For players, many things in the game do not need to care about the benefits and losses. As long as things are interesting enough, or make them feel that they have enough participation and a sense of substitution, then they will be enthusiastic, even excited to go. join.

The Ji'an grocery store in Wetland City announced the detailed structural cross-sectional view of the human-powered aircraft at the first time, and even gave a detailed attachment grinding production process.

Players with a little manual skills can assemble a wooden human-powered plane according to the structural diagram he gave.

Of course, there must be some explanation for the production of specific materials, and the technical security studio also gave a range to tell players how to choose materials.

After becoming professionals, players' physical fitness, brain power and hands-on ability are much higher than in reality.

For example, the simple and basic manual work of sawing wood, in reality, anyone who has the strength can saw it, but whether the saw is good, the incision is not crooked, and the speed is fast, that is another matter.

Now, as long as they are professionals, their strength is much stronger, their control ability is also very strong, and many fine manual operations have become extremely simple for them.

Therefore, within a day of releasing the structure diagram of the human-powered aircraft in the Ji'an Studio, a craftsman has already built the aircraft.

As for sanding and coloring, these two processes are completely abandoned, and they are disposable products anyway.

That night, some players had already purchased a wooden two-cabin human-powered plane made by a handmade expert.

These guys were also impatient, they didn't wait for dawn, and set off at night.

As a result, half of the planes crashed while flying at night.

Because of no flying experience.

There was no light under the dark clouds at night, and it was impossible to distinguish up, down, left and right. Half of the human-powered planes fell down less than half an hour after takeoff.

Machine crash!

As a result, these guys laughed out loud after being resurrected, and said that they were so cool, so they went to buy a new human-powered plane and went to the sky again.

As for the more than 100 people who built the ship, it took more than half a day to rush to the blue water port.

They fell wood in the woods outside the city, built hand carts under the command of the ship's boss, and transported the wood to the vicinity of the port.

The hand-made players made different parts according to the plan specified by the ship department boss in advance, and then combined them to build a medium-sized wooden boat with a length of more than 40 meters and a width of about nine meters in less than five days.

"Although I can't make a Daming treasure ship, I am very satisfied to build such a ship."

The ship boss looked at the fresh wooden boat that was about to be launched with tears in his eyes.

As a top student who graduated from the Department of Shipbuilding, his greatest wish is to build a Ming treasure ship by himself. In reality, this is never possible, but in the game, it has been half realized.

Although it is not a Daming treasure ship, it is at least a big wooden ship.

Presumably there will be opportunities to build bigger ships in the future.

Sailors in the blue water port were amazed to see this ship built from scratch and assembled little by little in a few days.

Although this ship may not be open for a long time, after all, the ship material has not been baked and dried, and it will be soaked in water in less than three months, but they have seen a novel shipbuilding concept, which can be used in just a few days. To build a medium-sized ship, as long as the ship material is replaced with qualified ones, it is bound to be a good ship.

Immediately, someone brought a good sail and asked some questions about shipbuilding skills.

The big man answered one by one.

He is not afraid of others to learn, anyway, what he learns is also taught in the university, which is worthless to him.

Swapping outdated technology for some good sails was a pretty good deal in his opinion.

After all, these sails are expensive to buy with gold coins.

Roland was in the elders council of the red magic tower at this time.

Sitting across from him is the Great Elder.

After listening to Roland's accusation, the elder slammed the table and cursed: "The guys in the space magic tower are really persistent. It is said that more than 300 years ago, in order to study space magic, they once let the demons in, causing a small country to be arrested. Extinguished. Now they are actually interested in the plane of the Son of Gold, and they have paid attention to you, do you really think that there is no one in my red magic tower?"

Just as the elder was furious, a guard came in and said, "Master, the elder of the Space Magic Tower wants to see you. "

As soon as I mentioned the space magic tower, someone came over there, which is too coincidental.

Roland and Alford looked at each other, their expressions were different.

Roland had that "Ah, it really came" expression.

Elford was annoyed at "He dares to come!"

"Please come in." Alford's expression was not very good.

The guard turned and left, and after a while, the elder of the space tower walked in.

The man was smiling. He first nodded to Elford, then looked at Roland, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency Roland, thank you for escorting the traitor back to our space magic tower, it's hard work."

His friendly and friendly appearance seemed to have nothing to do with Roland.

Just this cheeky attitude made Roland feel. I may never be able to do this kind of movie king in my life.

Roland raised his eyebrows and smiled provocatively.

He didn't speak, there was the Great Elder here, and it wasn't his turn to speak.

The elder Elford stood up, and he asked him to sit down without a smile: "Multon, what kind of wind blows you to me."

Moulton sat down, he just got up his legs, and while shaking gently, he said casually: "I want to talk to you about cooperation with the Red Magic Tower this time."

"There is no problem with cooperation, who made us an alliance!" Elford's tone was good when he said this, but then his tone suddenly changed and became a bit aggressive: "But before that, please explain it well, Why did we inhumanly suppress and hurt our student Roland!"

Moulton showed an inexplicable expression: "Suppressing and hurting Roland, why?"

Seeing his inexplicable, even a little aggrieved expression on his face, Roland was extremely impressed. This man's ability to act silly and cute has reached its peak.

Elford stared at Moulton: "How can you say that you are also the great elder of the Space Magic Tower, you still have to take responsibility, do things like a little gangster, pretending that nothing happened, Is this interesting?"

Moulton's expression became even more aggrieved: "But we really don't know what's going on."

The elder is sneering.

Roland applauded lightly from the side.

Even if they were treated with contempt by the two, Moulton's expression still did not change much.

The first elder sneered for a while, and he said, "Multon, we don't speak secretly, how do you want to compensate Roland?"

"I said, I don't even know what happened, how do you ask me to compensate."

Moulton spread his hands, looking innocent.

Elford finally ran out of patience for this. He slapped the table with both hands and scolded: "Morton, what do you mean? When all of us in the Red Magic Tower are fools? I tell you, if you don't Give an explanation, don't give compensation, don't blame our red magic tower for being rude to you."

Originally, Alford thought that the relationship between the two magic towers was still good. As long as Moulton apologized softly and paid Roland a certain amount of compensation, he would persuade Roland to make a big thing a small thing and a small thing.

However, Moulton's approach is to treat their red magic tower as a fool.

Even the most sensible person would be ignorant in such a situation.

Hearing Elford's threat, Moulton smiled indifferently: "When I came here, I walked around the Red Magic Tower. I thought some places looked pretty good, so I sat there for a while, such as books. Museums, material libraries, things like that."

Elford's face instantly turned angrier.

He vaguely understood what the other party meant.

Because the space magic tower has a unique ability, they know how to delay the magic circle.

Make something like a magic bomb, then delay it for a certain amount of time, days or even months before it goes off.

The power is incomparably large, and it is impossible to guard against it.

This magic bomb has a very strong concealment. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to completely rule out.

"Multon, your actions have completely destroyed all the tacit understanding between the magic tower." The elder has completely calmed down, but sometimes, complete calmness represents extreme anger: "Starting today, the red magic tower and the The colorless magic tower has nothing to do with it anymore."

Looking at Alford's slightly red eyes, Moulton sighed.

The two of them had known each other for sixty or seventy years.

The usual relationship is not bad, but when it comes to this kind of battle of ideas, or the battle of the magic road, the friendship between friends is nothing more than a little.

Moulton was silent for a while and said: "You give me 10 days. During these 10 days, I will stay in the red magic tower. After 10 days, I will give you an answer, whether it is good or bad."

After speaking, Moulton smiled lightly at Roland and turned to leave.

After Morton left, the elder flipped the table angrily.

The power of legendary mages is not small.

The thick wooden table smashed into pieces against the wall, and shards of wood bounced around the house as they claws.

Both of them had magic shields on them, and a lot of wood chips hit them and bounced off.

There was a crackling sound in the room.

Then came Elford's heavy breathing.

Roland sat quietly. He saw Elford's embarrassment and anger.

After a while, Elford said, "I'm sorry Roland, Moulton is threatening me with the safety of the entire red magic tower. He even risked his own life and won't let me help you find justice."

Elford looked ashamed.

The student was wronged, but he and the entire Magic Tower couldn't help him avenge his grievance. This was the entire Magic Tower's dereliction of duty.

Roland shook his head, he smiled slightly: "Elder, if you can stand behind me and let him catch me if he can't come up, you've already helped me a lot. I know what he's thinking, but 10 days later, the one who should cry is he!"

The elder's eyes lit up, thoughtful.

"How much time do you need? I'll buy it for you."

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