As Vegapunk gave orders, the huge command room was silent and there was a sound of needles falling. Everyone found earmuffs and sunglasses to put on their faces, and then stared at the big screen intently.

It looks like a structural diagram of the sky fortress, and the small square representing the power room at the bottom is red.

"I think……"

Ron opened his mouth to say that he didn't have earmuffs or sunglasses yet.

But at this time, Vegapunk gave an order.


next second...

hum! !

The catheter in his hand struggled frantically as if he had come alive, and a palpitating electric current erupted from the inside, and the specially-made catheter kept rising to high temperature and softened and melted in front of the current. Ron set up his armed domineering and hugged it tightly, his fingers embedded in the surface, leaving imprints that even fingerprints were clearly visible.


Suddenly, an electric current extended from the conduit and quickly spread all over the ground. The strength of that current and voltage reminded Ron of the days when he was struck by lightning on Hell Island, and he could only stand there unable to move when he was electrified all over his body.

However, Vegapunk seemed to have been prepared for this. He reached out and pressed on the operation panel, and an insulating wall rose from the ground, separating Ron from the rest of the command room.

The screen was full of blue current, and there was a deafening thunder in his ears. Ron stood there with dead fish eyes, thinking about a problem.

I just came to recharge the weapon, what's the situation now?

Fortunately, as the current rushed through the conduit, the air fortress soon heard a very rhythmic vibration, which was similar to the car starting the engine, and the strong power brought by the steel fuel made people in the air fortress Lift your spirits!


"Successful ignition once!"

"Quick, now! Get someone to replace the replacement parts!"

Vegapunk jumped up happily, and the command room was full of joy.

Below the structural diagram of the sky fortress on the wall, the red pattern was replaced by blue, and a big "SAFE" was marked next to it. A group of people excitedly came to the other side of the wall and waited for Ron to appear. After seeing him, they rushed up to shake hands again and again.

"Thank you Lieutenant General Ron for your help! What a help!"

"A success, thanks to you, Lieutenant General Ron!"

"Yes! Lieutenant General Garp crushed the catheter and we thought it was all over. Fortunately, you are here!"

It turned out to be him! !

Ron hated his teeth itching, he knew that Garp must be tricky if he wanted to change shifts with him!

Five Kages...ahh!

Although the five lieutenant generals of the headquarters could not take Jhin together, they would not be as dangerous as Karp said. Jhin would have a slim chance of killing any of them, let alone the five of them joining forces.

There's no need for him to rush down to take over!

But this is the end of the matter, he can't go down to find Garp to fight for his life, then the Warring States will definitely not spare him.

With a smile, Ron slowly walked out of the crowd and said to Vegapunk, "Mr. Vegapunk, I'm here to recharge the super electromagnetic gun."

Ultra Railgun!

This is the big killer that the Navy has prepared for this war!

Escorted by Karp himself,

Try to be foolproof!

Try it and you won't lose a piece of meat. What if the hell happens? !

Kaido's dog-skin plaster is the most troublesome one among the four emperors, and it is such a happy thing to be able to kill him!

"Oh yes, I almost forgot the business!"

Vegapunk slapped his forehead and suddenly realized.

"You keep checking, I'll take Lieutenant General Ron out for a while!"



In the corridor, Ron looked curiously at the criss-crossed passages around him. Behind the interlayer of intricate passages was a wall of metal fittings that could be seen faintly. The pipes shone with blue electric light, shrinking and undulating continuously, as if they were breathing.

"Is Mr. Vegapunk busy with this recently? What about the pacifists?"

Vegapunk hadn't contacted Ron since the last time we met in the South China Sea. And it was just a simple meeting. After handing over the chart to him, Ron didn't even enter the base.

Counting it, it has been a full year since Ron began to supervise the actual combat training with Zefa!

"The pacifist has entered the late stage of research and development, and upgrading is not so easy... At present, the PX-3 model is sufficient for use, and the cost of the PX-4 cannot be reduced, so it will not be equipped on a large scale for the time being."

These things are not a secret to Ron, who is a high-ranking lieutenant general in the headquarters. Vegapunk didn't keep it, and explained it to him in detail.

Just like Caesar's super electromagnetic gun was rejected by the Warring States Period, the new version of PX-4 also has the problem of high cost. Caesar was also made a useless toy by Vegapunk jokes before, but he himself encountered the same problem in a blink of an eye.

But fortunately, as the top scientist most valued by the world government, even if there is no need to develop PX-5 for the time being, Vegapunk can't relax, and soon he was transferred to another big project.

That is the sky fortress under their feet! !

"Sky Island's shellfish production has a growth cycle, and under the mobilization of the G10 branch, it will soon be unable to make ends meet...Gan Fall had to take out a new flying ship structure diagram obtained from the refugees of the Bika royal family Deal with the Navy for more Bass."

It is impossible for Gan Fall to know how many peeps will be attracted by the birth of Shandora, the Golden Country. "War Ghost" Webb will not take the initiative to leak it after being threatened by Ron, and as a ruler, he will not break the can.

Vegapunk explained as he walked, glanced at Ron at this moment, and said: "The design drawing was left by the ancestors of the Bika people hundreds of years ago, but the design on it is far beyond the limits of the times... The world government previously suspected that it had nothing to do with Ancient weapons are related, and the construction of them is not allowed.”

"Then things turned around more than half a year ago... The Nibelungen family stood up and approved this plan, and together with many officials in the government who supported the control of ancient weapons to end the era of great pirates, provided funds, and arranged for me to be responsible for the repair."

"So there was this sky fortress named Ark!"

"Ark? Proverbs?"

Ron nodded as he remembered the wooden spaceship that could even reach the moon in the original book.

It is normal for the world government to fear the appearance of the Ark.

In terms of technology, it really shouldn't be a product of hundreds of years ago!

If the airship was so easy to build, Vegapunk would not start designing the airship after Crane led the team to find the empty island. Only fools can't see how big the advantage of air-to-ground warfare is. It can only be said that it has been limited by technology if it has not been realized.

The relationship between the Nibelungen family and himself is unclear, and counting the time, half a year ago?

While they were building the sky fortress, Lirisk seemed to be leading a team to the capital of seven waters... Within a few days, news came that the mayor, Bingshan, had been assassinated.

As for the capital of seven waters, there are not many people in the government who don't know that they are related to the ancient weapon Pluto!

There are many people who hold big secrets in the world of One Piece, and Ron just doesn't want to interfere with them and destroy the original work, so as to lose his plot advantage. But Bingshan's accident still made him understand that his appearance had affected the plot.

Will Frankie still stay in the capital of seven waters? Ron didn't go to investigate. He believes that with the death of Bingshan, his every move will be regarded as some kind of signal from the Nibelungen family.

Especially his battle with Lirisk is well known.

Tianlongren No. 1 dog leg, stone hammered!

Ron didn't think too much about it, but Vegapunk looked at Ron in surprise, and said with emotion as if pointing.

"Lieutenant General Ron is very well informed!"

"The name 'Proverbs' was successfully deciphered after we contacted many old scholars in Sky Island. Although they are not taboo ancient knowledge, they are completely different from Qinghai characters. Many senior archaeologists have never seen them before."

Ron: "..."


There is indeed a gap between the Sky Island script and the Qinghai script. When reading the original, it was translated into a font he could understand, so Ron kept it in mind and never took it seriously.

But in the reality of the world of One Piece, Vegapunk can't help but doubt that he can understand the characters of the sky island, and even the people of the sky island have not used the ancient sky island font for hundreds of years!

"If I say... I'm an alien, won't you find it strange?"

Ron's face twitched and he laughed.

Vegapunk took a deep look at him, stopped in front of a gate, and nodded.

"Yes, but I believe it!"

"The more I get to know you, the more weird I feel about you... People often say that the more they know, the more ignorant and small they feel. I used to scoff at this statement!"

"But since I met you, I began to believe this sentence."


The metal winch began to circle slowly, driving the door to slowly open from left to right.

Looking at the ferocious and domineering cannon behind the door, Ron stared wide-eyed in shock.

"what is this?!"

"I thought you'd give me the answer, Lieutenant General Ron..."

Vegapunk stepped into the room, and the sticky touch from his feet made his skin crawl.

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