Mad Doctor

Chapter 778: fierce goddess

Chapter 778 Fierce Goddess

Chang Xiaomei was in a daze when she was yelled at. There were so many people in the bureau, but she was yelled at like this, which made her very embarrassed and wanted to hide.

Many people around saw this scene, and they were all shocked by Ye Wutian's powerful words. After the Fa-rectification on the spot, they would get rid of Captain Chang? Such a beautiful person, he Ye Wutian is willing to get rid of him? Is this human?

With this sentence alone, Ye Wutian is enough to become the public enemy of many men. At least the unmarried men in the Dongcheng Police Station will regard him as an enemy. Such a shameless approach should be despised.

Ye Wutian didn't have the time to pay attention to the people around him. He grabbed Chang Xiaomei's little hand and wanted to leave, but was thrown away by Chang Xiaomei.

"Do not touch me."

This time, Ye Ye is really angry, and I think that the young master has already made concessions. Already like this, you still want to continue to lose your temper?

No explanation, no reminder, I saw Ye Wutian pulled Chang Xiaomei into his arms, and kissed him without saying a word.

Chang Xiaomei was angry and anxious, struggling desperately, trying to get out of Ye Wutian's arms in a hurry.

This scene was once again shocking, Ye Wutian actually kissed the goddess in their hearts, the people who saw this scene were more or less sour in their hearts, and they wished that the person who kissed Chang Xiaomei was themselves. .

No matter how Chang Xiaomei struggled, Ye Wutian just didn't let go, hugged her tightly, and continued to kiss without stopping her mouth. For a woman like this self-righteous, kissing is the best way to kiss her softly.

Chang Xiaomei used both hands and feet, constantly greeting Ye Wutian, hoping to struggle away from Ye Wutian, but her strength is not as strong as Ye Wutian.

Being held so strongly, the moves could not be unfolded at all, and they could only raise their fists to greet Ye Wutian like an ordinary girl acting like a spoiled child.

Hammering, pinching, and all kinds of tricks, none of them could successfully get Ye Wutian to let go of her.

Ye Wutian endured bitterly, and was pinched by Chang Xiaomei or something. He was in pain, but at this time, he could only endure it. Uncle Ye knew very well that letting go at this time would only make Chang Xiaomei suffer. hate him forever.

This kind of scene lasted for a few minutes. The two of you came and went, one kissed seriously, and the other fought seriously. The scene was very intense.

Finally, I don't know if Chang Xiaomei was tired or he was conquered. Slowly, her resistance became weaker and weaker. In the end, there was no resistance at all, just let Ye Wutian hug her and kiss her, and even let the surrounding The heartbreak of those male policemen was that their goddess was still hugging Ye Wutian for a kiss.

This kiss lasted for nearly ten minutes, until they both felt lack of oxygen, and then slowly let go. At this time, Chang Xiao Meiqiao's face was covered with red clouds, which made her look so charming. .

It turns out that the glamorous Captain Chang has such a side.

"Would you like to go to dinner?" Ye Wutian was very satisfied with Chang Xiaomei's reaction. In his uncle Ye's words, this is the normal behavior of women.

Chang Xiaomei didn't say anything, and her silence was directly considered by Ye Wutian as permission.

"Okay, everyone, thank you for your service, everyone, let's go. After the play is over, everyone go back to do their own work." Ye Wutian waved his hand and took Chang Xiaomei's hand to leave.

Uncle Ye, who was in a good mood, pulled Chang Xiaomei out of the police station, and then opened the door in person to let Chang Xiaomei get in the car.

Chang Xiaomei obediently got into the car, and Ye Wutian drove her to an elegant restaurant. This fellow directly asked for a couples seat and ordered a couples package.

"Daughter-in-law, eat it, why don't you eat it? Isn't it delicious? Should I let them change it?" Ye Wutian asked.

Chang Xiaomei raised her head slightly to look at Ye Wutian: "What do you want?"

"What's up? You're confusing me. I don't want to do anything, I just want to eat with you."

"What do you mean to me like this?" Chang Xiaomei said again, remembering that when she was kissed forcibly just now, her face became hot for a while, but she didn't seem to be very resistant.

"What's wrong? Impressed?"

"Do you really want me to be your daughter-in-law?" Chang Xiaomei suddenly summoned up the courage to ask.

Ye Wutian was a little stunned by the question, and he said in good conscience that he was more out of a teasing mentality. Now that he was asked by Chang Xiaomei, he didn't know how to answer.

"Have you considered my feelings? You already have so many women, do you know that I will definitely agree?"

Ye Wutian blushed: "You mean you don't agree?"

"Why should I agree? Yes, you are very rich. If I marry you, I can have more than enough money to spend, but that's not the most important thing."

"Hehe, Auntie she likes me very much." Ye Wutian laughed shamelessly.

"That's because my mother doesn't know about you, otherwise she would be the first to object."

"Uh! What do you think?"

"Don't bother me anymore, each has his own way." Chang Xiaomei put forward the conditions.

Ye Wutian immediately vetoed, "That won't work, we've already reached this point, daughter-in-law, let me say something crazy, now in Dongcheng, no one dares to ask you except me, everyone knows that you are my daughter-in-law, Who dares to touch my woman?"

"Bah! Shameless, who is your woman?" Chang Xiaomei was very angry.

"A lot of people think this way, including your colleagues in the police department, they think the same way."

Chang Xiaomei was very depressed. Although she didn't want to believe it, she had to admit that Ye Wutian's words made sense. The reality was just like that. Her colleagues thought she was Ye Wutian's woman.

"Isn't it enough for the two to be happy together? Why bother with so much? Otherwise, you should stop being a police officer, this profession is dangerous."

"This is a job I like, let alone you, my mother has no right to stop me."

Ye Wutian, who shrugged, said: "Okay, do it if you like, I support you, anyway, I will not give up, unless you can find a better and better man than me, as long as you bring him out, I will give up."

"That's what you said." Chang Xiaomei, who was suffering from a headache, immediately regained her energy. In fact, if Ye Wutian hadn't had so many girlfriends, she would have really considered going with her. In addition, other aspects are very favorable, and it is not bad to marry such a man.

"Hehe, I said you must never find a man to fool me at will, I'm an expert in that kind of thing."

Chang Xiaomei said, "Don't worry, I will prove it to you."

"How to prove it? I warn you, don't let others take advantage of you for acting. If I know that you're just trying to deceive me, don't blame me for smashing flowers."

Chang Xiaomei left without even eating, so she left angrily.

Uncle Ye looked at the couple's set meal in front of him, and wondered if he had to eat two today?

Chang Xiaomei's departure also made Ye Wuwu lose his appetite and sat there with a depressed expression.

"Can I sit down?" Before the words came, a pleasant aroma hit.

Ye Wutian looked up quickly, the next moment, his face was full of surprised expressions, c'mon! How did this woman come?

"Did you invite me to eat on purpose?" Xu Ying sat down with a smile, sitting in the place where Chang Xiaomei had just now.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wutian, who came to his senses, asked.

"If I said it was fate, would you believe it?" Xu Ying said.

Ye Wutian didn't know whether to believe it or not, but it was just such a coincidence? You can meet her here too.

"I haven't eaten these things before, do you mind if I eat them? It just so happened that I didn't eat anything either." Xu Ying had already picked up the chopsticks and took the set meal that originally belonged to Chang Xiaomei as his own.

To tell the truth, Ye Wutian actually didn't want Xu Ying to eat that set meal, which made him feel strange.

"It tastes good." Xu Ying ate quite tasty.

"Why are you here?" Ye Wutian always felt incredible, how could Xu Ying appear here?

Xu Ying gave Ye Wutian a flirtatious look: "What? You still think I'm stalking you? They say that I just passed by by chance, don't you believe it? This is a restaurant, and of course I'm here to eat."

"You have been staying in Dongcheng?"

"It's very good here, at least it's quiet." Xu Ying showed a bitter smile, "I assure you, today is definitely just a chance encounter."

Ye Wutian didn't ask any more, just sat there quietly watching Xu Ying eat, but no matter how he looked at it, he felt that he should not pinch, it was incredible, obviously this couple's package was ordered for Chang Xiaomei, but now the other party has replaced Xu Ying.

Is it really as Xu Ying said, all this is fate?

"It tastes good, and it suits my appetite." Xu Ying, who was quite satisfied, raised his head: "Why don't you eat it? Do you want to see me?"

"It's nothing." Ye Wutian himself couldn't tell what kind of feeling this would be, it was just weird.

Xu Ying put down her chopsticks, took out a wedding card from her handbag and handed it to Ye Wutian: "It's just right to meet you today, I'm getting married."

Ye Wutian took the invitation in a trance, but did not open it immediately, and placed it on the table after taking it.

"Don't you look at it? At least you should congratulate me, right?"

"Have you figured it out?" Hesitating for a while, Ye Wutian asked.

Xu Ying replied with a smile: "After thinking about it, since you can't pick the one you like, it's not the same who you choose? It's all men, so it's enough to complete the task of getting married."

Ye Wutian could feel the traces of resentment revealed in Xu Ying's tone, perhaps, she was resenting him.

"Isn't it good for you when I get married? I've always been afraid that I will pester When I get married, you won't be afraid that I will pester you again, and a woman like me can stay away from you. Far away, is this not good?"

At the same time as he spoke, tears also appeared. Xu Ying made Ye Wutian panic. This didn't seem to be the result he wanted. Xu Ying was going to get married, and she had to marry someone she didn't like.

"Xu Ying, you don't need to do this, really, there's no need to do it at all, there's no need to be so mean to yourself, no matter what, I sincerely hope you can be happy."

"Am I still happy? You say, am I still happy?" Xu Ying laughed and cried, tears streaming down her face.

"Don't be like this, at least we can still be friends, you are right, I should congratulate you, but I will not go to your wedding, presumably I am also the kind of person who is not welcome, and going will only make everyone uncomfortable. happy.

"No, you must come." Xu Ying's attitude changed suddenly, I hope you can come, just to give me face. "

"Xu Ying is right, you must come." Behind him, another voice sounded. (m)

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