Mage Joan

Chapter 578: Fang Mountains

Logan carried Joan through the guard and walked straight towards the big trailer in the center of the team.

Joan soon noticed that it wasn't the common animal power in the south like mule horses that dragged the cart, but the two monsters with strange appearances.

Their large size, soaring foreheads and eversioned nostrils look like yak; thick fur and curved horns resemble sheep; they are raised up from the back of the neck to the front of the back, with the characteristics of a dromedary. It is used to store water and fat for long journeys in dry and cold seasons.

Joan had seen these "four different" animals in the "Vares Monster Illustration", and recalled them as a "highland los beast", a large food that lives in cold areas at high latitudes. Grass animals, due to their mild temperament and hard work, have been domesticated by the Asa indigenous people in the north into livestock since ancient times, providing the most important land transportation transportation power for the northern residents.

As the times move forward, the way people travel is changing.

Joan heard Clark say that in the rich areas of the old continent where the magic technology is highly developed, people have abandoned the traditional method of animal transportation and instead laid rails on the ground, pulling a long train of cars with the front of the magic steam engine. ,Flying along the rails like a car, no matter the carrying capacity or driving speed is far more than the animal trailer.

There are even radical scholars who publicly declare in the newspapers that this "magic train" will completely change the face of the world of Vales. Unfortunately, even in the new continent far from the center of civilization, even a magic train has not yet been built.

The canopy cart dragged by the highland los beasts is as large as the carriages of two public carriages. Five thick oak boxes are piled on the car, which is more essential for the journey.

In addition to the dry food eaten by humans, the cart also contains neat corn on the cob and black beans packed in sacks-the corn on the cob is the favorite snack of the highland los beast, and the black bean is the feed for the horses.

Logan jumped into the cart with Joan on his back. Hakang followed closely, carefully helped Joan sit on the soft blanket, and checked his leg injury. He frowned straightly and turned back to tell his sister softly that the injury was very serious. If he could not get proper treatment in time, it might be Falling out of a lifelong disability.

Sluder's face changed slightly, and he turned and got out of the car without saying anything.

Joanne is very optimistic about his injury.

He has "tears of God" in his hand, and he can make a healing potion at any time. Although this kind of potion, which is only equivalent to one ring of magic, has limited curative effect and rapid treatment of skin and skin trauma, it can not quickly heal the broken leg bone. After all, it is much stronger than relying on the human body to recover naturally.

As long as he gets enough rest, Joan feels that he can walk freely on crutches for up to a month. Of course, he still needs long-term recovery if he wants to reach the normal state of running and jumping.

Anyway, he doesn’t have any urgent things to do now, some of them have time to heal slowly, and his broken leg does not prevent reading and writing, studying spells. He is not the kind of lively and active character. The biggest advantage of his life is that he can withstand loneliness, even if he has limited mobility. , Can also endure.

After a short delay, the caravan set off again. Logan wanted to go out to dispatch the team and left his son in the car to chat with Joan to relieve boredom.

Joan happened to have a lot of questions to ask, and the most urgent thing to know is where he is.

"This is the eastern foothills of Tusk, and the neighborhood is very desolate. There are often snow monsters and wild animals. No one dares to settle in this area. The nearest village also has a three to four-day trip from here. The next section of the road, we have to be in the wild. Sleeping out, the conditions are tough, you are injured again, you can only stick to it first."

Hakang opened a roll of blankets and put them on Joan's legs lightly, comforting with a smile:

"If there are no accidents on the road, we can return to Shizhu Town for another ten days at the most, and you will get proper treatment by then!"

Joanne is not afraid of hardship. Compared to his situation, he is more worried about the safety of Clark, Shrek and Casio.

Before he was rescued by the Logan family, he used "wind communication" to try to get in touch with Clark and others.

Unfortunately, the spell ended in failure, which shows that Clark and others are far away from his location, exceeding the maximum communication distance of "wind communication".

At first, Joan thought he fell in the "Owl Bear Valley" area.

They had planted magic beans in that area, and climbed up the vines along the sky to the Yunzhong City built by Cloud Giant Archmage Vavrunier, then according to common sense, if they fell from the Yunzhong City, they should also fall to the owl. Near Bear Valley.

Now, after listening to Hakang's introduction, Joan realized that he was wrong.

In fact, he was wrapped up by the storm clouds to the Fangshan Mountain, which is five hundred miles away from the north of the Owl Valley. As for Clark and others, I am afraid that the storm has blown to the end of the world. It is difficult to say whether he can save his life.

Joan now has a broken leg. He is still too busy to look for his lost companion. He has no choice but to repress his concern for Clark and others and silently listen to Ha Kang about the fangs in the mountains.

This north-south-trending mountain range differs greatly in elevation at different locations. The snow peaks throughout the year are interlaced with deep gorges with dense vegetation. The whole looks like a row of jagged fangs, so it is called "fangs" by the indigenous people. Mountains".

The Tusk Mountains are 4000 miles long, bordered by the "Hooked Forest" to the south, and the "Jodenheim Glacier" to the north. It is the most important mountain range on the east coast of Wilnoa and also separates the "Midgard" area from the west. A natural barrier in the "Genting Highlands" has prevented human residents living in coastal areas from directly clashing with giants living on the plateau.

"Except for the occasional giant gangsters who came and plundered from the plateau, the greatest threat to our mountain residents is the "Snow Monster"."

Speaking of which, Hakang turned his admiration on Joan.

"Our Asa people living in Fangshan District must collectively participate in a large hunting event when they reach the age of fifteen. As an adult ceremony, the goal of the hunting is the snow monsters who frequently attack business trips and villages. If you kill a snow monster yourself during hunting, you will be regarded as a hero by your peers."

Ha Kang smiled, the glory of memory lingering in his eyes.

"Both Sluder and I personally killed the snow monster at the hunting ceremony, and now we are still very proud of it, but compared with you, we are too far away!"

"Recall that when I was thirteen, I saw that the snow monster only had to flee to escape. At the same age, you dared to go to Fang Mountain alone and fight the snow monster alone. This courage made me have to take it!"

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