Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 163: Holy beast

This is a white horse, but above the horse's head. But there is a purple unicorn that stands upright.

At this moment, the beautiful big eyes of the horse are full of a strong murderous murder.

The person who is stared at by his eyes, even Mr. Yu. There is a deep chill in the Lord who is not free.

On the white horse's neck, a white pig was hung. After the white horse stopped, it suddenly climbed to the back of the white horse, curiously watching with small eyes. It seemed to be trying to figure out what it was. What is going on?

Eldous’s face was ten cold, and the big sword waved. The strong murderousness was overwhelming.

The white horse Lei looked at him with a cold gaze, and the one-corner purple electric mangling on the top of his head flashed, and immediately smashed the past. The three guests who came to the far west. They can't think of it, the power of this strange horse would be such a powerful power of lightning.

The white horse's purple thunderbolt has already come to Elvis's face. The powerful master's face has changed greatly. He has no time to dodge. The busy sword is in a hurry. The powerful lightning power is suddenly embarrassing. I got on the big sword.

If it is other forces, once it is caught by the big sword, it will disappear in all likelihood. However, the power of thunder and lightning is far from this, and it is actually directly attacking the body of Elvis along the big sword.

The unfortunate Western powerhouse made a scream of inhumanity, and the sword in his hand made a lot of stars and light into his body, and he himself retreated with the fastest generation.

Kalibin and Mortsky's eyes flashed - after a horror, the original contemptuous heart once disappeared completely.

In their status, the sacred beasts that have been seen are absolutely many. But the holy beast that can provoke the power of powerful lightning is indeed the only one that has never seen it.

He Yiming made a long laugh, and his laughter was full of smug taste.

The power of the white horse thunder and lightning, even the **** operator is the envy of the extreme, that is the top experts under the peak of humanity, and it is the three Western five-powered people can compare.

Of course, this is also the result that Elvir has not paid attention to. If not, he will never become so embarrassed.

Mr. Yu Lao’s face was cold and he took a few steps back. I don't know what hands and feet have been moved. The thin red in the air suddenly disappeared.

Since He-Yi Ming has been merged with Baima Lei, this screen stone naturally has no use.

When the red light dissipated, the distant children in the distance were inexplicably watching here. They didn't hear the sound just now. Even if the room collapsed, there was no sound coming out. However, such a change is enough for them to start coming together.

Mr. Yu Lao asked in a deep voice: "You just used the artillery."

He Yiming nodded slightly and said: "The old gentleman is really a god, it is an artillery."

Mr. Yu Lao sighed and praised Zhuo Zhuo: "I don't think that the craftsmanship in the northwest is so high. The old man is really miscalculated." ”

He Yiming smiled dumbly and said: "Mr. Yu Lao, this is not the thing in the northwest, but the special secret art from the Penglai Xiandao in the East China Sea, the East China Sea artillery."

He Yiming is not proud of his secret in his heart. I asked Huo Dongcheng for a few gadgets to fill the facade. I can't think of it now.

Mr. Yu old nodded his head and said: "Donghai, that is the only place where the old man has not been to." He sighed and his eyes suddenly became sharp. Then his voice suddenly rose and became louder. : "All Yujia children listened to orders and killed them...

He pointed his hand and pointed to He Yiming and others.

After the glimpses of the Yujia children, they immediately became crazy.

In their minds, Mr. Yu is a **** on the top, and no one in his command will think right or wrong, just knowing to go all out. The enemy hundred people came from all directions, and their mouths shouted loudly. In the distance, more people came like stars, and they surrounded them in an instant.

The change here immediately alerted the entire city guard - a large number of people are flying towards this place.

Mr. Yu and others flew to the sky, their flying swords hovered in the air, and the five lords of the five-dimensional dynasty were standing in the air, manipulating their flying swords and attacking He Yiming and others.

He Yiming's face was slightly stunned - and the five elements of the light curtain swung up like a fly, and suddenly the first batch of students were bounced off. These people were attacked by the five elements. Being shocked to the sky, it is absolutely fierce.

However, the people who followed did not seem to see it, and they continued to fight without fear.

Not only that, but from a distance, there was a thunder-like hooves. He Yiming’s ears shook slightly. Although he was fearless in his heart, he was magnetic and inexplicably.

These people should all be guarding the iron rides of the city-state. J1 They can deal with ordinary people. If there are enough people, then those who deal with the innate powers may be able to live and die. But against the sage...

It seems that this kind of thing has never had a precedent! He suddenly raised a thought, after the merits of the five elements of this old man. Even the brain was repaired and broken.

The colorful light curtain was lightly stroked. In addition to his ten feet, there was a neat circle of trenches. He Yiming screamed and said: "The passer is dead!" The sound spread far and wide, like a thunder like a sudden explosion in everyone's heart.

Those who have been continually followed by a slight tremor, their mad heart seems to have cooled a little.

However, Mr. Yu, who was in midair, said indifferently: "Kill...

Numerous anger sounds come out of the mouths of these ordinary people. They seem to be possessed by demons at this moment, and they seem to have become fearless warriors, blindly rushing toward He Yiming.

He Yiming’s face is blue and green, and his heart is boiling, but what he is aiming at is not these crazy people, but the old man who stands in the air and does not have a trace of affection.

The first row of people crossed the deep trench, the colorful ray burst out, and the screams of screams came out of these people's mouths. They retired faster than entering, and they would have a whole one. The batch of students was knocked down.

However, the people behind are still desperately advancing. They don't presume, it seems that they are not stepping on the body of their companions, their eyes are looking straight ahead, and there is nothing more.

A batch of people were thrown out, but more people came up. At this moment, the precious life is no longer cherished by human beings, but becomes a mustard that is trampled by others.

High altitude, Elsie! i 斯眉和;微皱, said: "Respected Mr. Yu, are you useful?"

Both the East and the Western masters of the Great Masters have cultivated the soul to an unshakable level. If not, they will not succeed in vibrating the soldiers.

In the eyes of these people, ordinary people's lives are like ants, even if they die more. It is also impossible to have any influence on their state of mind.

If not, these old monsters have already slashed the ghosts and ridges, and will leave them to the next generation to be so bloody: o! \\}opportunity.

V. They are very suspicious of the intention of Mr. Yu Lao’s approach. After all, even if there are more ordinary people, it will not cause any harm to He Yiming.

Mr. Yu’s mouth--a glimpse, said: "This person is too young, this method is definitely useful."

Hearing the slap in the face, the three men in the West face each other, He Yiming is too young? ! $! ! He Yiming waved his hand, and the five elements of the light curtain swayed again, throwing people out into the trench.

He has faintly guessed the intention of Mr. Yu, but he has to admit that he still can't watch so many lives dying in front of him.

Even if he is merciful, it is just to take these people out, but in this crazy sea of ​​people, those who fall down are like a drop of water falling into the sea, and their eyes are drowned. .

The white horse thundered and screamed, and a huge purple aperture was swayed from his body.

This aperture r is centered on it, and it quickly spreads westward in all directions. He Yiming has a flash of light in his eyes, he did not feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night slay, the **** of the gods, the throne, the sacred priest, the ninth day, the strongest, the abandonment of the big empire, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred Nine days strongest abandoned little big week of the royal family wudongqiankun the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate few large abandoned Zhou royal power to any impact. Thus, the Hakuba ability to control lightning, has reached a point where quite incredible.

The entire assault team Tude changed, those warriors to die like buried pediment is no longer advancing. But it began, twisted the name of the pendulum.

Purple grid to diffuse that road somewhere, this case will be born there.

The power of the thunder and lightning of the white horse is so powerful that even Elvis, who is a singer of the five qi, can't bear it, and how these ordinary people can suffer.

In an instant, within one ten feet of He Yiming’s body. Those who have already fallen to the ground, they are twitching and look strange.

Even in this hot day, there was a deep chill in everyone’s heart.

"Kill." The cold voice rang again.

Countless people step on the body of their They continue to move forward.

He Yiming’s face was blue and he jumped on a white horse. I plan to break through anyway.

As for the faceless onlookers on the head, he will definitely seek this justice. However, his gaze just happened to see the pig.

A thought suddenly surged... Hearing and yelling, "Bao pig mighty"

Bao pig Wei Wei - for a moment, it subconsciously raised his chest, and a force of shackles accumulated in its mouth.

After leaving Hejiazhuang, He Yiming had issued an order prohibiting chaos and screaming for Bao pig, but at this moment, he did not hesitate to lift the order.

The little treasure pig seems to be no longer ordinary at this moment, and it has a huge and terrifying atmosphere on the body.

Subsequently, Bao pig aligned his head, and in the direction of Elvis in the air, it opened its mouth...


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