Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 393 Tactician Master, Surprise Meeting

Gotham is a city shrouded in clouds all the year round. The towering chimneys emit exhaust gas, and the raindrops are scattered.

Beneath the façade of the bustling city, there are narrow alleys and filthy drains, street girls posing and numb homeless people.

"If you add colorful billboards and render it into a light pollution effect, it can be used as a cyberpunk game map."

Luke folded his arms and stood above the clouds.

Such a city with simple folk customs and outstanding people can completely be used as a characteristic attraction of the DC universe.

There are so many places to visit.

For example, Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum, where all kinds of super criminals have lived.

The classic program of Batman's solo show, the criminal alley and the two gunshots that have to be whipped out every time.

There's also the chemical factory where the Joker fell, the Poison Ivy's Botanical Garden, Robin's Circus, and more.

If there is a chance, Luke would like to arrange a five-day tour of Gotham City for himself to enjoy the wonderful scenery of the city.

Of course, he does not recommend that ordinary people do this, as the risk is higher.

In case of bad luck, you may encounter obsessive-compulsive disorder that haunts you and makes you guess riddles.

Flip a coin alive to ask you heads or tails disfigured face.

There's nothing worse than meeting a lunatic in a purple suit who asks you "why are you so serious".

"What a fun place to be."

Luke converged his divergent thoughts, his super vision spread all over the city, and he soon found the location of The Flash.

The Batman of Flashpoint didn't build himself a lead safe house.

Otherwise, his super vision might not be so useful.

"This guy... who was beaten?"

Luke raised his eyebrows, seeming a little surprised.

Barry Allen seemed to have been beaten badly. The face with a bruised nose and a cracked mouth, I am afraid that even his girlfriend would be hard to recognize for a while.

"Tsk tsk, Dr. Wayne is too ruthless."

Luke reacted quickly and gloated a little.

After a little analysis, you can guess that the person who did it must be Batman's father, Thomas Wayne.

After all, no matter which time and space, Batman will be more or less suspicious.

They have a hard time trusting a stranger, especially a stranger who is full of nonsense.

Boom, boom, boom!

Superman accelerated under his feet, and just flickered, he crossed half of Gotham and came to the door of Wayne's mansion.

He did not choose to fall from the sky, but walked from the front.

Too high-profile appearances will inevitably arouse the vigilance and disgust of others.

The secret passages and secret rooms in the mansion are completely uncovered in front of the super eyesight.

This once again fully proves that Batman in the Flashpoint world does not know the existence of Superman at all.

Even the minimum insurance measures have not been arranged.



"Barry Allen, you're more delusional than the Joker. As I said, Arkham Asylum is your home."

Thomas Wayne digested the information that Barry, whose brain was stimulated and had a complex expression, said before.

This guy just said to him that he is actually a superhero, and he has a mortal enemy with similar abilities.

The origin of the other party is even more amazing. A future scientist in the 25th century can travel through time and space at super speed and change history.

"Doctor Wayne, I'm not crazy or lying, it's all true."

Barry Allen was holding a ring with a lightning bolt that fell out of his pocket.

There was supposed to be The Flash's suit, but now it's Reverse Flash's yellow uniform.

It was like a silent mockery of Barry's situation at this time.

He felt that the old enemy that hit him had entangled him again.

"When I was eleven years old, my mother was murdered, and my father was convicted for it. To prove his innocence and to catch my mother's killer, I tried my best to study, Join the Midtown Police Department and become a forensic expert."

Barry Allen clenched Reverse Lightning's yellow shirt tightly and said through gritted teeth: "But I never found any clues, until I became The Flash, I found out that my life has already been controlled by someone I even Enemies who have not yet held grudges are locked."

"Doctor Wayne, that is reverse revenge, reverse lightning comes from the other side of time and space, he is the murderer who killed my mother!"

"But in this world, my mother is alive and well, and there is no doubt that he and I have rewritten history again."

After initially determining that Barry was a non-threatening intruder, Batman didn't slap him any further.

"You said history was rewritten, what about Bruce?"

Thomas Wayne is more concerned with the weird, imaginative plans that Barry blurted out when he broke into the Batcave.

"I remember, you called me 'Bruce' before, didn't you? You know him?"

Barry hesitated for a moment, his broken finger still aching.

Considering that he was not good at lying and could not fool Batman, he said truthfully: "In the world I live in, you and Mrs. Wayne were shot in his place, Bruce became Batman, and Gotham City He is a superhero and the brain of the Justice League."

"So, you mean... Bruce survived?"

Batman, who had been angry and full of violence from the beginning, suddenly trembled for a moment.

The only thing that can be touched, apart from the crazy wife, is probably the dead son.

"That's right, Dr. Wayne, your son was one of my closest friends, and we fought side by side against the darkness."

Barry seems to realize that in order to get Batman's help, he must use Bruce to impress him.

Playing emotional cards is the most effective way!

In turn, he was ashamed of the thought.

Taking advantage of a good friend's father doesn't seem like a glorious act.

Thomas Wayne, who received the answer, softened his tough face hidden under the mask.

He saw through Barry's thoughts, but didn't care.

If this crazy guy, everything said is true.

Well, maybe there is still a chance! You can save this terrible life!

"Barry Allen, tell me, can you change the world back to the way it was? Back to...the way I was dead and Bruce was alive!"

Thomas Wayne asked earnestly.

He stared into Barry's eyes, trying to tell if he was lying.

"He can do it, and he's the only one who can."

A magnetic voice with a smile suddenly sounded in the bat cave.

In the dark shadow, a tall and straight figure came out.

It's Luke!

"It seems that I need to upgrade the security equipment here."

Thomas Wayne sighed in dismay, then threw two bat darts without blinking.

call out! call out!

The sound of breaking wind hits.

Target the thighs and shoulders.

It seems that Batman didn't want his life either.

"Playing tactics has a dirty heart."

Luke thought silently.

He saw that his eyes were slightly condensed, and the hot sight instantly melted the two bat darts and turned them into a plume of smoke.

"Superman! Clark! Is that you?"

Barry, who was standing beside him, shouted in surprise.

Tall stature and iconic hot eyes make him see Luke as a superman!

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