Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 77: war

Outside the ghost crying ridge, Gimfanfan’s brow is slightly wrinkled. He also heard the screams from the thick black fog.

However, it is a pity that in this world, there is no one who can understand the meaning of the screaming of Bao pig, except for the ones who have been with Bao pig for a long time and are particularly good at calculation. .

Even if Gimfan is more 10,000 times more savvy, he can't think of it. In this world, there is still such a despicable shame to blame the sacred beast of Jiangdong, and this sacred beast still has the super-order of the blood of the beast. beast.

However, after all, he was not a mortal. After hearing these screams, he could not tell the meaning, but at least understood that there was a strong sense of goodwill in these screams.

This made him understand that the existence of the Supreme in the Ghost Ridge did not seem to mean anything to swallow these invaders.

For a time, the face of Jimo Fanshu was a bit sloppy. This kind of thing is the first time he has encountered it.

The name of the dragon snake is a great name in the ears of their ranks. But as far as he knows, the dragon snake has always been alone and alone. It seems that there have never been any friends. But today, looking at the other person and the two beasts is enough to make him wonder.

Just as he was embarrassed in his heart, when he was about to leave, he heard a huge scream of earth-shattering, and then the gray-black fog above the entire Ghost Ridge suddenly slammed.

It was like a 12-level typhoon bursting into the dense fog, blowing everything to the sky.

The imposing momentum rose to the sky, and the entire dense fog exploded in all directions.

The face of Jimmy Fanshu changed greatly. He exclaimed: "The Millennium Holocaust?"

Although he has not seen the millennium catastrophe with his own eyes, as long as he looks at these powers, he knows that there is no longer any power other than the millennium catastrophe to achieve such horrible effects.

But until this moment, he still did not think that this big snake came to himself, because countless times of experience told him that under the millennium catastrophe, the unfortunate ones are those who have entered the dark fog and What is the master of non-sage? As long as people are outside the black fog, then it is absolutely safe.

However, this thought was only after two turns in his heart, he found something wrong.

After the black fog spread around in a circle, it immediately condensed in the air, and then rushed toward his own direction.

The eyes of Jimmy Fanshu suddenly sharpened, and he sighed lightly, his hands flashing light, facing the ground. Numerous earthy sandstones suddenly rise to the sky, and there are countless lights that shine like stars.

In the face of the horrible tumult of black fog, Jimo Fanshu did not have any intention to retreat, but instead headed up. I have never given in.

If He Yiming saw this scene here, then he would certainly be deterred by the arrogance of Jimo Fanshu at the moment.

The true peak of humanity, the original is so powerful, even if compared with the huge endless dragon snake, it does not show weakness.

Numerous sands broke into the black mist that rolled in, and suddenly there was a violent explosion.

This is a magical weapon that can be split like a hidden weapon. It is also one of the unique things at the bottom of Gimhafan. Once released, even if it is faced with human masters of the same rank, it will always receive certain effect.

However, Gima Fanshu’s brow wrinkled again, and he even ignored one thing.

Among the dark fog is the powerful super-class super-sacred dragon snake, not the human peak of humanity.

With the hard skin of the dragon snake, these gadgets hit the body, giving it a feeling that is no heavier than ordinary people.

It was because the black fog did not get any obstacles, and it had already rushed to him.

Gima Fanshu snorted, his body shape slightly moved, has disappeared in place, and entered the dark fog.

There, a giant sacred beast is holding a pair of giant eyes that are several times larger than him. Looking at him coldly.

Gimfanfan’s eyes were condensed, and his body’s breath suddenly became dangerous. Although he was in the dark fog, it was obvious that these black fog could not have any effect on him.

The giant snake suddenly opened the **** mouth...

This is a real **** mouth, enough to swallow a hundred Gimafans into the abdomen at the same time.

In this mouth full of stench, spit out a black light, this light is not yet close, and Jimmy Fanshu smells a very sour smell.

He knows that this light is full of the power of corrosion, as long as it is touched a little, at least will lose half life.

His figure was re-moved, and the man was in the air, like a bird, turning a circle, and flexibly avoiding the blow of this black mans. However, the group of black and white abrupt bursts in the air, even shrouded dozens of squares, and quickly, constantly splashing, it is impossible to prevent.

Gima Fanshi was shrunk and suddenly became a round gyro, quickly turning around in the void.

It wasn't just that he was swaying, even the air in his body was just like this. Just in the blink of an eye, everything that was splashed by the black mist was swayed by the gyro of this unparalleled speed.

Then, he snorted, his wrist turned, and a black light spurted out of it, almost in the blink of an eye, he had already come to the big green snake's big eyes.

however. The dragon snake's eyelids suddenly hang down, and a slamming sound, the invincible fork sword could not pierce the dragon snake's eyelids.

This shows how the dragon snake is so powerful. In particular, its thick scales are even more incredible.

However, the feeling of Jimo Fanshu did not change. The fierce flash in his eyes turned out to be deceiving. He took the fork sword in midair and entered the dragon snake belly.

The real airflow of the whole body turned around, and the sword stabbed up like a sword.

The dragon snake made a huge, full of painful snoring, and the scales under the belly suddenly squeaked, then rolled up and stuck the fork sword firmly in the scales.

Gimovandri’s full blow, although it was scratched the dragon snake, but this behemoth immediately responded, not only using the scales, but also its big head turned at a faster speed. It wants to let this person who dares to offend him stay here forever.

However, Jimovan was prepared early, his hand shook slightly, the fork sword immediately disappeared, and the strength of those scales was strong. But it is impossible to hold down the weapon of the gods that can light the soldiers.

In this way, Jimo Fanshi left to sway right, from time to time to open a few mouths on the dragon snake. If these mouths are open to human beings, then only one need to be able to make people die. But if these mouths are placed on the dragon snake, it can only be said to be insignificant.

It's like grabbing a person's body gently, letting a little capillaries rupture, leaving less than an inch of red dots, no harm at all.

This person, a snake, hit a big fight near the ghost crying ridge, and the surrounding rock wall was hit hard, and the rumbling boulder whizzed through the sky. The sky is dim and dark, and the sun and the moon are dull.

In the heart of Gimfan, he secretly complained, although he now looks like a powerful face, has caused hundreds of wounds to the dragon snake, but he is unscathed.

But only he knew that such a small wound would not let the dragon snake in his eyes, and if he was touched by this guy, the consequences would be unimaginable.

Seeing the fierceness of the dragon snake's momentum, Jimo Fanfan screamed and finally made up his mind.

His figure suddenly stopped, and then a flat sword stabbed out. Under this sword, suddenly turned into a black dragon, swept toward the dragon snake.

The huge body of the dragon snake seems to feel this strange power. Its head is low, and the two huge dragon-horns like big trees suddenly light up.

The next moment, the forked sword power and the dragon snake, which are mixed with the power of God, do not know how many years of power have accumulated.

After a loud bang, even the dragon snake couldn't help but close his eyes.

Then, at this moment, Jimo Fanshu did not know how it had appeared in front of his eyes, and the sword in his hand suddenly swayed out. At the swordhead of the fork sword, there was a strong power of God.

The scales on the dragon snake became extremely tough at this moment, because it had already felt a powerful force that made him shudder.

It opened a huge mouth, and the big head shook a bit like a strange, a huge fangs flashed a bit, which actually blocked the way the fork sword.

Gimfan Fan’s eyes were condensed and he sipped: “Explosion.”

The crisp sound came out, and the dragon's fangs had been broken under the attack of the gods of the sword.

However, at at this moment, the face of Jimmy Fanshu changed greatly. He desperately moved his body a few feet, but a huge force still knocked him down mercilessly.

This force gives him the only feeling that it is powerful and big enough to be incredible.

A stream of blood poured into the throat and was crushed by his hard life. Because he knows, in front of the dragon snake. Once the signs of injury are revealed, I am afraid that I will be immediately attacked by madness. At that time, it is really not dead.

He looked up and saw a glimpse of his eyes.

On the ground, I don’t know when there is a snake tail. The tail of the snake is lifted high and the tail is gleaming. The power of the sneak attack is undoubtedly the tail of the truncated tail.

With a sigh, Gima Fanshi stared at the dragon snake and slowly retreated, until he was away from the ghost crying ridge, and then turned and quickly left.

The dragon snake took a breath and sucked the fangs on the ground.

The ghosts in the air are filled, the black fog is converging, but after a long time, it has been completely restored (

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