Martial God

Vol 4 Chapter 41: helper

He Yiming also turned his head and flashed a hint of excitement in his eyes. Obviously, he did not care much about the armed rescue of the eight innate powers.

But the intention of them is deeply moved.

Be aware that in addition to the water and the world, he does not have much friendship with the other six innate realms. So when he came here, he did not expect to get the support of Zhao Rupei and others.

But now I feel the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the throne, the sorcerer, the sacred world, the most powerful, the singularity, the singularity, the sacred god, the sacred god, the sacred, the sacred, the sacred, the most powerful乾 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神After the breath of the second, even the stupid people understand that they are here to help the boxing.

The heart of this confession is to say that there is no feeling that it is simply deceptive.

No matter what purpose they are for, but as long as they come, He Yiming is already very satisfied. This is a huge human condition that cannot be forgotten.

However, the masters of the eight small countries that have been stunned by water for a moment have arrived here.

Suddenly, the strength of both sides has changed dramatically.

In addition to the four innate powers that have fled, the map of the country has only four remaining.

And one of the four people who was seriously injured and who had been killed, even if it was left, was also scared by He Yiming. If you really have the strength to play half the strength is already very great.

Before Shui Hyun Heng and others came here, they thought that they would go through a fierce battle. They even prepared for the struggle. But I didn't expect that when they came here, they didn't see any fierce fighting scenes, but they saw a very strange scene.

Especially when they saw the innate powerhouse who was already dead on the sail, the more they were shocked, the more they were able to do so by their own efforts.

Several mountains exchanged one eye for each other and thought of the words of Shuixuan Cui.

Not to mention the potential of He Yiming, even if it is based on his current strength, it is worth the rescue of the risk of sinning the country.

Wood looks at the newly emerging eight innate powers and feels the martial arts, the sacred king, the sacred king, the night sacred god, the gods, the throne, the sacred world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the night sacred god, the throne The enchanting world is the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou dynasty martial arts 乾 将 将 将 将 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神 神The little Zhou Dynasty royal family sighed with deep hostility from their work.

The whips of Stephan Cong really really smashed the horse's nest. Not only has the rank of He Yiming been so strong, even the ordinary innate power has come to eight.

He took a deep breath and suddenly applauded: "How do you plan to kill all of us in the country?" His words rang like a thunder, and everyone’s heart hesitated. .

Tu Yiguo is one of the top powers alongside the Kailuan country. If all these people are really determined, it will be completely broken with Tuguo and will not endless.

The thought of the strength of the first-line Tianqiang is even hesitant.

He Yiming's eyebrows raised slightly: "The master of wood, you don't need to use words to run this thing. Since it was caused by me, it is natural that I ended up having nothing to do with them."

Zhao Ruipei and others all secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Although they showed a common advance and retreat, if they really broke with Tuguo, not everyone has such courage.

Since He Yiming took the responsibility of one person, it was a sneak peek in their hearts.

Of course, in this case, no one directly expressed this thought.

Wood screamed for a long time: "Well, since the brother said so, then Mu will be relieved." He stepped back halfway and stared at He Yiming and slowly dismissed the strange coat on his body.

With his strength, even wearing a jacket and playing with people will not be greatly affected.

However, in the face of He Yiming, he did mention the 12 points carefully and was fully prepared. Even if it was a small disadvantage, it should be excluded from the state.

Although he still has a firm confidence in himself, he is still full of taboos for He Yiming who can fight for the seven innate powers with one person.

The strength of this young innate powerhouse is absolutely out of anyone's prior estimates.

He Yiming took a step back and he waved his hand on Xie Mingjin.

Xie Mingjin felt a rush to push him out. When he was involuntarily retreating a certain distance, he was now unconsciously coming to the side of Ting Shiguang.

Ting Shiguang naturally understood the intention of He Yiming. He reached out and pulled Xie Mingjin behind him. Shui Hyun Cui is also a step closer to the second big congenital strong, and Xie Mingjin is sandwiched between them.

It is impossible for them to accidentally hurt him even if he is the guardian of He Yiming and Wood.

The Soviets and another old man looked at each other and hugged the old man who had died before. Although he has died because of the injury, his body must be transported back to Tujia.

This is the only basic respect for the strong and the only thing they can do.

However, when they retreated, they deliberately blocked the culprits of this time.

No matter how the result of He Yiming and Mudeng’s fight, this person can’t be lost. Even if he knows that he has no future, he is not completely giving up.

Unconsciously, there is only He Yiming and Mudutian on the entire practice site.

In addition to them, even a few powerful sturdy and powerful people are all moving away from the flames. Because when the momentum of He Yiming's work spread, everyone including many powerful people felt a great danger.

Therefore, they all chose to retreat a certain distance. Although it is a little weak in the face of the masters of the same level, whether it is He Yiming or Mutiantian is obviously not an ordinary one. They show weakness and don't feel how shameful they are.

In the square, the two heads of He Yiming stood side by side with the wood.

In his eyes, the whole world seems to have disappeared from the powerful opponents who can be seen in their eyes or just opposite.

From their work, there is a strong momentum that seems to be the only one.

This kind of momentum can be acquired not only by relying on hard cultivation, but by a little bit in the process of comparing with the masters of the same number.

Wood is able to be called the first master of the first line of the world. It is definitely an honor to step on the bodies of countless people.

Under his command, all the tens of thousands of heavenly powers in the entire territory of the country are his men’s defeats, even if the first-line powers of the country are all looking forward to him.

For decades, the invincibility in the same rank has given him great confidence. At this moment, he has completely transformed this confidence into his own huge momentum. It is like the general general force constantly spreading in all directions. It seems that he wants Keep everything under your own momentum.

On the other hand, the momentum that He Yiming showed from him was not even under the other side.

If Wood is able to push its own momentum to the limit that can be reached by the hundred strong people, it is because of the role that he has accumulated through the numerous battles. Then He Yiming’s high momentum is due to the fact that he will continue to climb and explode after he has singled out the seven masters of the same rank.

These two kinds of momentum are such that the tip of the needle is staggered to the awning.

The eyes of both of them are extremely dignified. They also seem to have sensed that the opponent in front of them is absolutely different. But only such a strong opponent can really stimulate their fighting desires to let them climb to a higher martial arts realm in constant battle.

Finally, it seems that the heart is in a good mood, and the two of them simultaneously disappeared at the same time.

When they started to work, they were so bright that they were so fast that even they couldn’t see the changes. Then they burst out in the center of the martial arts field like a clear sky. Let everyone's heart tremble fiercely and they know that the two have finally played against each other!

If you are a strong person in the innate realm, you can easily sense the changes that occur here.

The most sacred in the distant country is as long as it is the people who are familiar with the country.

Several old people stood up together and stared in one direction.

Among these people are the masters of innate protection in the master hall. Standing at the forefront of everyone is the master of Mao Lieguang.

Although he is not a human being, but by force alone, he is indeed an innate powerhouse who has reached the top of the sky. Although it is far less than He Yiming and Mu Tiantian, he is really better than the average innate power. Therefore, in the ranks of Master Hall, no one except the one-line royal ancestor can no longer be him.

At this time everyone was looking at the dignified face and they all sensed the powerful atmosphere of the world.

After a long time, a white-faced old man frowned: "What is going on here? Is the Guardian of the dependent countries rioting?"

Mao Lieguang did not look at him with a good look: "Xu brother, you have to make a joke, even if they rioted the target will be our master hall and how can we find the troubles of the guys in the map?"

The old man who is not required for white noodles, whose name is Xu Tingding, is not as good as Mao Liguang, but is also followed by the strongest in the top ten of the masters.

He coughed aloud: "What do we do now to stop it?"

Mao Lieguang shook his head slightly: "After a moment, I have sent people out to inquire and soon someone will pass the message."

Although they did not see with their own eyes what happened, but with the breath, they knew that several masters of the country in the country of Kailuan had joined forces and went to Tuyuguo Manor.

The sudden birth of this thing, even if they are also caught off guard, all the masters of the country in the city are concentrated to prepare for the changes that may occur at any time.

After all, all the masters of Tuguo and the dependent countries have added up to nearly twenty. If it is the reunion of He Yiming and Mudutian, the strength of this strength is that even if there is a line of strong people who are sitting in the town, the Kailuan Masters Hall is not afraid to have a slight negligence, and then a moment will be the face of everyone. When I couldn't help but feel anxious, the outsiders of the Master Hall finally walked into one person.

Once this person enters everyone except Mao Lieguang, he will also say hello and this person will be rushed to the ceremony and then come to judge the light. If He Yiming is here, he will naturally recognize that he is defeated by his own Cheng Fu.

However, today's Cheng Fu seems to have undergone a radical change. The strong sense of existence in his work has disappeared. It seems that it has become a ten-year-old middle-aged person. If there is still a gap between his eyes and his eyes. No one will associate him with the master of the country, no matter how strong and heart-warming.

Xu Stripe smiled happily: "It’s a good time for the brothers to progress like a fly. Two, Cheng Fu nodded slightly toward him but he was silent and didn’t interface. The rest of the people have never seen it because they know a year ago. Since the return of Cheng Fu, Cheng Fu has devoted himself to cultivation and got the guidance of the royal family ancestors until recently he broke out. Since he came out, it seems to have changed like a man, even his master Mao Lieguang. I can't see his depth.

Everyone knows that he is waiting for another chance to fight with He ~ Ming. He wants to find the old self-confident two masters in the same person's work. I have already inquired. Cheng Fulang said: "The four emperors of the Tuo Kingdom's four princes step by step, Cong Cong, as the street slaying, will hurt He Yiming's wife Yuan Lixun. The master of He Yiming rushed to the crown and joined the many innate powerhouses in the embassy district to go to the manor of Tuyuguo to seek justice. "Although what he said is different from the facts, but in such a short period of time, he has received such news that the movements within the two regions are actually under the supervision of the spies of the Kailuan country.

Mao Lieguang and others are brows. Although the conflict between these two forces is definitely a good thing for them, this conflict must be controlled within a certain range. If it is out of a certain range, it will be a fatal disaster. It is.

For a time, everyone’s heart was stunned by the squeaky teeth of Stephan Cong’s sorrowful sorrow.

In fact, the murder of the different kings in the eyes of the horse is nothing but a trivial matter.

But the problem is that people who haven’t beaten will naturally become major events.

Mao Lieguang sighed and said helplessly. "We are also going to join in the fun. This thing must be arranged for us to mediate." Many innate powers shook their heads and sighed several people to go to the manor of Tuyu.

Their footsteps are so fast, but they are silent... They have come to the manor, but what they have seen is a piece of wolf, and even the gates of the manor have been kicked.

The faces of the people have changed slightly. He Yiming and others are too much. Even if the door is flying, it is not equal to the face-to-face people who are arrogant and willing to give up.

After seeing the arrival of many innate powerhouses in the country, the captains of the soldiers immediately went forward and asked Qi Shanmao to slap his face and asked: "What happened here?" One of the most vocal captains suddenly saw what he had seen. I’ve told you a lot of people who have heard a lot of faces and face each other. They can’t believe their ears.

Mao Lieguang’s muscles inexplicably twitched: "Do you mean that Master He Yiming has come here to defeat the seven innate masters?"

The head of the captain was as excited as the chicken glutinous rice:

"The words of the masters are just like this. They are the same. But the seven masters of the country’s guardians have already been two serious wounds and four escapes. One person will tell the whereabouts of the prince of the prince, and the master of He Yiming will be released. After he left.... Mao Lieguang and others looked at them again and their hearts were full of incredible feelings.

Even Mao Liguang, who had almost lost in the hands of He Yiming, could not believe that He Yiming really had such exaggerated strength.

Slowly their eyes finally fell into the work of Cheng Fu. And this cut into Fu's eyes is no longer calm.

In the past year, he has used a special cultivation method that can stimulate the potential but is extremely painful under the guidance of Zhan Tianfeng.

Although he was suffering from the pain that ordinary people could not imagine in a year, his strength was indeed a leaps and bounds compared to a year ago.

In the ten innate masters of today's Kailuan country, even his master Mao Lieguang may not be his opponent.

But even then he wouldn't dare to say that he can fight against seven strong players in the same strength by himself As for the battle and win, the other side will scare away what is more imaginary.

Cheng Fu's double fist suddenly gripped his nails and was deeply stuck in the palm of his hand, but his heart was even more bitter.

How did He Yiming cultivate this guy? Is it that he still has an epiphany during this year...

From the inside of the manor, there was a thrilling turbulent atmosphere of the heavens and the earth. The spirit of the people was one of them. They felt that they felt the martial arts, the sacred kings, the sacred kings, the night sacred gods, the gods, the thrones, the devils, the world’s most powerful The young Zhou Dynasty will kill the gods and the gods of the throne, seek the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest abandonment, the big Zhou, the royal family, the martial arts, the martial arts, the night, the gods, the gods, the throne, the devil, the world, the nine heavens, the strongest, the young, the royal family, the gods, the night The gods of the gods and the thrones of the world are the most powerful and abandoning the big Zhou Dynasty. This makes them feel the power of horror, and suddenly they have a thought.

He Yiming and Wood have played against each other.

Almost everyone who is thinking without thinking is running in that direction, leaving only a group of people here to speculate on what happened.

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