Chapter 296 Rainbow Colors

It’s already this time. Let’s see if Esquilet has returned to the base. Who will let Esquilet have no vehicles in that open place, and can only use external forces to return when there are vehicles. Go to the inside of the city, and then repost it to the base.

This also takes a lot of effort, and I don’t know what is going on with Asquilet now, whether he has returned to the base, Murphy thinks it’s okay to take a look, or that Asquilet has already Back in the base, it is possible to rest there, and now you can also chat with Esquilet.

In fact, chatting and not chatting are secondary. The most important thing is to ask whether Esquilet has returned to the base, and is the precious goldfish that he raised is still alive?

Murphy usually has a hobby, that is, he likes to raise fish. There are some precious goldfish in his base. Some of them are unknown goldfish markets. precious.

Don't think these are just some goldfish, they are also useful at critical moments. These goldfish can be used by themselves as if they can understand their own words.

This time it took a little longer to take care of them. I just set a time for them. When the time comes, I will change the water for them, and then give them food at a time.

It seems that these drizzle have been ignored recently, and generally I haven’t seen how they look like at all. They have been busy since they came to the Carrouse Mountains, and there is no leisure time at all, as if they even have a rest. No time at all.

Everyone is busy, doing all kinds of things, and I don't have any free time at all to take a look at these crucian carp, what is it like to be dead or alive?

After all, sometimes in the city there will be a power outage, or something unexpected.

Although I have already thought about these things and are ready for charging, I can't completely think of other things happening.

At this moment, Murphy felt that he seemed to be very relaxed now, and suddenly thought of the goldfish that he had left in that base, or else he would have forgotten them all.

Murphy sat there, quickly turned on the computer screen, crackled in front of the computer and entered the password, which was the program password to enter his other base.

Only Murphy himself knew the password. After Murphy entered it, he could see the status quo in their base.

Murphy just cut the picture into it, and then quickly turned to the goldfish, wanting to see how those goldfish are now.

Murphy just softened the camera and looked around. Wouldn't it be possible to see more clearly. The camera that Murphy held on the fish tank in this base was 360 degrees without blind spots.

It can illuminate every corner of the fish tank in all directions, even the corners under the fish tank can be clearly seen.

When I installed this myself, Tony also laughed at myself and said that I was as meticulous about these people as children. I haven't seen other things so meticulously. These goldfish are real, just like my own children. Take care of them.

Although they didn’t live very well when they first raised them, after a series of improvements of their own, many fishes are no longer on the market, and others would never see them, so Murphy cherished them even more. it.

After watching a movie, Murphy found that his goldfish was okay, and it was alive and well. Everything was normal, except that a ball floated in the water.

These foundations are like being able to see the sphere, holding the sphere in your mouth here, and playing there.

As soon as Murphy saw it, he knew that this must be the masterpiece of Asquilet, because they are now in the Carlus Mountains. No one has been to the base. Only Asquilet is now going back to the base alone.

Who else could be besides him, Asquilet must think these goldfish are too stupid here, so lonely, get a little toy to accompany them to play.

Murphyzi took a closer look. Isn't this a toy for his golden retriever? This Escherette didn't say that he was willing to buy another toy for these goldfish.

· ··Seeking flowers· ··

When Murphy was thinking about these things in his mind, he only heard voices in the group, because their monitoring equipment also carries voices, and they can talk to the people inside.

Murphy immediately turned off the muffler system, preventing any of his own voice from being transmitted there. What if it wasn't for Esquilet or the bad guys? There are also many people who oppose themselves.

Especially since their base was built in the city, maybe others thought it was an abandoned place and came here.

When Murphy listened carefully, he heard the sound of pressing the password. This is the sound of Escherette, because only Escherette knows the location of the password after returning here. The location of the password is the location of the password. It was very secret on the door, only Tony and Eskilet knew about the others, and no one knew about the others.

... .... 0

So Murphy is still sure, this must be Eskilett, there are no outsiders at all.

After Eskilet entered the base, he turned on the light inside the base. The light was very dazzling, and Eskilet blindfolded his eyes.

Murphy is watching Eskilett's movements here. Is the light so bright? I actually blindfolded my own eyes.

"Esquilet, where did you go? After you came back, your eyes are so afraid of light, and you see how dirty your body is. Did you roll on the ground?"

Murphy looked at the dirt on Eskilett's body. The dirt was rubbing and rolling on the ground. Where did he go? Murphy was very curious.

Eskilett just returned to the base, and after turning on the light, he realized that the light was so dazzling. It may be that I was too dark outside just now. I felt particularly dazzling when I saw the light, especially for the light. In terms of the lighting designed by Murphy, it is simply too bright.

When Escherette rubbed his eyes here, he heard Murphy talking there. How could this Murphy switch to this system? Ding.

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