of this test is not only to make Captain America familiar with Chaldea, but also to make him understand what he wants.

Captain America may not be a soldier who must obey orders, but he must be a hero who fights for his beliefs.

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