Marvel World Mixed Life

Chapter 156 The Fallen Star

The hive is fed into it.

Pitiful, after suffering so long on this planet, seeing the dawn, he was sacrificed because of greed.

Hive doesn't know what it feels like to be a sacrifice. He has always been a consecrated person, and he likes to appreciate the fear of the sacrifices sent by Hydra before death.

And now, he knows what it's like to be sacrificed...

The eyes are full of blood-red light, the space has lost its concept, and the surroundings are full of wavy lines. It is strange for the hive to know that it is time that has been solidified.

A huge red figure stands between the sky and the earth, and it seems that it can be seen, but it is strange that nothing can be seen.

Honeycomb tried hard to open his eyes wide. As soon as he took a look, he felt that his consciousness began to become extremely confused. His two eyes burst into blood holes instantly, and he screamed in pain.

Afterwards, his soul was taken out, disassembled and manipulated at will, like a child dissecting a frog...

On the other hand, Li Mo waited anxiously outside the dimension gate.

He also tried his luck to try to use the unlucky hive as a sacrifice.

Some demon gods like flesh and blood, some demon gods like souls, and some demon gods like some abnormal behavior or grand blood sacrifices.

For Lao Sai, an otaku, many people can't figure it out.

He never develops followers, but throws a ruby ​​that is said to be able to use his power infinitely into this universe.

As long as the right person touches the gem, his power can be used. There is no purpose or task, just a messy mind and want to do whatever.

From this point of view, Lao Sai has the idea of ​​​​wanting to participate in multiverse things, but he has never taken any action.

It's really puzzling!

Li Mo couldn't bear it anymore, and reached into the roots to send another message, "Saitorak, dear, are you there?"

Soon something that made him happy happened, the roots were firmly rooted in the deep red universe, and the huge dimensional energy far surpassed just now was constantly pouring into the roots.

After waiting for a long time, Lao Sai didn't throw out the roots again.

This is, agree?

Li Mo finally smiled happily.

However, what he doesn't know is that the soul of the hive is very special. After occupying the bodies of countless hosts, the soul is also integrated into it, but it is scattered on each parasite.

This makes the soul of the hive large and scattered yet wonderfully harmonious, and Cytorak has fun and bursts with eccentric inspiration.

Li Mo closed the dimension door, observed for a while, and found that the roots of the vampire vine tree in his soul were still firmly rooted in the deep red universe, so he was completely relieved.

This is the only guy he knows how to talk, and the rest dare not play like this, and need to take it step by step from the weak dimension.

One day, his abilities will parasitize the entire multiverse, and by then, he should no longer be afraid of these dimensional demon gods.

Just as he was happily preparing to make persistent efforts to open a weak dimension door, a confused voice suddenly came from behind: "My god, where did you go?"

"That idiot was eaten by the real demon god." Li Mo said without looking back, he was thinking about who to trouble him first.

Stephanie was completely dumbfounded, she was the elite among the elite since she was a child.

Money, beauty, power, lacking nothing, almost born with everything.

The only goal in life is the ideal passed down from generation to generation in the family: to welcome back the God of Hydra and transform this world into an ideal kingdom of gods.

She had fantasized about that dream world countless times, but first her god was frightened by Li Mo and pretended to be a grandson, and then she was fed to other gods by Li Mo like an animal.

Across the distant universe, this kind of result appeared, which made her completely crazy.

"You pay for my god, you pay for my life!" Stephanie rushed to Li Mo at once, scratching like a shrew.

"Shit!" Li Mo pushed Stephanie away, "Is your woman mentally ill?"

However, Stephanie rushed up again, and scratched Li Mo's face with tears all over her face, "It's all over, it's over, my life, my family's ideals, are all lost by you, a lunatic!"

Li Mo hugged her shoulders to restrain Stephanie's arms, and spread his legs to clamp the beautiful legs that wanted to hit his vital parts.

Stephanie was mortal after all, and was immediately restrained and unable to move.

Li Mo felt that this woman was extremely brain-dead, and shouted sarcastically: "You Hydra are all fools, no wonder you always fail."

"Your god is nothing more than a failed biological weapon of the Cree Empire. He may have lived long enough, but there are countless people who can crush him to death with one finger."

"Do you know why I don't care what you want to do? Because your behavior seems ridiculous to me, just like a group of primitive people worship lizards and want to conquer the world with this, but they don't know that there are dragons flying in the sky!"

"If that little bug can be called a god, then what am I?"

Stephanie stopped talking,

Li Mo didn't speak anymore.

Because the postures of the two are somewhat ambiguous,

Li Mo was a little embarrassed, and quickly let go of Stephanie, "Haha, it's a normal thing, isn't it?"

However, Stephanie's behavior was a little strange, she raised her head and looked at him in confusion: "Are you also a god?"

"No, the guy opposite just now is the god." Li Mo shook his head, "In my opinion, gods are just existences with greater power. Everyone can become a god. It's really unnecessary What kind of worship..."

Stephanie's eyes gradually lit up, "Yes, as long as you have great power, you can be called a god. Then, you are also a god!"

"I told you I'm not, wait... what are you doing?" Li Mo shook his head, and suddenly his eyes widened again.

Stephanie actually stepped forward, knelt down slowly, and said in a confused and whispering voice: "You are right, you can be called a god if you have great power, I will not become a god, but I can choose to have a god." God, it's you..."

Hiss... Li Mo took a breath.

Seeing this elegant and noble woman make such a move, Li Mo was a little confused.

What's wrong with this woman?

After thinking for a while, Li Mo probably guessed it.

Human behavior is usually regulated and protected by a kind of cognition, maybe morality, maybe religion, maybe some kind of epistemology.

We call it faith.

In some cases, a serious conflict between fact and perception can lead to a collapse of belief.

The direct result of the collapse of faith is the appearance of abnormal personality. For example, some soldiers in the US military will turn their heads to become terrorists after doubting the justice of the war.

At this time, people's self-protection mechanism will take effect and re-establish a belief.

Stephanie needed a god under the despair of life and family ideals, and only Li Mo gave her a strong impression.

After thinking it over, Li Mo immediately tried to stop it.

But he is really not a man of perseverance, coupled with Stephanie's noble face, the ruins of civilization in the distance and the three huge planets visible to the naked eye in the sky, all give Li Mo a weird sense of excitement.

Simply close your eyes and enjoy it...

Suddenly, he thought of something, opened his eyes and looked at the McQueen in the sky, and used the mirror space for the first time with a wave of his hand.

The surrounding space began to have a texture like broken glass, but from the perspective of others, Li Mo and Stephanie suddenly disappeared.

aboard the McQueen,

Skolchi turned off the detector helplessly, "I hate magic..."

Mirror space can be used to defend, trap enemies, and change the battlefield environment. In short, it is a very useful magic.

If Master Gu Yi knew that Li Mo was here to do this, he would be glad that he was not chosen as the supreme mage.

Half an hour later, Li Mo flew onto the McQueen with Stephanie in his arms, and hurried into the captain's cabin.

Skolqi looked at the two people who disappeared, and murmured: "Sure enough, I went to the boss's bed..."

"Shit!" He cursed and rushed into the cockpit anxiously.

"Accelerate at full speed, target, Star Conrashat!"

Conrashat star is located in the third sector of the Milky Way's southern cross arm.

This place was originally the territory of a small family. After the family broke down, the last heir had no choice but to move here.

But this planet is too barren, relatively far away from the stars, coupled with the planet's abundant water resources, it forms a strange climate with heavy snowfall most of the time throughout the year.

Only a few special animals and plants can survive, and there are no special mineral deposits, so there is basically no income.

Fortunately, the last heir of this family has a good mind.

Because of the remoteness of this planet, the heir simply abandoned all moral principles and built Conrad Shatt into a "fallen planet".

Marauders, slave traders, space criminals, galaxy destroyers, members of the Nova Corps, it doesn't matter.

Nobody here cares about your identity.

Legalize Gambling?

You can gamble on anything here, as long as you are excited to play.

Legalize prostitution?

Here you can find women of any race to sleep with you, as long as you have money.

Not to mention the business environment here, from small blasters to huge starships, from food to drugs from all over the galaxy, there are only things you can't think of, and there is nothing you can't buy.

One of the reasons why Li Mo came here is that his identity is a little sensitive, and he is not suitable to appear in the sphere of influence of those Nova Corps for the time being.

The second is because the news here is exceptionally well-informed. He wants to find out where the plot of the Guardians of the Galaxy has progressed.

If it was over and the power gem was collected by the Nova Corps, he would try to steal it.

It would be better if it didn't end, and you can help the planet Xandar through the crisis.

If he remembered correctly, this would remove the troublesome wanted records on him, after all, it would be inconvenient to do anything like that.

The McQueen soon entered this star field, and Conrashat star, which was mostly white due to the perennial snow, was visible to the naked eye.

"Oh yes! Heaven is here."

In the cockpit of the Mike, Skorchi cheered, "McQueen, hurry up and notify the boss."

captain's room,

Li Mo was lying on the bed, covered with a quilt and leaning against his back, slowly smoking a cigarette.

He looked at the tired and sleeping woman next to him, and scratched his head worriedly.

Stephanie was a stunner in bed, so cooperative and submissive, alternately high and low, it just made him go crazy.

It's just that his mind became a little abnormal, and he kept encouraging him to become a demon king who ruled the world.

I don't know what is going on in this woman's mind.

At this time, McQueen's voice suddenly sounded: "Captain Li Mo, we have arrived at our destination."

"Has it arrived yet?"

Li Mo shook his head and woke up Stephanie, "Hey, beauty, wake up, we're at the place."

Stephanie opened her eyes tiredly, she is an ordinary person after all.

As soon as the space transition was over, she came out of the dormant cabin and pulled Li Mo crazy, but she passed out instead.

After the two got up and washed up, and drank another cup of coffee, Stephanie's spirit improved.

After walking out of the captain's cabin, Li Mo found that everyone was fully dressed, including Old Man Woody who was wearing thick warm clothes.

The crew will buy camera equipment here, and if possible, recruit some qualified extras.

Seeing everyone's expectant faces, Li Mo smiled, "It seems that everyone can't wait, let's go!"

The McQueen has landed on a huge space in the star port, surrounded by densely packed spaceships of all kinds, and it is impossible to see the end at a glance.

There was still heavy snowflakes floating in the sky, and the air looked extraordinarily cold and fresh. The automatic snow removal robot at Xinggang had just cleaned it up, and a thick layer had accumulated on the ground.

Except for Emil who insisted on staying and guarding the McQueen, everyone else came out.

"It's like the South Pole here, I hope my old bones can hold on." The old man Clint of the crew muttered.

"Look there!" The young actor Frank pointed excitedly at the brightly lit high-tech city in the heavy snow, "Does it remind you of anything?"

"Blade Runner..." the old man Woody murmured, and then smiled unconsciously, "It's an excellent shooting location!"

Li Mo shook his head and said with a smile: "This is not Hollywood, be careful to follow me closely, don't run around casually, you will die carefully."

The crew members nodded quickly.

Skorqi came over with a smile on his face, and Li Mo interrupted him just as he was about to say something.

"Your task is to protect the crew members. Play casually in your free time. I will pay you." Li Mo shook his head and said.

"Thank you boss!" Scorch raised his eyebrows excitedly.

After walking through the snow for a while, the group rented a suspension car and drove quickly to the fallen capital in the heavy snow.

"Boss, do you know anyone here?" Scorch suddenly turned around and asked without knowing what to think.

"The universe is so big, I'm just an unknown person, how can I know everyone in the world."

Li Mo shook his head with a smile, "No one here knows me, everyone, be careful when doing things, and we'll leave when we're done."

Everyone else nodded, only Stephanie showed excitement in her eyes.

And just after they stepped on the suspension vehicle, a man wearing a hood slightly raised his head not far away.

"A cosmic A-rank wanted criminal nicknamed Old Wang?"

"Now it's interesting..."

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