Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 187: Read

When Yi Yiming said this sentence, it was very natural and there was no such thing as a clear picture.

Needless to say, the friendship with Bao pig, if there is no treasure pig, He Yiming's family is only afraid to shrink, and the artifact Jiulong furnace is even less likely to fall into his hands.

After meeting the white horse, they are always in the open sea, or in the forest of life and death.

After these hardships, although they did not undergo a kind of ritual to strengthen the connection between humans and beasts, their sympathy of feelings and cooperation is no less than the accompanying beast of the totem family.

The Qilian double devils looked at each other, and the eyes of both of them were still shining with doubts.

Although they are well-informed, the combination of He Yiming, Bao pig and Bai Ma is still unique, so they naturally cannot understand why.

A reluctant smile, the big magic road: "He brother, your luck is really good."

Since all this can't be explained, you can only blame the word luck.

He Yiming nodded slightly, and he fully agreed with this sentence. Since the adventure at the bottom of the lake and the power of the world, his luck is really good.

Looking up and looking at it, He Yiming’s eyes condensed slightly.

He has already appeared, and there are people who are peeping at the heights, and there are more than one. Although they cover up very well, but with the help of infuriating, how can they get the feeling of He Yiming.

The above people, at least the character of the Sayādaw level, are also faint, with a hint of bad taste.

Seeing the eyes of He Yiming, Qilian’s two devils looked at each other and smiled. The great demon sighed: “He brother, I heard that you went to Zhongjing City to kill the ring this time and try to be a master of Tuyu.”

He Yiming’s face was positive and said: “The big devil brother, what is the message from the tenth?”

The big devil also said: "This news has already been raging in the big Shenchuan. They all say that this is the pulse of the northwest Tianchi to the entire Dashen Empire."

He Yiming snorted and said: "The nonsense, He Mo is just a legitimate defense, the real sin, it should be the Yujia royal family."

The big devil eyes brightened and said: "If you don't mind if you don't mind, can you tell the truth?"

He Yiming nodded slightly, and he knew that if he wanted to achieve his goal this time, it would be necessary to obtain an understanding of the heavens and the blessings.

If they are told that they are robbing the five elements of the reincarnation cheats, then the ten days of the day they want to exchange the book will be lost.

He calmed down and began to ask himself to go to Zhongjing City to help the ancestors of the Yujia ancestors, until the ancestors of Yujia wanted to seek his five elements, and finally he went through the details of his pursuit.

In this process, He Yiming did not arbitrarily arrange anything, but there was no falsification of one hundred and fifty.

Although the story from his mouth is faint, it seems that there are not many ups and downs, but the Qilian double devils are shocking.

This He Yiming, who are in the middle of Beijing, are some people.

Five of the five great sages, and one of them is already close to the existence of human peaks.

But this is a powerful combination, but it is still broken by He Yiming. And the final result is actually the life of the five masters.

One thought of this, Qilian double devil looked at each other, they all saw the strong fear of the other party's eyes.

However, although they were shocked by the power of He Yiming and others, they did not have the slightest panic.

Dongtianfu is not the capital of Zhongjing, and the protective force here is not comparable to that of Zhongjingcheng. Although there are not five great sages in the five-powered dynasty here, even if the human-powered peaks want to be arrogant here, I am afraid that they are also humiliating.

Therefore, the Qilian double devils are not worried that He Yiming will move his mind to the top of the heavens.

After a long time, He Yiming stopped at the intersection. He did not say anything about the pursuit of Huang Quan’s ancestors. After all, this person has a special status. After he speaks it, God knows what will happen, or hides it.

The Qilian double devil nodded slightly, they exchanged a look, then looked up.

Far away, a secluded long sigh came: "The ancestors of Yujia were blinded by a greed, and the burial of the ancestors gave the Yu family a good future. This is a book of the past, I have to keep in mind."

A familiar figure slowly appeared from the mountain road, and he walked in the footsteps of the Qilian double demon.

The Qilian doubles quickly saw the ceremony, although they have been promoted to the Supreme, but in the face of their own teacher, they still do not dare to neglect.

He Yiming stepped forward and took a deep look at Fan Shuo's great sage. He said: "The younger generation has seen the predecessors.

When Fan Shuo met for the first time, he gave him a bottle of life-saving Jindan. Although he really took this Dan and hugged his life, He Yiming was still very grateful to the old man.

However, He Yiming’s gaze glanced at the top of the mountain road at the same time. He felt faintly, the hostility there did not dissipate, and Fan Shuo showed up and immediately said this with a hint of warning, the meaning of it. Even more value, the father is knocking. = Fan Shuo laughed, and He Yiming helped him up. "A few years ago, the brothers and brothers had promised to go to the old man, and they would come to Dongfufu." But what is unexpected is that you have been promoted for several years. The realm of the five sages, it’s incredible to think about it now."

He Yiming smiled slightly, and he was embarrassed to answer this praise.

Fan Shuo turned his head and looked at Qilian’s double devil. He said: “I have two natural disciples who have the talents of the five elements. The old man thought that their flowers of the five elements of the reincarnation would be the only ones in the world, but when the younger one came out, there would be no "There are their shares." After hearing this sentence, He Yiming’s face was blushing, and he said: "Predecessors have won prizes.

Fan Shuo laughed and said: "Since you have come, I am the guest of Fan Shuo, let's go up the mountain.

He Yiming should have a voice, but his heart was secretly self-proclaimed. There was something in the old predecessor that was not clearly stated to himself, but it was like warning some people.

Holding a white horse through a corner, He Yiming only felt that the scalp was slightly numb, and his heart was secretly surprised, and looked at it in a certain direction.

There, a tall man is looking at himself with a sullen look. In the eyes of the road, it seems to have a very complicated look, but in any case, this feeling is not called friendly.

He Yiming took back his gaze and continued on.

It seems that the action of He Yiming was sensed. Fan Shuo sighed and said: "He brother, the old man's brother Sima Bin, he misunderstood you, and please forgive me."

He Yiming said, "What misunderstanding he has about Hemou?"

Fan Shuo shook his head, helplessly said: "He and Yujia Laosanyu Feiyang are friends who have known each other for many years. When they were young, they had many lives and deaths together, and later they advanced into the realm of five-powered people.

I heard that you have slaughtered the masters of the family, so I am dissatisfied with your heart. ”

He Yiming’s mouth is slightly stunned, saying: “Although the younger generation wants to fulfill this wish, it is a pity that it is very difficult to do it.”

Today's Yujia still has at least three honors. Before he can grasp it, He Yiming will never easily go to the grass.

The hatred between him and Yujia has been unable to resolve both right and wrong. Although above the top fighting power, He Yiming has taken the upper hand.

But as long as Yujia has a saint who is still alive, He Yiming will not deceive too much, at least to leave a path for the entire Yujia.

This is no exception, even if it is the Lingbi Temple and Dongtianfudi. Xiji Mofanshu agreed to the ancestors of the Yu family. It is to let these people live with a certain dignity and let other forces not dare to have any bullying. Their thoughts are gone. Otherwise, the number of people who have accumulated the idea of ​​hitting the dog in the past few hundred years will not be too small.

Of course, this is not only the unspoken rules that have been handed down for thousands of years, but more importantly, the deterrent power of the Sayādaw is too strong.

If there is no such thing as Yujia, then God knows what these lucky survivors will do.

If he is disregarded by a saint, he has no worries, and he is unscrupulously lurking on the side of the sect for decades. For hundreds of years, then the powerful martial art can't even eat.

Even if he does not attack the headquarters of the martial art, but is playing wild food around, specifically assassinating those congenital and non-innate doormen, then this martial art distance analysis is not far away.

After all, only a thousand days to be a thief, there is a thousand days to prevent thieves.

And if you want to remove such a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, there is no good luck in the anti-day level, then you don’t think about it.

Fan Shuo fully understands He Yiming’s thoughts at the moment. He smiles lightly and said: “In fact, it is impossible for any family to want to live in prosperity. However, as long as it is possible, it is better to have a family. Sayādaw is better."

He Yiming was slightly stunned, then slowly nodded his head, and his heart was secretly surprised. What does this mean? It’s been said that someone once played the idea of ​​Hejiazhuang, and this person is at least a powerful sage. character?

One thought and this He Yiming's heart is cool, he gratefully bowed to Fan Wei, said: "Thank you for your old guidance."

Fan Shuo waved his hand and said: "Some rules must be observed. We will not feel good about those who trample on these rules."

He Yiming can naturally hear that if he has something to say, and he has a faint person in his heart, only some words can only be clicked until they can be clearly asked.

When I came to a hall in the middle of the mountain, several people sat down, and even the white horse and the pigs received the same treatment.

Fan Shuo must smile and said: "He brothers, this time you come to Dongtianfudi will not really come to fulfill the agreement of the previous years."

He Yiming’s face was reddish and said: “Predecessors laughed, and He Mou came today, in fact, in order to seek embarrassment.”

Fan Shuo double eyes and said: "You said."

"He Mou wants to ask for the five elements of the Guipai reincarnation."

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