Mage Joan

Chapter 325: Joan's Devil's Eye (Ⅱ)

The visual organ "eyeball" is obviously best suited for ray spells.

There are three main types of ray spells currently in Joan's hands, namely 0 ring "frozen ray", 1 ring "weak ray", and 2 ring "burning ray" just learned recently.

The upper limit of the magic power of "Frozen Rays" is only half of the energy level.

"Debilitating Ray" can reduce the target's power, and "Burning Ray" can cause fire damage equivalent to 4 magic levels to the target, ranking first in all the spells Joan currently masters.

These two spells are very practical, Joan is difficult to choose, and finally decided to enchant both the "debilitating ray" and "burning ray" in the prosthetic eye.

Children only do multiple-choice questions, all adults need it!

But in this way, it takes at least 3 ounces of magic crystals, but he only has 2 ounces of magic crystals on hand.

If you go to Yangbo to buy Magic Crystal now, it will take two hours to go back and forth, which is too much trouble.

Joan hesitated for a while, suppressing the transformation effect and restoring his original form, and quickly walked into the office of the instructor next door, patting the shoulder of the cleaning wooden golem.

"Kino, I'm in a hurry, can you help?"

"Of course I am here to help you, Mr. Vader."

The wooden golem supported the mop, and Bi Gong replied respectfully.

"I desperately need 1 ounce of magic crystal, can I borrow Master Rolls' inventory first and return it at the latest tomorrow."

The jewels of the wooden golem flashed continuously, and the clockwork of many clockwork boxes in the body made a clicking sound, indicating that it was thinking.

"Mr. Vader, I just checked your authority in this laboratory. Without the written or oral authorization provided by Master Rolls, your temporary loan limit is 3 ounces. In view of your consistent creditworthiness, And the current debt is zero, I can fully meet your request."

The wooden golem explained in a public office tone, turned around and walked to the front of the safe. Two blue rays of light were emitted from his eyes, directly illuminating the "secret lock".

Joan waited for about five seconds, the "secret lock" passed the verification, and made a click with a crisp sound, the upper level of the safe opened on its own.

Chino's permission can only be opened on the upper level of the safe, and only on the lower level can be opened by Master Rolls himself.

Chino took a small iron can containing a 1 ounce magic crystal from the top of the safe, turned it around and handed it to Joan, and then handed over a standard form of receipt.

Joan signed his name on the loan note and handed it to the wooden golem.

"Thank you Chino, it really helped!"

"You're welcome, Mr. Vader, it's my pleasure to serve you."

Chino put away the invoice and carefully closed the safe.

Joan took the small tin like a condiment bottle and went back to his lab bench, thinking that he owed another debt, and he was a little bit depressed.

Fortunately, this is not a usury.

There are some tutors in the college who are very demanding on students and lend them expensive materials such as magic crystals and charge interest.

Master Rawls is not that kind of person, as long as Joan returns the 1 ounce of magic crystal before the holiday, or just pay 625 gold Durga at the market price.

Of course, Joan is more willing to use the former method of debt repayment, because he can buy cheaper magic crystals at Yangbo. 25 gold duga is not a small money for poor students like him. .

Joan now has enough magic crystals, and he is happily turning into the "eye of insight" and restarting construction.

The enchanting link of "Blazing Rays" went smoothly, and when it was the turn of "Bad Rays", Joan had more thought.

"Debilitating Ray" is a necromantic spell that guides "negative energy."

The principle of the spell is to use negative energy to erode the blood of the hostile target, extract its heat, and temporarily make it fall into a state of weakness and weakness.

Joan wants to bless the "debilitating rays" on the prosthetic eye, first of all to find a matching rune rune.

He recalled all 24 Rune runes, and initially screened out three runes with a high degree of matching, namely the No. 9 rune Hagal meaning "delay and restraint", which means "binding and The No. 10 rune Nvd of "pain" and the No. 13 rune Eoh which means "death and rebirth".

Although the Eoh rune can match the "necromantic" arcane art, its meaning is not directly related to the effect of "debilitating rays", and was first removed by Joe.

Hagal runes and Nvd runes have a high degree of matching with "debilitating rays", but Nvd runes are more capable of reflecting the powerlessness caused by "debilitating rays" and more in line with Joan's needs.

Joan divides an eye stem, rolls up a quill pen to depict the Nvd rune on the prosthetic eye, and then chants the spell spell, using 1 ounce magic crystal as an enchanting stabilizer, successfully blessing the "debilitating rays" in the prosthetic eye. On the completion of all enchanting procedures.

Joan carefully observed the prosthetic eye exuding a slight magic wave, raised his stalk and pointed out the window, and meditated to activate the spell.



The prosthetic eye embedded in the end of the eye stem first emits a fiery red light beam towards the night sky, and then emits a pale negative energy ray.

Joan stared at the main eyes, watching the red and white rays successively escape into the night sky.

The test results were very satisfying to him, and he grinned with a big toothy mouth.

The prosthetic eye enchanted by his own hands can release 3 "burning rays" plus 4 "weak rays" every day.

Using human eyes to release magic rays in a humanoid state can be used as a "killer tool" to sneak into the enemy.

For example, when being knocked down by an enemy or tying hands and feet, a sudden shot comes out, and the guarantor can give the opponent a big "surprise".

The use of this trick in the form of "eye of insight" makes him look more like a real "eye demon", and can be used to bluff those Muggles who don't know enough about the eye demons if necessary.

Joanne also considered using the repeated stacking method to enchant the prosthetic eye in order to achieve the goal of unlimited release of "burning rays" and "weak rays".

It is a pity that neither of these two spells is a change spell based on "evolution" and cannot be matched with Daeg runes, so I have to give up this unrealistic idea.


Joan's step-by-step work in the laboratory did not complete the upgrade and improvement of the "sports belt" until the morning of August 8th. On the basis of retaining the original functions, he strengthened all the six attributes at 2 points.

Joan picked up the 6-ounce magic crystal belt and re-tied it around his waist, silently experiencing the subtle pleasure of the magic blending into flesh and blood, and then performing "endoscopy" to check his current physical condition.


Status: Basic health (right eye disability)

Level: Master 3 Myth Archer 1

Current spell slot: 0 ring-infinite; 1 ring -4 (intellect attribute bonus +2); 2 ring -3 (intellect attribute bonus +2)

Taoist ability (Mythic Archmage): Mythic power 5 days, wild arcane, mythical spellcasting, energy replacement;

Attributes: Strength 12 (Belt +2), Dexterity 14 (Belt +2), Constitution 12 (Belt +2), Intelligence 24 (Wisdom Spring +5, Tears of God +4, Belt +2), Wisdom 16 (Belt + 2), Charm 18 (Belt +2)

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