Martial God

Vol 6 Chapter 135: 3 strong team

The three powerful momentums boiled from the three sages! !

Before today, even though their purpose was the same, they all wanted to kill He Yiming, but they were obsessed with the identity of the Sayādaw, even if the killer of Huang Quanmen, Ding Liyin never thought that they would join hands. Deal with He Yiming.

However, at this moment, after ten days in this district, they have to join forces.

In the face of He Yiming at this time, their hearts have a feeling like the high mountains.

This is the strength, the powerful feeling brought by the unparalleled strength.

This kind of feeling is obtained from the real battle, and is far more direct than the feelings gained by relying on fame and prestige.

Under such strong pressure, when He Yiming said that he had challenged the three of them, the three of them were humiliating, although they had a boiling fire, they chose the same road. .

I don't know who to start with, or the three sages have taken the same step.

They walked slowly and surrounded He Yiming in the middle.

"Two people are careful." Li Yuan said suddenly: "The weapon used in this man's hand is the five elements of the five elements of the past five elements. This material is so powerful, the world is rare, he can have such a powerful power. Yes, there is a great relationship with this artifact." Ding Liyin's eyes suddenly condensed, and a flash of light flashed through his eyes. Gabriel is even more rounded, although he has long felt that He Yiming is so powerful that he should have a certain relationship with the soldier in his hand, but he did not think that this would be a legend. The artifact in the middle.

He swallowed a matte paint and said: "This artifact is actually an artifact." His eyes have greed and fear that can't be concealed, but his voice has a hint of fear and retreat.

Li Yuan and others were all savage and slick, and immediately heard the subtle changes in his tone.

The ticket veteran quickly coughed and said: "Gai Gabriel, this is certainly not a real artifact, it is just an artifact of an artifact. You will not think that a saint can really smelt artifacts." Gabriel's The old face was red, but he had already suffered from the handwork of He Yiming. The so-called scared bird, nothing more. And in his heart is also squatting, since even the strange things that can smelt imitation artifacts are born within ten days, then it seems that it is not impossible for the sacred to smelt artifacts.

And since this thing is a copy of the gods, then the power that can be thrown out is much bigger than the ordinary weapon of the gods. Under the joint efforts of the three of them, will they be able to win by war?

After being smashed by He Yiming as a stepping stone, and after being repeatedly hit, Gabri’s heart is no longer strong and courageous.

It is in his heart, it is difficult to continue. Suddenly, he saw the eyes of He Yiming. In this gaze, he actually read a taste of contempt.

Gabri’s body trembled a little, his teeth tightened, and the slightest retreat in his heart had been completely abandoned.

From the beginning of his practice of martial arts, he has been in the West for more than two hundred years. Whether he has become a sage, or has not yet become a sage, he is a high-spirited person in the minds of all.

I have thought about it, and one day, he will be swept away by such a gaze.

In his heart, it is like burning a huge flame, this is the fire of anger, enough to burn all the weak and careless thoughts.

He straightened his chest, the fog in his hand swelled, and the epee and shield suddenly appeared in his hands.

Feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred priest, the sacred world, the most powerful, the abandonment of the big prince, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful, the abandonment, the empire, the martial arts Night killing gods and gods, the throne, seeking the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the gods, the night killing, the gods, the throne, the magic, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou royals, from Gabrina’s sudden fighting spirit, the old ticket Although Ding Liyin is inexplicable, but their hearts are a joy.

These two old-fashioned strongmen have long seen that Gabriel’s momentum has declined. Although it is barely fighting, it is really daunting to report too much hope. At this moment, the darkness of the village and the village, Gabri’s determination and fighting spirit exploded in this moment, naturally making them ecstatic.

After exchanging a look, the three sages did not speak again, but they have already told He Yiming with practical actions, their next plans.

Silent and diarrhea looked at the three saints with such a cautious attitude, He Yiming's heart was full of pride, before he entered the ghost crying ridge, he did not think that there would be such an incredible change.

He was deeply absorbed, and his spirit was instantly raised to an unprecedented height.

Even if he was facing the big python, it seemed that there was no such excitement.

After all, the gap between him and the big python is too obvious, even if it is hard to spell out. However, at this time, with the three sages, relying on the special growth ability of the five elements, he may not have the chance to win without a battle.

Therefore, this moment is the moment when he reached the most excitement.

Moreover, he also faintly feels that as long as he can win in today's war, or can escape safely, then when he goes to the deep mountain totem in the future, he is truly capable of self-protection.

At this time, in the heart of He Yiming, the three of them have been regarded as the strong among the totems. He wants to be under the siege of these three people and know where his limits are.

If this is not the case, he will not be idiots to insist on one pick.

The huge gas of heaven and earth swarmed in from the Baihui cave. The faster the five-ring ring in He Yiming’s hands, the more rapid his momentum began to expand, and it has reached an incredible height, even starting to reverse. Suppressing the momentum of the other three Sayādaws.

The faces of Gabri's three people are very dignified. They really want to join forces to kill He Yiming, so their momentum begins to blend slowly, and they try to accept the power system of others and integrate them as soon as possible.

The three nobles are in harmony, although it is only the first time, but it is still huge and unimaginable. However, even if the three of them joined forces, but in the momentum of confrontation, it is still inferior to He Yiming.

The three of them face each other and... Hey, they can't think of the powerful momentum that He Yiming came from.

The strength of the momentum determines the strength of the imprisonment between each other. When the two sides fight, if one party can exert the imprisonment ability to pass the other side, it naturally takes advantage of the big bargain.

At this time, the joint efforts of the three of them were not the enemy of He Yiming, and naturally they were unacceptable.

Chestnut’s eyes suddenly glimpsed, and he hated the words: “Five lines.”

The eyes of Ding Liyin and Gabri looked at the five elements at the same time. I saw that the imitation of the soldiers was shining with the stars, the annihilation and the gas, and the feeling of He Yiming had a closely related feeling.

They immediately understood that the reason why He Yiming was able to do it was to suppress them in the soil of imperialism, because of the ability to imitate the militia. If this is not the case, even if He Yiming is strong enough to be able to suppress one person is the limit, it is impossible to maintain the upper hand under the triple connection.

The three of them had a greedy color at the same time, and they had a thought in their hearts. If I could get this thing, it would be fine.

A fierce and murderous whistle from the mouth of He Yiming, instantly broke through the clouds, like the dragon that rises high and rises, after breaking through the shackles between the heavens and the earth, it stunned Severe drink.

On the five elements of the ring, there is endless light and rain. All the light and rain are covered with a bright red flame. Every flame is like a kind of ingenuity. It is incredibly moving toward the three saints. to.

Gabriel is still physically shrinking and hiding in the shield. Beyond his big shield, the light and rain of the marsh sky is raging, but it is still unable to break his defense.

When Ding Liyin's wrist was found, the black sword was unfolded. In front of him, suddenly a starry sky was formed. Countless stars shot like meteors. Every star hit a little flame. In the blink of an eye, the stars are twinkling and the flames are in flames.

Attached to the chestnut veteran, his method is more simple and practical, although there is only one long sword in his hand, but he has a stroke, and suddenly there is a sea of ​​fire in front of him.

He turned out to be a fire, and the endless Mars fell into the sea of ​​fire, suddenly turning into a point in the flame, and there was no threat anymore.

However, the faces of the three of them did not relax at all, but the more they drew to the extreme.

Because they have already seen that He Yiming’s attack this time, because it was directed at three people, the effect has weakened a lot, and even did not achieve a little achievement.

However, what he attacked was three strong men of the same order.

If all the attack power is concentrated on one person, then no one can easily follow.

The atmosphere of the three people blended together, and they all understood the other's thoughts in an instant. Gabriel screamed and took the lead to rush up the big shield. Under the guidance of the air machine, Li Yuan was also a shout, a sword in his hand. Like the dragon of the water, he rolled over the past in the back of He At the same time, a black shadow flashed, even under the scorching sun, it also gave people a kind of gloomy Ghost feeling. In an instant, he has come to the other side of He Yiming. The attack of the three great people came to He Yiming almost at the same moment.

The five-ring ring is turning to the extreme. In the next moment, the afterimage of the road changes in the air. Each afterimage is a five-row ring. When this countless five-line ring turns into a huge one in He Yiming’s body. At the time of the shadow wall, he suddenly covered his figure.

"Boom..." The huge explosion sounded from the middle of countless five-line rings.

The three sages retreat like a fly, and their bodies have more or less traces of burning, and He Yiming on the ground has disappeared.

When everything went down, the figure on the ground flashed and He Yiming appeared again. He actually hid the technique of drilling the ground at the moment of contact between the two sides.

His eyes looked around for a week, and the sound of the five-ring rotation rang again. His body vacated and went to the chestnut-like pursuit.

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