Marvel’s Superman

Chapter 313 Hell's Blessing, the Abyss of Crazy Gambling

Set the hour hand back to an hour ago.

Luke looked up at the Hell Hotel where the billowing smoke and pitch-black flames were billowing out, and walked to the front of the long queue.

As Howard did, he held a few bills between his fingers and handed them to the little black man with the big gold chain.

The latter readily took over, and then gave up his position.

The ink smell of banknotes is so addicting at all times.

"The residents of Las Vegas, blinded by the strangeness of this hotel, are pouring in and rushing in."

Luke swept over with the "All-Seeing Eye" in The Book of Weishandi and looked at the two security guards guarding the door.

Beneath the human skin is a hideous body covered in hell flames and wearing demon horns.

Walking into the door of the hotel, the welcome lady dressed as a succubus is almost the same as herself.

All have red skin, enchanting figures, evil chests, and a slender tail that keeps shaking.

"It's to Howard's taste."

Luke suddenly remembered something very serious.

According to Alessandro, Howard walked into the Hell Hotel and never came out again.

He preconceived that it was Mephisto who had done some conspiracy.

Another way of thinking is that an old man like Howard may have been drained by the succubus.

In a tired state of running out of ammunition and food, with weak legs and unable to walk.

After thinking about it carefully, Luke actually felt that the possibility of this was extremely high.

After all, Howard has even been on female vampires, and his tastes are very mixed.

"Let me find Mephisto, where is that old devil..."

Luke walked to the front desk of the exchange of chips, and his attention was instantly attracted.

Under his "all-seeing eye", those blue, red, and white chips, branded with the shofar demon pattern, turned into twisted faces.

All are human souls!

"Pain and torment are the currency of Hell Hotel."

The waiter who exchanged the chips read the written lines and said with a blank face: "Guest, everything you need can be obtained at the Hell Hotel."

"But the premise is that you have to give your soul to win game after game."

Luke pursed the corners of his mouth, Mephisto was also a wizard.

With the model of soul chips + casino, a circulation system is constructed.

It seems that the old devil has been proficient in learning various ways of cutting leeks during the years he has been wandering in the world.

What Devil Securities Company, Hell Lending Company—the advertising slogan has been thought out: no threshold for borrowing, minimum interest guaranteed, and no violent collection.

"I don't have any chips, can I go to the table?"

Luke glanced at the scale that weighs the soul, wondering if he would expose himself by standing up.

"It doesn't matter, we have a pledge contract here. As long as you sign your name, you can get chips."

The waiter took out several paper contracts with delicate patterns on the edges of the paper.

"You can get one blue chip in ten years, three in thirty years, and so on."

The blue chips are equivalent to the 10,000 yuan banknotes in the casino, with red chips and white chips behind them, which represent different values.

"Wow, there is actually a thousand-year pledge contract."

Luke let out an exaggerated cry, the old devil is still ruthless enough to cut the leeks.

If anyone thinks this is just a game, sign this pledge contract.

Once the soul chips are lost, he will give Mephisto a white job for a thousand years, and he will never rest in peace in this life.

"I want to sign for a thousand years."

Luke took out the pledge contract and signed it without hesitation - the name of the Supreme Mage.

This kind of contract is binding, so it's better to use Gu Yi as a shield.

Anyway, the Supreme Mage should be very experienced in refusing to collect and repay debts.

"Okay, guest, this is your bargaining chip."

The waiter put away the contract happily and handed Luke the tray full of blue chips.

"Let me see what's fun... Texas Hold'em, that's all."

Luke turned around, squeezed into the poker area with a large number of people, and chose a random table to sit down.

"Another fat sheep came."

Hashem, pretending to be a gambler, glanced at the chips in Luke's tray and smiled coldly.



Time goes back to the present.

Texas Hold'em has always been a popular game in casinos.

The number of participants generally ranges from two to twenty people.

There are three categories in total, limit betting tables, betting limit tables, and no-limit tables.

The rules are more complicated to elaborate, and it is easy for others to misunderstand the number of words.

So to sum it up briefly, at the start of the game, each player gets two hole cards face down.

After several rounds of dealing cards and betting, players must combine their hole cards with the community cards to form the largest made card, and then compare the size with other players.

From big to small, there are about ten types of cards.

The largest is a royal flush, and the smaller ones are three of a kind, two pair, one pair, etc.

Texas Hold'em is all about counting hand types and psychological games.

Experts will read cards and guess cards.

Basically, at the beginning of the game, you know what type of cards you should make this round, and then start to guess the opponent's card type, and start a fierce psychological game.

For example, some people like to call frantically and put pressure on their opponents even though their hands are not big.

There are also veterans who are very good at using the "bluff" method.

speak loudly, act arrogant,

Use this kind of performance to scare your opponents from calling, or become suspicious, and achieve the ultimate goal.

Hashem was a re-elected champion of the Poker World Tournament and is proficient in many ways of playing poker, including bridge, stud, blackjack, and more.

Texas hold 'em is his specialty. His innate talent for reading cards allows this guy to form the most suitable hand type every round and successfully win the opponent's chips.

Since the soul fell into hell and lost its free body.

Hashem endured the scorching heat, the smoky sulphur smell, and the chattering inferior demons every day.

Hell is not a good place.

Otherwise, those demons, devils, and even Mephisto himself, why would they go to the world for two laps if they had nothing to do.

It was not until the establishment of the Hell Hotel that Hashem, who was a dog gambler, was remembered by Mephisto.

He, who has been reduced to the devil's minions, temporarily leaves the terrible lower hell.

Become the area manager of the hotel casino, specializing in all aspects of poker.

In just a few days, Hashem has bankrupted dozens of guests, lost all their soul chips, and became the slaves of the hell lord.

In short, he's doing well.

Until Hashem met the bastard sitting across from him, a young human who had won thirty-two games in a row!

"You are definitely cheating!"

Hashim was incompetent and furious, and the veins on his forehead burst out.

The bloodshot eyeballs stared straight at Luke's open cards.

A, K, Q, J, 10, five cards of the same suit, just form a royal flush.

"How could this type of card appear!"

Cheeks are thin, and Hashem, like a drug addict, feels like his brain is about to explode.

According to his calculations, the ratio of a royal flush to appear is 30939:1, which translates to a probability of 0.003%.

That is to say, unless there is a miracle, or Luke cheats, it is completely impossible to come up with this rare hand that takes all the game.

"If you win, you can't afford to lose? It's a very bad behavior to accuse your opponent of cheating without evidence."

A blue chip with the largest face value rolled between Luke's fingers, and within two hours of entering the casino, he had already won five souls.

"That's it, you made me lose my interest in continuing the game, and you have already lost it all."

Luke flexed his fingers and flicked the rolled chips to the lady succubus next to him.

The chip imprinted with the shofar demon pattern just fell into the middle of the latter's chest.

"You are charming! The Hell Hotel will always welcome high rollers like you!"

A blue chip is roughly equivalent to one-third to one-fifth of the soul of a human being.

This is no small amount.

Miss Succubus can't wait to stick her body to Luke.

The Hell Hotel also has performance appraisals. They work for Mephisto and can also earn a certain amount of soul chips.

The old devil knows how to drive the "employees" under his hands, so that all the devils can enjoy the blessings of social animals.

"Wait! I can bet one more time!"

Hashim thought of his achievements and bonuses, and a ruthless look appeared on his face.

"I can bet my soul!"

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