Low Dimensional Game

Chapter 206 Soul Eater Goat Demon Heim

"We must get rid of them!"

"Only I am the spokesperson of the gods!"

Anke Pusut was plotting his own plot in the Sky Temple, and the priests belonging to Setisis were also promoting remarks that were unfavorable to Anke Pusut.

"The high priest of Anke should give up the position of the high priest to Setisis!"

"That's right, Setisis is the real spokesperson for the gods!"

Anke Pusut bought a poison prepared by a wizard from a human businessman, bought a waiter who followed Setixis, and put the poison in his food leg of lamb, even if it was a priest or a wizard, They could no longer break away from the laws of body, lifespan, and death. The same was true for Setisis. This poison was enough to kill him.

The meticulous plan escaped Setisis' prudence and carefulness, making him unaware, but because Setisis copied the holy scriptures too late, and Setisis imitated a desert hero raised by the god Randyr. But the lion quietly ate it, and the poison eroded its body, rotting into a puddle of rotten water.

Disappointed and angry, Setisis knew that if this continued, the Sky Temple would fall apart, and his wishes and ideals would never be realized. This was unacceptable to Setisis, so he finally launched For Anke Pusut's coup, he took over the guards in Pusut's city overnight, killed the leader of the temple guards, and launched a cleansing of the temple's interior.

In the middle of the night, the fighting continued in the temple. The faint lights on the wall, accompanied by the flickering of figures and screams, blood flowed in the cracks between the stone slabs, converging into a gurgling blood stream, dyed red The whole temple.

"Setixis, you arrogant hypocrite, you will be punished by the gods!" During the fierce killing, a sacrificial monk who took up a long sword and weapon pointed at Seti Sith let out a roar of his own.

Setisis led the people all the way into the depths of the temple. Along the way, many priests of the underworld who also learned the magic arts fought with Setisis's priests, but in Setisis Under the shroud of the underworld, the divine arts of several priests were blocked and eliminated.

Fighting all the way to the gate of the temple, everyone walked up the high stairs, fighting all the way up. On top of it was the residence of the incarnation of the gods, the holy land of the sky temple. Now there have been erected many Idols of the gods.

Setisis stretched out his hand expressionlessly and raised a ray of light, and saw a priest standing on the temple immediately fall down, fell on the steps and struggled for a long time, before dying after still roaring: "You kill your brothers and sisters, you will be judged in hell, and you will be subject to the most severe punishment!"

So far, the entire Sky Temple has completely fallen into the hands of Setisis, and the monk who instigated and arranged to poison Setisis, who is the priest who guards the fire, and several of his subordinates, Was pushed in front of Setisis.

These people all looked at Setisis with hatred and disapproval. From their point of view, Setisis is just an ideal person who can only talk empty words and big words, a madman who would not even take his life to achieve his goal. , but he rigidly abides by the so-called morality and standards of good and evil. He is a so-called guy who makes people feel out of place.

Most people can't abide by his strict standards, and don't agree with his practices and ideas.

"You are nothing but a liar in the name of a god!"

After saying this, his head was cut off immediately under the steps. The gate of the temple was opened, and he walked through the tall stone pillars, stepped over the white threshold, entered it, and could see the copper beasts on the walls on both sides. Head oil lamps, all lit.

The light illuminated the entire temple, and Anke Pusut was kneeling in the center of the temple, in front of the statue of the god Randyr. At this moment, the people who followed Setisis into the temple were about to step forward, but they were blocked. Tisis stopped them and waved their hands to let them back out.

When more than a dozen people withdrew, they also pulled the thick stone door of the temple together. With the harsh sound of closing the door, the hall closed, as if it was cut off from the outside, and only Setisis and Anke were left inside.

Setisis walked forward on the stone slab, and the footsteps in the silence were particularly crisp and loud. Setisis walked to Anke's side and looked at the tall statue, as if he could feel the gods watching them.

"Anke Pusut, are you ashamed?"

Anke Pusut let go of his praying hands and opened his eyes: "Why should I be ashamed? I am the high priest appointed by the gods. I am the spokesperson of the gods. I am also the apostle who once guarded and followed the gods. Yes. I am the first follower of the gods, and I should be respected and recognized the most."

"I used all my efforts and efforts to get all of this, and to get the recognition and attention of the gods. Why, why did you take him away from me?"

In Anke Pusut's view, he deserved all of this, and Setisis was the one who took everything away from him, the one who swept him down from the sky, he couldn't accept it, he Unable to accept this kind of failure, the feeling of losing everything made him at a loss what to do.

Setisis looked at Anke Pusut's ferocious face, his facial muscles trembled, his eye sockets became sunken and red, and he suddenly became extremely disappointed: "I was wrong, I thought you were the same as me, yes A devout believer!"

"You are just a businessman. In your eyes, there are only exchanges and benefits, only giving and rewards, while faith and gods are dedication and do not ask for rewards. You are not my fellow travelers. You will not fight for faith and salvation!"

"You may be an excellent businessman, but you are not a qualified high priest and lord, Anke Pusut, we are different, we are no longer that small businessman and humble slave, we have everything under control, The whole Pusut will have more in the future, you are still pursuing those ridiculous things, you have become a saint standing at the feet of the gods, but you are still like a mouse on the ground, short-sighted and ridiculous!"

Before Setisis finished speaking, Anke Pusut roared angrily: "Do you think everyone must be like you? Why do you ask us to do like you, you Setisis Is it a god?"

Setisis said: "I am the heir to the will of the gods!"

"Hahahaha, you, you are really..."

Anke Pusut laughed unceasingly, but at this moment, blood continued to flow from the corner of his mouth, and he fell to the ground, propped up on the ground and kept moving vigorously, before he leaned to the side.

Setisis did not expect this to happen. Seeing Anke Pusut leaning against the feet of the statue of the god, blood continuously pouring out of his mouth, Setisis did not expect this to happen, Anke Pusut He is the spokesperson appointed by the gods, and Setisis is not qualified to kill him. In the end, he can only be placed under house arrest, but he never thought that Anke Pusut would make such a choice.

Anke Pusut looked at Setisis with a sneer on his face: "I...I will not accept your judgment and mercy, I am the high priest, only the gods can judge me, you... are not qualified !"

After Anke Pusut said this, he tilted his head and died. Setisis stood for a long time, and suddenly felt that his ideal and path were far more difficult than he imagined. Disapproval, death, killing, betrayal , will be accompanied by my whole life, and Anke Pusut is just the first test and difficulty on the road of my life.

In the inner square of the Sky Temple, a large number of corpses were gathered together and gradually enshrined in gorgeous coffins, especially Anke Pusut, who will still be carried out as the first generation high priest of the Sky Temple Burial, everything in this incident will not be mentioned in history and records.

After this civil strife, there were only five of the underworld priests left. Setisis and a few underworld priests, together with a large number of priests from the sky temple, recited prayers silently.

The bonfire was flickering, and the scriptures in the Book of the Dead kept gushing out of their mouths. The scene was so weird that people felt a little creepy and panicked.

And in places invisible to the naked eye, the priests who died in the temple, the conscious bodies in each body, except for the dead shell, the consciousness of most ordinary human beings dissipated confidently at the moment of death, and The consciousness of these underworld priests remained here.

After the consciousness body of the priest of the underworld is separated from the body, it revolves and jumps around the bonfire. Under the guidance of the book of the dead, it senses the places of death and the place of the underworld deep underground, and passes through a mysterious passage one by one. , left the world of the living.

A scattered consciousness penetrated into the underworld and merged into the underworld, and under the projection of the underworld, figures in black robes and holding sickles appeared on the land of the underworld. .

And with the integration of these underworld sacrifices, the entire underworld became wider and more solid. In the center of the underworld, a temple belonging to the god of death appeared. The priest entered the temple of the god of death.

After Anke Pusut's consciousness integrated into the dark sun, he immediately saw that in the distance of the vast land of the underworld, at the end of the river of the underworld, a huge gate of the underworld rose from the ground, and Anke Pusut , then transformed into a huge monster whose lower body is a sheep and upper body is a human.

His huge body up to ten meters high, his ferocious fangs and long hair make people feel frightened, and the huge black fork in his hand guards the gate of the underworld.

Many years later, he was called the guardian of the gate of the underworld, the soul-eating goat demon Heim. He guarded the entrance and exit gates of the underworld to prevent people from breaking in or escaping without permission. He likes to devour souls, and he likes order and dislikes chaos. Therefore, when entering the underworld, when passing through the gate of the underworld, you must line up neatly, or the soul-devouring goat demon Heim will pick up its giant fork and swallow you as a snack, devouring your soul.

It is said that it is extremely greedy for money, as long as it accepts bribes, it may let you pass through the gate of the underworld. He is proud and arrogant, and does not allow anyone to speak ill of him, and this is also his weakness.

With the integration of the first batch of underworld priests, the underworld finally began to function. The enhancement of the underworld sun and the expansion of the underworld immediately made the powerful ghosts in this world who escaped from the original rules feel a strong attraction.

These ghosts finally felt the call and attraction of the world of death. Some weak ghosts could not resist the attraction of the underworld one by one, left the real world, came towards the underworld, and arrived at the entrance of the underworld.

These confused ghosts, they have no memory, only part of their instincts are left, but they can still feel the dangerous aura here. The huge Soul Eater Goat Demon Heim above the black steps.

"Line up, the chaos will die!"

The cruel and greedy voice of the Soul Eater Goat Demon echoed in the underworld.

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