Martial God

Vol 7 Chapter 19: Forging

It is a handwritten book. And it’s just a book that hasn’t been written for a long day.

When He Yiming left Hejiazhuang, Chu Artuo sent this book that had all the forgiveness to him.

According to the irresponsible saying of the old man, the strongman who wants to learn the forging technique does not have to start from scratch. Just look at the key points he summed up, and how many hands-on exercises can quickly grasp the flaws.

Of course, the premise is that you must have the talent for forging.

He Yiming is one of the people he has ever seen, the most forged talent, and still a master of the master of the fire system.

In this case, even if he studies himself, he will certainly be a great forgemaster.

These words are all spoken by Chu Artemisia, but when He Yiming got the book, his heart was still quite embarrassing.

He knew that he had left such a deep impression on the other side. That is because of his special relationship. If there is no previous lake adventure, he has absolutely no achievements today.

So far, he still doesn't know what it was in that day, and he doesn't know how many wonderful things happened to him.

and so. He really does not have much confidence in whether he can successfully reach the expectations of Chu Artemisia.

Gently opened the book. He started from the first page and seriously watched it.

This book is very detailed and the content is simple and clear. Easy to understand.

More importantly, each word in the handwriting is absolutely a small head, and the real fly head is almost the same.

Such a word, and only a strong practitioner, can finish writing in a short time. If you change to an ordinary person, you can't support it.

It can be seen that for this book, Chu Artemisia is definitely a great effort.

At the beginning of the book, what is told is not a forging technique, but a whole page of content to describe how to calm down.

According to him, if you want to go further on this road, I must be a member of the water and fire.

When using the fire system to control the forging, you must also run the water system at the same time to keep yourself the most sensitive and calm. In this way, no matter what kind of unexpected situation encountered in the process of forging, you can calmly find the best way to deal with it.

This is the condition that the forge must have.

of course. For many forgemakers who don't have a talent for water, they use other methods to keep themselves calm.

But Chu Arthur has found the easiest way out of his talent. And wrote it without reservation.

He Yiming is very grateful to see this article about how to use the water system to keep calm.

This thing is definitely a valuable and most important thing for the forgemaster. If it falls into the hands of other forgemakers, it will definitely break the scalp.

Even if the other party does not have a talent for water, but after seeing this chapter, there will be some insights.

However, Chu Artuo even didn't even have a confession, so he casually stuffed it into his hand. The thick friendship made him feel a fiery warmth.

The heart whispered in the mouth, and the air in He Yiming’s body quietly flowed.

After a while. He Yiming's eyes flashed a touch of surprise, and then resumed normal.

However, this normal is a bit more indifferent than in the past. It seems that He Yiming suddenly changed someone, and he no longer cares about everything in this world.

By this time, He Yiming feel wudongqiankun Holy, holy king made the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate abandoned The little Zhou Dynasty martial arts and martial arts will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, arrogate the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the gods, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the ninth day, the strongest, the lesser, the greater the week, the more the royal family Unbelievable.

When he followed the method described in the book and moved the water system to the extreme, he actually had a feeling of flying.

This feeling quite strange, even he can feel wudongqiankun Holy, holy king made the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned the royal big week night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven magic Fate the most abandoned little big week of the royal family wudongqiankun the night to kill his divine throne and India seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week night to kill the **** Indian **** throne seek seventh heaven strongest magic Fate less abandoned royal big week to, their ideas seem to have some kind of out of touch with the body.

Although it is possible to control the body's movements, but they are nothing but all this takes on a dull feeling, his whole being stripped of vitality.

This river shares infuriating, like his heart, his thoughts wrapped up, so that he entered into the realm of an absolute calm.

This is the end. He Yiming really understood the value of this page.

Although he did not know that this was the one that Chuge State had explored, it was inherited from the predecessors. But this method can obviously be applied to the martial arts.

Chu Artemisia wrote this method in the book and gave it to himself. It was also a good intention.

After a half silence, He Yiming opened the second page.

From the beginning of this page, it is the experience of Chu Artemisia in telling about his forging.

The technique of forging is equally profound and profound. If you do not practice and study for a long time, you will not be able to achieve better results.

but. For special talents, nature also has a special teaching method.

Chugao is just a short three-page general outline. In this general outline, it includes some of the most basic aspects of forging. It can be said that all the forging techniques that are popular today are all out of this general outline.

This general outline is the rumor that all forgemasters must recite when they get started.

For He Yiming, a powerful sage, it seems that it is not difficult to memorize thousands of words. He read silently, one word and one word in a strong heart.

He knows that this is the basis of all forging. If you don't remember the basics, then he simply can't reach the great situation of forging.

This is the same whether it is the practice of martial arts or the technique of alchemy.

After an hour, He Yiming has already recorded all the basic contents in his mind.

Subsequently. He began to open the fourth page.

Starting from the fourth page, the content inside is not limited.

In addition to the introduction of some precious raw materials, the most important record is the experience that Chuzhou Prefecture once forged.

He uses examples as a model to point out He Yiming's specific control and matters to be noted.

In fact, the manipulation method of exercise is not complicated, especially for people with his rank.

With the realm of his sage, coupled with the power of the flower of fire, the desire to refine the weapon of the gods is uniquely superior to others.

Chuge State is clearly aware of this truth, so he will focus on the selection of raw materials, the restraint of attributes, and the various accidents and how to deal with them.

In the process of recording these treatments, Chuzhou State does not simply tell the process, but why it should be clearly explained.

This is the real key and core.

He Yiming’s eyes are faint, and he knows that if this book is circulated, it will surely cause a sensation for all the forgemasters. and. This book will certainly be included in the major sects and families, and placed in the core library of the family.

After reading it one by one, I don’t know how long it took. He Yiming finally finished the last page.

This is because the content after the general outline does not need to be recited again, and He Yiming's reading is very fast, and a whole page of books can be understood with just a glance.

If Chu Arthurium knows that he has worked hard, from the forging talent of Heming, the book that began to be written in the bamboo king of the Dashen royal family was turned over by He Yiming one night. . Then he will definitely vomit blood.

The hard work of codewords is by no means a reader can imagine.

This is true of modern times. Everything in the world is generally the same.

After turning the whole book over, He Yiming's hand was overlaid on the book, his eyes closed slightly, and quietly recalled the contents.

at last. He opened his eyes and the light flashed inside.

Subsequently. He quickly turned the book over to the chapter in the material mix.

In this chapter, if you want to refine high-end weapons, you must prepare the same high-grade refiner materials. And these materials preferably have some of the same characteristics.

Moreover, here is a small way to use the same kind of instinct to test whether the relationship is blended.

After seeing this magical test method, even He Yiming was a little bit eager to move.

His eyes turned a few times and looked out the window. The thin mist was still a black one. The new day has not arrived.

Once I had some thoughts in my heart, He Yiming couldn't help but want to test it.

He did not hesitate to untie the placket on his chest and took out the silver ring and necklace.

A sly anger rushed into the air. But in an instant, the two void spaces have already been opened.

He Yiming looked at the inside for a while, and finally decided.

He took some things out in batches. The biggest one is actually a huge tentacles that are half-baked and unfamiliar.

Although this tentacle is only a small part of its owner, after taking it out, it has already been a big round more than He Yiming’s body.

He Yiming put his tentacles flat on the ground, which made him feel very surprised. This thing is out of the body and is grilled like this, and it has been more than a year later. There is still a strong life atmosphere.

This is absolutely unimaginable before I see it with my own eyes.

But it is precisely because of this truth. Therefore, He Yiming would value this thing so beside the tentacle, He Yiming gently put down a fan, which is what he got from him after killing the crowns. Feng Shui Bao fan.

Hesitated for a moment, He Yiming placed a jade bottle next to the fan and tentacle, and opened the bottle cap a little.

Once the lid is opened,? When the surface suddenly appeared a cold atmosphere, once the atmosphere filled, the temperature of the whole room suddenly fell.

However, these air-conditionings are quite strange, only limited to a small area beside the jade bottle and did not spread. Otherwise, with this degree of icy cold, once unrestricted, it has already attracted the attention of countless people.

After setting these three things. He Yiming stepped forward and extended his hand. On his hand, a small circle of ripples that could not be seen by the naked eye was gently swayed.

The power of water spreads toward the front, and these three items are already covered in an instant.

He Yiming's double eyebrows were slightly instigated, and his energy was immediately invested in it, quietly observing the changes.

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