Mage Adam

Two hundred and forty-seven, the appointed devil

The devil was stunned, it never expected such an operation, and stammered and pretended to be stupid: "Oh! I understand, you mean Sophia, I think she can do it too!"

"Sophia? She has other uses, and she's too stupid to keep up with me. She's no more useful than Uncle Garfield."

The devil has dreamed countless times that Adam can say this title one day, but today it sounds extremely harsh: "What are you talking can I not understand...I am just your slave..."

Adam pinched his fingers, and the flames burned blazingly at his fingertips: "The fire of origin is a kind of will, this kind of life form is very advanced, and it has a very strong tolerance."

"so what?"

"You are also will, and you are a will life that can exist independently and roam the void of the ether. Tell me, if you are ignited, will it promote the fusion and evolution of the two lives?" The flame jumped at the fingertips, condensing into the appearance of a devil, Then the flame devil exploded and a brand-new species that couldn't be seen clearly appeared, "I think it's very possible."

The devil felt that he might be the most miserable devil in the void, and it made a final resistance: "I can't appear on the Titan plane for the time being?"

With a snap, Adam extinguished the flame.

"Normally, this is the case, but now I have agreed to Qi 31 and decided to take a shortcut. Of course, you have to take some risks with me. Anyway, if I am discovered by super-dimensional creatures, you and I will go back to the mage together. It doesn’t make any difference to you whether it’s earlier or later.”

What Adam said made sense, but the devil's mood became more and more desperate: "But master, I am a life of will. If you fail the test after you ignite my will, I will have no chance of resurrection!"


"You can try to trust yourself, trust me."


Then it was time for Adam to build up energy like crazy.

After a short period of market testing, the kinetic suit quickly fermented and became a hot-selling product. The functions of slightly increasing combat effectiveness and greatly increasing the survival rate of newborns were accepted by all Titans.

Now it is not just the newborn Titans who come to buy alone, many front-line cities have placed a large number of orders. Once the armor is manufactured, it will be taken away by the waiting Titans immediately.

Later, Adam had no choice but to sell the right to use the patent to meet market needs in the form of outsourcing.

Knight-level armor is also very popular, especially for some titans who have just been promoted to knights and do not have too powerful offensive methods. The order flew in.

The sales volume of Commander-level armor is average. Titans of this level already have their own mature combat system. Adding unfamiliar equipment rashly will disrupt their rhythm. Only some curious Commanders will buy it back for experimentation and research. Of course, With Adam's permission.

Anyway, Adam didn't think that the encryption program he left behind would be cracked, so he simply opened up the research authority.

However, the most profitable one is the flexible shield of the power furnace. After hundreds of failed experiments, Adam finally found the correct formula. The full version of the shield has excellent ductility and defense capabilities. Corrosive sap, oxidizing rays and mouthpart attacks, the electromagnetic transformation circle depicted in it can also accelerate the cooling of the power furnace and restore small damage.

These functions are very powerful, and all the Titans fighting on the front line are in need. Adam presented the finished product to several acquaintances such as Iron 27, Burning Wind 222, and Blue Water 147. After personal trials, the flexible shield immediately became a Explosive.

However, the knowledge and technical requirements of the flexible shield are too high and too secret. Adam can only make it himself. Although he has allocated a whole room of avatars to help, the supply is still in short supply. Equipment, many Titans even waited outside the workshop day and night, just for the first time.

As a result, Adam gained a lot of military exploits. In addition to exchanging high-quality energy blocks and the ultimate energy blocks required for promotion, he also purchased a large number of high-purity metals and special alloys, some of which were used to build his own third-level body, and the other part It is for the devil.

His body still uses mithril, and the time is too short for him to research and replace metals that are more suitable for transmitting electromagnetic force, but he is very dedicated to the devil's body.

Since he was going to meet the Titan royal family instead of him, life-saving ability was the most important. Adam chose an alloy with the strongest energy resistance and physical resistance and smelted it with Mithril according to the proportion, and then described the gravity-related magic circle inside it little by little. , ready to turn the devil into a space titan.

The knowledge about gravity and space is too obscure, because the problem of the information carrying capacity of Tinder language is many times more complicated after conversion, so the progress of this work is relatively slow.

Qi 31 cared about Adam very much, and would come to the workshop every few days to throw some advanced knowledge that might be used, especially the advanced knowledge of Tinder language, to Adam, and never mentioned the issue of military exploits. He even helped Adam make armor himself.

Before, he always wanted Adam to be his assistant, but now it's completely reversed.

Adam, the maker of gravitational metal, didn't carry his back either. After Qi 31 asked casually, he stopped paying attention. He was just a little dissatisfied with Adam being so distracted, but after seeing Adam's single-minded ability, he closed his eyes on the mouth.

"Why do you have to be promoted to the commander before you are willing to go to the king's city with me?" Qi 31 in the ninth month couldn't help asking. Although everything seems to be going well here for Adam, in his mind, it is very difficult for Titan to be promoted. , without enough knowledge to support it, even if the fire energy is enough, it is impossible. He has seen too many titans spend their lives at a certain level, and died in battle. It is obvious that Adam's grasp of the fire language is stronger than him up.

"My current strength is not enough, don't worry, I will not have a bottleneck in the leadership stage." Every time Adam answered him with this sentence.

What Adam said was right, he was originally a third-level mage, and now he just changed his body to re-promote. Naturally, there would be no bottlenecks, but Qi 31 didn't know. Seeing that Adam was not in a hurry, he could only worry secretly.

This anxiety actually brought Adam a windfall. In addition to the knowledge of the fire language, Qi 31 began to give Adam energy blocks without interruption, which saved him a lot of military exploits.

In this way, in the thirteenth month, Adam completed all the accumulation before the promotion, and the space metal was initially manufactured. Just waiting for the new fire to settle in, a powerful Titan will be born.

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