Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 22: God operator

The gate of Zhuangzi slowly opened. An old man in a rags clothes is outside the door. He said: &t; He Zun is coming, the lord has a request. ”

He Yiming's eyes are slightly condensed, his eyesight is also not the same as before, sweeping past the burning novel network has already seen that this person turned out to be a true innate realm.

There was a thought in his heart that lightning.

Zhu Baqi said that in this kind of manor, only the masters of the day can come to serve. However, in these high-handed hands, some people who are very lucky will receive the reward of the innate Jindan and become the innate power.

Perhaps the old man in front of him is such a good luck man.

He Yiming smiled slightly and entered the door with the old man's reception. "He asked casually: "The old man, I would like to ask which is the residence of the sage." ”

The old man's footsteps paused a little, and he turned his head, and the old face flashed a hint of surprise.

He Yiming's face is not thick enough after all, and he is very embarrassed in his eyes, "You don't even know who the owner is to go to the door."

However, the old man in front of him has also seen people in the world, especially for the incredible eccentric hobbies of the sages. So he only showed a little surprise and immediately returned to normal.

"He Zun, this is the house of the gods master." The old man whispered.

He Yiming’s face suddenly became extremely dignified, but the look in his eyes was more and more firm.

In the entire Tianchi, there are two people who can't be provoked. In addition to the Tianchi ancestors, this is the **** operator.

In fact, in some respects, this **** operator is a bit larger than the Tianchi ancestors in the hearts of the Tianchi branch and the branches.

Because the Tianchi ancestors were too far away from them, they were far from being able to reach them.

In the hearts of ordinary Tianchi people, the ancestors have been deified, almost no different from the legendary Shinto people.

The **** operator is the true master of Tianchi's main pulse, so when it comes to the person who seems to be omniscient, anyone will feel awe from the heart.

Silently stepping on the ground paved by the bluestone, He Yiming converges on his own breath. The white horse thunder and lightning seems to understand the meaning of He Yiming. The violent atmosphere of the sacred beast is also convergent. If you don't look at the one-horn on its head, I am afraid that anyone will think that this is just a horse that compares with Shen Jun.

The old man seems to have known the identity of Hundred and Eight and White Horse Thunder, so he did not have any surprises about He Yiming taking them, and did not even drive the white horse out like a normal horse.

Looking at his respectful and respectful look, people could not help but raise a sense of concealment.

Although he has not seen the **** operator, the old man who is responsible for serving the **** operator in this manor has already left a perfect impression in He Yiming’s heart. He entered the hall, and a turn turned to the backyard. Go.

The white horse suddenly stopped, his nose twitched twice, and snorted toward the next room.

Then there was a rush of snoring from there.

Upon hearing this voice, He Yiming immediately stopped their steps.

Bao pig, this little guy is really here.

"Flapping..." a soft bang came from the window, and everyone saw that the sturdy window broke a big hole, and a white shadow flew out like a fly, and ran towards the white horse.

Seeing this white shadow, I will reach the head of the white horse. One hand stretched out like a lightning bolt, and it caught the pig's neck.

Bao pig turned back and threatened He Yiming with a grin, but it was very quick, and his performance was useless, because He Yiming did not look at it.

Haha, He Xiaodi is coming, the old man has prepared five cups of turbid wine, please come in and enjoy it.

A sacred wind bone, the long-running robe of the old man does not know when it has been silent in the yard.

He Yiming’s heart glimpsed, just the moment he was distracted by the pig, this person seized the gap and came here, causing even He Yiming not to show how this person appeared. .

In the case of the downwind of the ears, He Yiming has rarely encountered such a thing.

Taking a deep breath, He Yiming threw the treasure pig to the hundred and eight, and then he did a meticulous trip, saying: "Know the gods."

The **** operator nodded a little, and the old servant who reached the innate realm suddenly stepped back.

When they entered the backyard, they saw a stone table full of wine, and the heat on it seemed to be just cooking.

He Yiming’s eyebrows gently lifted up. Could it be that this person actually counted himself and others will not come?

Reminiscent of the other party's name, He Yiming's heart is more and more intense. If this person really has this magical power, it would be too horrible.

It seems that I saw the thoughts of He Yiming, and the gods smiled slightly, but they were prepared. ”

He Yiming looked at him with amazement and raised a good impression on the old.

"Sit." The gods waved and said.

He Yiming looked at a few: the distribution direction of the 9 cups, and the spacing between them, and then looked at the only four chairs, he suddenly understood.

It turns out that the **** operator has made both the white horse thunder and the pigs an equal object. In addition to him and one hundred and eight in the five wine glasses, even the thunder and the pig have their position.

After seeing this, even if He Yiming is amazed.

In the eyes of ordinary people, even if they know the identity of the white horse, they will not think of treating it as an equal human being, let alone the little guy of Bao pig.

It can be seen that the **** operator is indeed a big abnormal person, but it is a kind of person with great wisdom.

The white pig jumped up and jumped directly to a chair. The white horse thundered and he sat down in the middle of Bao pig and He Yiming.

Among them, White Horse is the only one who does not enjoy the chair, but in terms of its size, I am afraid that there is no chair to match.

The **** operator raised the cup and said, "He Xiaodi, Baixiong, your old man has heard about it. But after seeing him today, the old man knows that the two are far more powerful than the rumors."

He Yiming smiled a little, and Daogong "does not dare to be your old praise."

The **** operator touched the cup with everyone and drank it.

He Yiming naturally did the drinks in the cup, and even the pigs and lightning were no exception. And after the thunder and lightning had been exhausted, a pair of beautiful big eyes suddenly lit up, and there was a soft slap in the horse's mouth.

The gods were dumb and laughed, and they reached for a shot. Someone came up with a big man’s big jar.

The man put the jar in the yard, took a light shot, took the mud tires, and opened the lid. A fresh wine suddenly filled out, and the smell was refreshing.

The big eyes of Baima Thunder suddenly looked over at He Yiming and hesitated. He Yiming said: "Thank you for the great man."

The **** operator does not need to smile, said, "You can invite the holy beast with the blood of the beast and the beast to be a guest. This is what the sake of the wine is."

He Yiming’s heart smiled, it seems that the white horse lightning is indeed more popular than himself.

He gently nodded, and the white horse thundered suddenly and came to the big jar, and drank himself.

Bao pig was not to be outdone, and came to the side of White Horse. The two guys sipped while playing and playing, and they played a different story.

When He Yiming came, he had a good intention to let go, but he did not expect to see this afterwards. When he looked at the **** operator, he had a sense of unpredictable and high sense. It seems that his every move is within the calculation of the other party.

The **** operator sighed and said, "It’s not long before He Xiaodi has just been promoted to the Supreme, but the strong atmosphere of your body is really unbelievable. Today's younger generation, no one can really be your right. If you can keep on making progress, maybe one day..." He smiled mysteriously and said: "This place will be your turn to be the master."

He Yiming smiled modestly, and his heart was suspicious. Hearing the tone of the gods, he actually said that he might have the possibility to board the throne of the main peak of Tianchi in the future.

However, this statement is too illusory, so he just left it after he had a heartbeat.

After all, he is only a disciple of the Tianchi branch, but not the successor of Tianchi's hard work. If it is easy to get along with, he will not pass on the millennial foundation that the ancestors passed down. Branch disciple. Perhaps, by the time he can get a seat for the elders, it is already the limit.

The God operator did not continue to say it, because he also knew that it was no longer practical to talk about it at this time. If one day, He Yiming can really advance to that realm, then everything will be shaped like a natural one, and it will not cost him a lot.

Of course, if He Yiming is not as good as he imagined in the subsequent performance, or if he stays in this realm, then even if he promises more, it is just a mirror.

His daylight finally moved to the body of the hundred and eight, with a sincere heartfelt tone from his heart: "The practice of the hundred brothers is really unpredictable, even the old man can not sense your life, even more Can't guess your life."

He Yiming's mouth is slightly stunned. If it can sense the breath of life, then it is called a real ghost. Moreover, the hundred and eight are not in this world. It is impossible to speculate on his origins with the technique of God. Because there is no such precedent in the past, even if it is speculated, it is estimated that the operator is also a blind eye and cannot understand."

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